The Completely Made-Up Adventures of Dick Turpin
© 2024 Big Talk Productions
Forget all you thought you knew about legendary highwayman Dick Turpin. Because this is the true story. Well, I say true but it's obviously not true. Not at all. It's completely made-up. Every bit of it. But it is very funny and it's got Noel Fielding in it, so there's always that.
Clip 1 S01 E01: "A Legend Is Born (Sort Of)" |
When Lord and Lady Saltley's coach is held-up by the infamous Dick Turpin, they're both rather star-struck. Lord Saltley offers him everything, and his wife... well, she just wants a kiss. |
Lord Saltley |
Who the devil are you? |
Lady Saltley |
Darling, it's Dick Turpin. |
Lord Saltley |
Oh, well, why didn't you say? Marvellous. Simply everybody wants to be robbed by Dick Turpin, the most famous and dashing highwayman of all time. Here, have all my money. Have my trousers. In fact, have my wife. I'm off. Bye. |
[LORD SALTLEY throws himself from the coach] |
Dick Turpin |
Strange man. Madam, it's been an absolute pleasure robbing you blind. |
Lady Saltley |
What about a proper kiss? |
Dick Turpin |
I'd love to. It's just that I've realised there's no one actually driving the coach. |
Lady Saltley |
One small kiss couldn't hurt. |
Clip 2 S01 E01: "A Legend Is Born (Sort Of)" |
Dick Turpin hasn't actually just shot Tom King. Someone else did. But he's not above taking the credit for it. And, luckily, Tom's gang simply couldn't give a sh*t. |
Nell |
What happened? |
Honesty |
Did you just kill Tom King? |
Dick Turpin |
Technically, yeah. But, guys, there's a little bit of context. |
Nell |
Then you are a braver man than me. |
Moose |
He's gone. We're free! Yes! |
Dick Turpin |
You mean this is fine? |
Nell |
We hated him. You've done us a massive favour. |
Honesty |
What, a headshot as well, yeah? Nice. I can see inside his mind. |
Dick Turpin |
That's disgusting. |
Nell |
All he wanted to do was rob people for money, and that's not what this is about. |
Dick Turpin |
No. Isn't it? |
Nell |
No. |
Dick Turpin |
No, of course not. |
Nell |
I wanna rob people as a protest about the injustice of hereditary land ownership. And to help the poor. |
Honesty |
We'll still kill people though? |
Nell |
Yeah, of course we'll still kill people. |
Honesty |
Sweet. |
Clip 3 S01 E01: "A Legend Is Born (Sort Of)" |
Juggling work and family life can be a nightmare. Even a thief-taker needs childcare for his off-spring and sadly, there isn't any available. Which means his son has to accompany him everywhere. |
Dick Turpin |
Ah, Mr. Wilde. I have to say, you're slightly smaller than I'd imagined. |
Jonathan Wilde |
I am Jonathan Wilde. |
Dick Turpin |
Yep. That makes more sense. |
Jonathan Wilde |
This is my son, Christopher. |
Dick Turpin |
Hello, Christopher. |
Jonathan Wilde |
Currently, my wife and I don't have any childcare. Absolute ball-ache. Christopher, go and sit over there. |
Clip 4 S01 E01: "A Legend Is Born (Sort Of)" |
No child can keep quiet for long. And Christopher, despite his father's warnings, is no exception. He can't help but interrupt negotiations to tell his father about a dead moth he's found. |
Jonathan Wilde |
It's really very simple. |
Christopher Wilde |
- Dad. |
Jonathan Wilde |
You keep doing what you're doing, with no risk of going to the gallows. |
Christopher Wilde |
- Dad. |
Jonathan Wilde |
We take a look at what you've stolen. I keep most of it, maybe even sell one or two items back to the original owners. |
Christopher Wilde |
- Dad. |
Jonathan Wilde |
What? |
Christopher Wilde |
I found a dead moth. |
Jonathan Wilde |
Christopher, what did I say to you before we came here? |
Christopher Wilde |
Keep quiet when you're working. |
Jonathan Wilde |
So why are you telling me about a dead moth? |
Christopher Wilde |
It's really big. |
