© 2023 Counterbalance Entertainment
When a deadly terrorist network threatens to blow up Las Vegas, an elite special forces group are deployed to prevent the disaster. Problem 1: They party a little too hard. Problem 2: Things are about to spiral hopelessly out of control. Can they beat the odds and save Vegas?
Clip 1 S01 E01: "Real American Heroes" |
Maya "Tech Chick" Lerner has a crush on Chad McKnight. He's her hero. So even when he throws her a (semi) professional compliment, it sets her pulse racing. |
Chad McKnight |
You're the tits, Tech Chick. |
Maya Lerner |
I'm the tits. |
Clip 2 S01 E01: "Real American Heroes" |
Haggerty has one thumb because he works in bomb disposal. But cut the guy some slack... he's just saved Las Vegas. |
Haggerty |
Who has one thumb and just saved Las Vegas? This guy! |
Clip 3 S01 E01: "Real American Heroes" |
Maya likes to think there's sexual chemistry between her and McKnight. Which is why she's always tripping herself up like this. |
Chad McKnight |
Everyone's invited. Ready to get fu*ked up, Tech Chick? |
Maya Lerner |
Ready to get fu*ked... up. |
Clip 4 S01 E01: "Real American Heroes" |
Paul is on the phone to his wife, apologising that he missed his daughter's prom to be on this mission. So Chad steps in to help. And does quite the opposite. |
Paul Yung |
Honey. That's not fair. You know I wanted to be there. This mission was important. What? No, of course I'm not saying our daughter's not important. What the... |
[CHAD takes the phone from PAUL] |
Chad McKnight |
Hey, Paul's wife, Chad McKnight here. I just want to say your husband was a real hero today. He did some crazy sh*t. Why don't we cut the guy some slack, let him have some fun? Huh? Maybe a couple of lap dances. A "Handy" at most. Hello? She hung up. Fu*k, dude. |
Paul Yung |
Thanks a lot. |
Clip 5 S01 E01: "Real American Heroes" |
It's all gone horribly wrong and Paul takes the opportunity to remind his colleagues that he avoids alcohol to avoid screw-ups. Chad isn't impressed. |
Paul Yung |
You see? This is why I don't drink. |
Chad McKnight |
Oh! Good for you, Paul. We should all be so fu*king boring. Fu*k! |
Clip 6 S01 E01: "Real American Heroes" |
The team have gathered in Ava's hotel room. The room smells of sex, there's a used condom on the bed... it doesn't take Sherlock Holmes to deduce that somebody got their fu*k on in there. |
Angela Gomez |
Smells like somebody got their fu*k on in here. |
Ava Winters |
Nobody got their fu*k on in here. |
Paul Yung |
Somebody definitely fornicated in here. |
Chad McKnight |
She couldn't have been that good. Dude clearly didn't finish. |
Ava Winters |
Probably some limp-d*ck with erectile dysfunction. |
Clip 7 S01 E02: "Born in the U.S.S.R." |
If you happen to be looking over a colleague's shoulder and see a pretty girl on his phone, just remember... it might be his daughter as opposed to his girlfriend. So don't say it, okay? |
Haggerty |
Damn. She's pretty hot. |
Paul Yung |
That's my daughter. |
Haggerty |
I figured. She looks just like you. |
Clip 8 S01 E02: "Born in the U.S.S.R." |
There's always a clown. In every class, in every company, in every team... and that clown is Chad McKnight. He just can't keep quiet for two minutes. |
Chad McKnight |
She's cute for a suit. |
Angela Gomez |
Careful, Mac. |
Chad McKnight |
I don't sh*t where I eat. |
Ava Winters |
Senior Chief McKnight, is it? |
Chad McKnight |
That's the name my mama gave me. |
Ava Winters |
Something you want to share? |
Chad McKnight |
No, ma'am. Just ready to make these commie bastards eat sh*t. |
Ava Winters |
Well, as my tactical lead on this op, this is the most important briefing of your entire life. So pay attention. I'm gonna be using some big words and, unlike in high school, there'll be no band geek to cheat off of. |
[The team laugh] |
Chad McKnight |
The fu*k you laughing at? |
Clip 9 S01 E02: "Born in the U.S.S.R." |
Knowing that Trunk is gay has made Chad a little more politically correct. He now appends his homophobic remarks with disclaimers. Shame he can't just self-censor, really. |
Ava Winters |
Now, get your sh*t together! We have six hours and fifty-four minutes to find the nuke. |
Chad McKnight |
Can't wait to kick the sh*t out of that Russian c*cksucker. Not that there's... anything wrong with sucking c*cks. To each his own, or her own... or their own. |
Clip 10 S01 E02: "Born in the U.S.S.R." |
Koslov is in custody. So is his "crypto guy", Mr. Chen. Koslov is as hard as nails. Mr. Chen is p*ssing himself like a nervous three-month-old. He's not going to last five minutes! |
Ava Winters |
Has Koslov been isolated for interrogation? |
Agent |
Yes, we followed your instructions to the letter. He hasn't made any statements yet, but maybe you'll have more luck. |
Ava Winters |
And our crypto terrorist, Mr. Chen? |
Agent |
It's his first time in custody, which is probably why he p*ssed himself... twice. |
Clip 11 S01 E02: "Born in the U.S.S.R." |
What Ava means when she says, "the guy with the ear" is the Russian with a cauliflower ear. But since most people have ears, it's not really a helpful descriptive term. |
Ava Winters |
The guy with the ear. |
Chad McKnight |
That really narrows it down. |
Clip 12 S01 E02: "Born in the U.S.S.R." |
Big Willy's is a strip club. For women. And men who are into other men. It features men, waving their... well, I'll let you work that out for yourselves. |
Ava Winters |
Got her. Her credit card was swiped at a place called Engorge LLC. |
Chad McKnight |
What the hell is that? |
Lana |
Oh! That's a credit card alias for Big Willy's. |
Paul Yung |
All right, we need to work up intel on this Big Willy fellow. |
Angela Gomez |
It's d*cks, Paul. |
Lana |
Yeah, it's a strip club. |
Clip 13 S01 E02: "Born in the U.S.S.R." |
When you're a rotary-wing (helicopter) pilot, it's best to stay clear of alcohol and drugs. Because a helicopter will fall from the sky far quicker than a fixed wing aircraft. |
Chad McKnight |
Thank God, Air Force stayed sober. Great shot, Paul! Fu*k yeah! |
Paul Yung |
That's the job, McKnight. I always have my eyes on you. |
[Thanks to PAUL's drug-induced state, an imaginary GREMLIN appears in the co-pilot's seat] |
Gremlin |
And I always have my eyes on you, Paulie. We smoked that b**ch good. |
Paul Yung |
What the... |
Gremlin |
Trust me, if your wife saw that sh*t, she'd be sucking both our d*cks. Oh, yeah. |
[The GREMLIN begins miming performing oral sex on two penises simultaneously] |
That's your wife! |
Paul Yung |
What the fu*k? |
Clip 14 S01 E03: "Craps" |
Chad just can't help himself. He's always on the look out for a double entendre. Even when the situation makes it inappropriate to point it out. Like this one, for example. |
Ava Winters |
Lerner, can you access the cameras? |
Maya Lerner |
Casino security is a fickle b**ch. I'll try through a back door. |
Chad McKnight |
I knew a girl like that in high school. Good luck. |
Clip 15 S01 E03: "Craps" |
Lana isn't the sort of person you want sitting next to you on the stake-out. She bores easily and only has three working brain cells. |
[HAGGERTY farts] |
Maya Lerner |
Ugh! |
Lana |
Oh! I'm not sitting back there in that stink. |
Maya Lerner |
I'm doing important government business. |
Lana |
So was I, but now I'm bored. Ugh. I can't even get on TikTok. |
Clip 16 S01 E03: "Craps" |
It's Chad and his unbearable double entendres again. This time, it's about pulling out before someone comes. Which, apparently, is his standard operating procedure. |
Chad McKnight |
We should move closer, see if we can hear what's going on inside. |
Ava Winters |
It's too risky, if he exits the room, we'll be exposed. |
Chad McKnight |
We'll see on the tracker if he goes to the door. |
Ava Winters |
Okay, but we pull out before he comes. Don't... don't. |
Chad McKnight |
I didn't. But that is my standard operating procedure. |
Clip 17 S01 E03: "Craps" |
Haggerty just can't keep his ass under control. Mind you, he is unconscious, so farts and worse are to be expected, I guess. Not nice in the confines of a vehicle, though. |
[HAGGERTY sh*ts his pants] |
Lana |
Oh, my God. |
Maya Lerner |
What? |
Lana |
That's more than a fart. Haggerty just sh*t his pants. |
Clip 18 S01 E04: "Walks of Shame" |
Haggerty is still unconscious. Not even the crash woke him. And he still has a non-negotiable erection. |
Ava Winters |
The console's destroyed. |
Chad McKnight |
[Referring to a still comatose HAGGERTY] |
He alive? |
Angela Gomez |
He's got a pulse. How the fu*k that crash didn't wake him up though? |
Chad McKnight |
And how the fu*k does he still have a hard-on? |
Clip 19 S01 E04: "Walks of Shame" |
Lerner is still jealous of Winters for her "liaison" with McKnight. But it's got to stop. So, Lerner tackles the issue head-on. |
Ava Winters |