Jonathan Wilde |
Put it down. |
Christopher Wilde |
It's already dead. |
Jonathan Wilde |
Christopher, you put that moth down now or you can go and wait in the cart. |
Clip 5 S01 E01: "A Legend Is Born (Sort Of)" |
Dick Turpin is on the scaffold, facing the noose. The hangman offers him the opportunity to speak his last words to the gathered crowd. And he can't help himself, can he? |
Hangman |
Any last words? |
Dick Turpin |
Yeah. Give me a minute. I know what you're thinking. "Who is this guy with the incredible cheekbones? Where does he get his hair done? His jacket's supreme." Those things aren't important. Well, they are a little bit. What is important is that my name is Dick Turpin, and one day I'll be the most famous highwayman in all of England. |
Lord Rookwood |
You are literally about to be hanged, you idiot! |
Clip 6 S01 E01: "A Legend Is Born (Sort Of)" |
Jonathan Wilde has had just about enough of his son's constant interruptions. If only he'd known how vitally important this one was, though. |
Jonathan Wilde |
You must have realised by now that you can never outrun Jonathan Wilde. Time to - |
Christopher Wilde |
- Dad. |
Jonathan Wilde |
Time to make - |
Christopher Wilde |
- Dad. |
Jonathan Wilde |
Time to make - |
Christopher Wilde |
- Dad! |
Jonathan Wilde |
For crying out loud, Christopher, what? |
Christopher Wilde |
Cart wheel! |
[JONATHAN WILDE is flattened by a flying cart wheel] |
Clip 7 S01 E02: "The Unrobbable Coach" |
Jonathan Wilde wants Dick. He's never wanted a man more in his life. And he won't rest until he has Dick in his hands. |
Jonathan Wilde |
I want him, Christopher. I've never wanted any man more in my life. |
Prisoner |
He used to want me like that. |
Jonathan Wilde |
Slake, where are we on Turpin? |
Slake |
These are all of our most recent Dick sightings, sir. Multiple witnesses claim to have seen him here, here, and here. |
Jonathan Wilde |
Remarkable. He's managed to appear in all four corners of the county. |
Slake |
Er, no, sir. Um, those pins just hold up the map. |
Jonathan Wilde |
Christ, Slake, couldn't you have used different coloured pins? It's really confusing. |
Slake |
Yes, sir. Apologies, sir. |
Jonathan Wilde |
Tell the men to keep looking. I want this Dick in my hands as soon as possible. |
[CHRISTOPHER WILDE sniggers at the obvious innuendo] |
Jonathan Wilde |
Oh, grow up, Christopher. |
Clip 8 S01 E02: "The Unrobbable Coach" |
Never let it be said that Nell isn't part of a "proper gang", because the Essex Gang is notorious. Well, infamous. Sort of. For all the wrong reasons, of course. |
Dick Turpin |
Hi. Dick Turpin. New leader of the Essex Gang. |
Leslie Duval |
Yeah, I know who you are, you pr**k. I've seen you prancing around in your funny shirts. |
Dick Turpin |
Really? Which one? The ruffle ruche frill? |
Moose |
Or maybe he's talking about the, er... beautiful blousy one. The one with a pu**y bow. |
Leslie Duval |
Are you knitting? |
Dick Turpin |
Yeah, why? Do you want anything? I could probably pump you out some leg warmers. I'm pretty quick on the needles. |
Leslie Duval |
Dear, oh, dear, Nell. What are you doing working for a bellend like this? |
Nell |
Bellend is very good. I like that. Um, he actually killed Tom King. So, um... he's... he's kind of our leader now, and - |
Leslie Duval |
Bollocks! Tom King wouldn't let himself get killed by a foppy tit like him. |
Dick Turpin |
Well, he did actually. I shot him in the face. |
Honesty |
Yeah, yeah. He shot his face right off. |
Dick Turpin |
Right off. Right off his skull. Travelled through the air, landed on a tree. At one point, it looked like the tree had a face. Imagine that. |
Leslie Duval |
Jesus, Nell, I'm embarrassed for you. Come and see me. Come and work for a proper gang. |
Dick Turpin |