All right, Lerner. I'm only gonna say this once. McKnight was a drunken mistake and none of your fu*king business. So cut the jealous junior high bullsh*t and get your head in the game. You have a job to do. |
Maya Lerner |
You were having sex in junior high? |
Clip 20 S01 E04: "Walks of Shame" |
McKnight and Winters need to make it back to Vegas. They're in the middle of a desert, in the dark and without any weapons. Things couldn't get any worse. Could they? |
Chad McKnight |
Yeah... I'm more than just a pretty face. And I would know a hell of a lot more, too if you would let me take Litvin when I wanted. |
Ava Winters |
Or you would have gotten nothing out of him. We'd have no intel on this new faction, no fu*king clue where the nuke is, and we'd be worse off than we are right now. |
[McKNIGHT and WINTERS realise they're standing on the edge of a cliff] |
Chad McKnight |
Guess again. |
Ava Winters |
Fu*k me! |
Ava Winters |
Tried that already. Didn't get us anywhere. |
Clip 21 S01 E04: "Walks of Shame" |
What Ava needs right now is a phone. But Crazy Susan doesn't have one. The best she can offer is a CB radio which is only of use for hooking up with long-haul truckers who want a hand-job. |
Ava Winters |
Susan, I really need to get in touch with my boss. Any chance you have a phone - |
Crazy Susan |
Fu*k no, I don't have no fu*kin' phone! You think I'm gonna let the government tap my sh*t? Oh! I do have a CB radio, but all you can raise on that is long-haul truckers who want to get a wa*k. If you're into that sort of thing... I am into that sort of thing. |
Clip 22 S01 E05: "Shots! Shots! Shots!" |
Maya Lerner is a techie genius. But even she's going to struggle with a 1990s PC running Windows 2000 and rocking a dial-up modem! |
Angela Gomez |
Oh! They've got a computer, too. |
Maya Lerner |
Halle-freakin'-lu... you gotta be fu*king kidding me. That's not a computer. It's an abacus. |
Ava Winters |
Well, you'll have to make do. We need tech support, even if it's dial-up. |
Maya Lerner |
Yes, ma'am. |
Clip 23 S01 E05: "Shots! Shots! Shots!" |
If you've got to remove a band-aid, a dressing or a bandage... doing it fast doesn't necessarily mean it'll hurt any less. As Chad McKnight is about to find out. |
Ava Winters |
We need to change your bandage. |
Chad McKnight |
Whatever you say, doc. Just, uh... give me a three count before you rip it off. But go on two. |
Ava Winters |
But with you saying rip it off on two, you'll know it's coming. |
Chad McKnight |
It's an old psychological trick. |
Ava Winters |
Yeah, I know it doesn't work. Never mind. One - |
[WINTERS rips off the bandage] |
- two. |
[McKNIGHT groans] |
Clip 24 S01 E05: "Shots! Shots! Shots!" |
What kind of psycho uses a device which goes into a man's urethra, grows blades and spins? Ehren. That's who. No. That wasn't a joke. Although it did kind of sound like one. |
Ehren |
You... are gonna tell me what I want to know. |
Trunk |
No. I'll fu*king kill you. Then I'm gonna kill you. Then I'm gonna kill the rest of those wings. |
Callahan |
No, hoss. All done. Besides, you're about to lose your appetite. |
Lana |
Oh, what the fu*k? |
Callahan |
We all are. |
Trunk |
What, I'm supposed to be scared of that? Huh? |
Ehren |
Oh, you will be. When I insert it... and press this button. |
Lana |
Insert it where? |
[LANA realises that the torture device is destined for TRUNK'S urethra] |
Oh! |
Clip 25 S01 E05: "Shots! Shots! Shots!" |
Five by five is military code for "reading you loud and clear." It doesn't get any better than five by five. Unless you're Lerner. |
Ava Winters |
Radio check. |
Angela Gomez |
Five by five. |
Maya Lerner |
Ten by ten. |
Angela Gomez |
No, you don't double it, Lerner. It's still just five by five. |
Maya Lerner |
Oh! Ten-four. |
Clip 26 S01 E05: "Shots! Shots! Shots!" |
Lana is under pressure. She's been asked who's in her team. So she says the first thing to come in to her head. Which happens to be the members of the Spice Girls. |
Lana |
That's it. That's the whole story, I swear. |
Ehren |
What else do they know about us? Who's on this team? |
Lana |
Um... the leader, she's like... a bit posh. And the other one's, uh... sort of sporty, and then there's one that's, um... like kind of scary and then, um... one that's a baby. |
Callahan |
Let me guess. That makes him Ginger. |
Clip 27 S01 E05: "Shots! Shots! Shots!" |
Maya has had enough. She feels useless, helpless... and only Paul can save her. He has some inspirational words for her. Problem is, he's ripped to his tiny tits on psychedelics. |
Paul Yung |
You want to just give up? |
Maya Lerner |
No. |
Paul Yung |
Well, me neither. So you don't have your top of the line tech. Big deal. I don't have my Vulture and I've got a goddam Gremlin fu*king with me and enough psychedelics coursing through my veins to kill a full-grown rhino. I don't even know if I'm having this conversation right now. For all I know, you could be a cactus. |
Maya Lerner |
I'm not a cactus. |
Clip 28 S01 E05: "Shots! Shots! Shots!" |
The team's geek is about to prove her worth. With Paul incapacitated, she's stepping up and stepping out. Good for her. Probably. |
Maya Lerner |
I need you to stay here and watch Haggerty. We still might need him to save everyone in Vegas. Can you do that? |
Paul Yung |
Okay. Okay, I'll stay here. But what about you? What are you gonna do? |
Maya Lerner |
Hero sh*t. |
Clip 29 S01 E05: "Shots! Shots! Shots!" |
It's not a circle-jerk. It's a show-down. The team versus the Russians versus the evil mastermind behind the nuke. But let's not let that stop Chad from cracking an inappropriate funny. |
Chad McKnight |
Got room for a couple more at this circle jerk? |
Ava Winters |
McKnight, stand down. |
Clip 30 S01 E05: "Shots! Shots! Shots!" |
Maya needs to practice her "tough talk" because, frankly, she's crap at it. I mean, why does every threat sound like a sexual invitation?! |
Maya Lerner |
Make one move, and I'll blow you motherfu*kers... away. |
Clip 31 S01 E06: "From Vegas with Love" |
Nothing spoils a fishing trip with your son like the sight of an old man taking his girlfriend from behind on a nearby boat. There's no way this kid will ever un-see what he's been subjected to. |
Father |
Whoo! All right! Today is a big day, son. You're gonna cast your own line, put the minnow on the hook. The whole deal. Yeah? |
Kid |
Do the minnows know what we're using them for? |
Father |
Probably not. |
Kid |
Poor minnows. |
Father |
Yeah. Poor minnows. But hey, guess what? You're not going to be a kid anymore. Today, you become a man. Yeah? You think you can handle that? |
Kid |
Yeah. |
Father |
Okay. Let's do it. |
Haggerty |
Oh, God, yeah! |
Kid |
Uh, Dad... |
Father |
Whoa! Hey, hey! Don't look, don't look. Whoa, whoa, whoa, what are you doing? Hey! I've got my kid here! |
Haggerty |
You're so amazing! I swear to God, your face, your voice. Oh, fu*k, this boat is so slippery! |
Father |
Get out of here, you animals! This is a public dock! |
Haggerty |
Boss, you're killing me right now. Okay? Can you give me a second? |
Father |
Seriously, get off now! |
Haggerty |
I'm trying! |
Clip 32 S01 E06: "From Vegas with Love" |
Soldiers don't march on an empty stomach. And Trunk sure as sh*t isn't going to die on an empty stomach. Hell, no. |
Chad McKnight |
Where are you going? |
Trunk |
To find some fu*king food! 'Cause if we're gonna die, I'm not dying on a fu*king empty stomach! I'm sick of this sh*t! I'm starving! |
Clip 33 S01 E06: "From Vegas with Love" |
Hearts don't orgasm. Simple medical fact. And if a heart did orgasm, you'd probably find yourself in ventricular fibrillation. And that's not good. |
Haggerty |
I'll tell you a dirty little secret. |
Yani |
What? |
Haggerty |
When you're in the middle of an explosion, it's the ultimate rush. |
Yani |
Oh, you want the ultimate rush? I just bought a gram of the purest Colombian cocaine, mixed it up with some Angel Dust and ground up pharmaceutical Quaaludes. And trust me, this sh*t will make your heart cum. |
Haggerty |
It already has. Come on, little bird. Let's go have some fun. |
Clip 34 S01 E06: "From Vegas with Love" |
Paul is still tripping balls. He feels fine but his Gremlin keeps putting in an appearance. It knows his weakness. Which is imagining his daughter getting railed. This won't end well... |
Paul Yung |
Guys! Guys! I just realised. We can figure out where Haggerty is just by tracing the call to... |
Chad McKnight |
Paul, you're higher than a giraffe's ass. Go sit down. |
Paul Yung |
Will you stop saying I'm high? I told you. I'm fine. |
Gremlin |
Yeah, McKnight. He's fine. His daughter, on the other hand, is getting railed by a guy with a Prince Albert. That's a pierced c*ck. You should see it. It's glorious. |
Paul Yung |
Die, you fu*king monster! |
Chad McKnight |
Paul, no! What the fu*k? |
Paul Yung |
You're dead, man! |