Uh, Nell's in a proper gang. The Essex Gang. And we're just as tough as any other gang in here. |
Little Karen |
Here's your peppermint tea, Dick. Put a splash of honey in it. I know you've got a scratchy throat. |
Dick Turpin |
Thanks, Little Karen. |
Clip 9 S01 E02: "The Unrobbable Coach" |
The Unrobbable Coach is unrobbable because it's been cursed. You touch the emerald and you become its driver. Until some other poor schmuck tries it. And then you're free. |
Unrobbable Coachman |
Fools! No one robs the Unrobbable Coach. You touch the emerald and you become the driver. |
Honesty |
What? Dick? |
Unrobbable Coachman |
Forty-three years I've driven that coach, but now I'm free. Free to make love to your sweet wife, and punch your children, and eat all of your cheese! |
Honesty |
Dick! |
Clip 10 S01 E02: "The Unrobbable Coach" |
They say that time's a great healer. But nobody who's every met Baron von Louth would be saying that. No. He's not healed. He's still angry. |
Dick Turpin |
You're the baron. You built the Unrobbable Coach. |
Baron von Louth |
To ensnare the bastard highwayman who killed my beloved. I despise highwaymen. May they rest in eternal damnation. May their graves be unmarked and their genitals shrivel and drop off. |
Clip 11 S01 E02: "The Unrobbable Coach" |
It's innuendo time, once again. I mean, how can Jonathan Wilde not realise how what he's saying sounds to everyone else? Even his child laughs at him when he says sh*t like this! |
Jonathan Wilde |
Slake, prepare my horse. |
Slake |
- Yes. |
Jonathan Wilde |
If a job's worth doing, do it yourself. I won't rest until I've got this Dick firmly in my grasp. |
Jonathan Wilde |
It's really not that funny, Christopher. |
Clip 12 S01 E03: "Run Wilde" |
Long before Trustpilot, Dick Turpin was using brief questionnaires to invite feedback from his victims on their highway robbery experience. He was one innovative highwayman. |
Dick Turpin |
Have you got a couple of minutes to answer some questions? |
Coachman |
Well, you've got me tied up, so I guess. |
Dick Turpin |
Perfect. Is there anything that I could have done better my end to improve your highway-robbery experience? |
Coachman |
Um, I... I suppose you could have fired a warning shot. That would have been a bit more scary than the ribbon dancing. |
Dick Turpin |
Of course! |
Moose |
Ignore him, Dick. I love the ribbons! |
Honesty |
Yeah, but a warning shot could work too. |
[HONESTY fires a shot from a flintlock pistol into the air] |
Dick Turpin |
Honesty, I need some warning before you do that. |
Honesty |
That was the warning. For this. |
[HONESTY fires a shot from a flintlock pistol into the air] |
Dick Turpin |
Oh, Lord. |
Nell |
Dick, can you stop befriending the driver, please, and get over here. |
Dick Turpin |
I'm not befriending the driver, Nell. I'm just getting some feedback. I'm trying to improve myself as a highwayman. |
Clip 13 S01 E03: "Run Wilde" |
Nobody messes with Helen Gwinear. She runs The Syndicate, which is a medieval version of The Mafia. |
Helen Gwinear |
No, I can't concentrate. Sorry, can we, um... just - |
[Mimes cutting PHILIP'S head off and a duo of guards rush in to drag him away] |
Philip |
No. No. No, please, ma'am. No. I have three beautiful children. And one with a great personality! |
Helen Gwinear |
Thank you. |
[We hear PHILIP scream as his sentence is carried out] |
Clip 14 S01 E03: "Run Wilde" |
Jonathan Wilde finally has Dick. He has him right where he wants Dick. In his sweaty palms. He's surrounded. |
Jonathan Wilde |
Hello, Turpin. |
Dick Turpin |
Wilde. Christopher. You're up late. What are you guys doing here? |
Jonathan Wilde |
We just popped into town to pick up a few bits. Oh, no, wait. I'm trapping you. Obviously. |
Nell |
Stay calm, everyone. Stay calm. |
Jonathan Wilde |
There's no escape. You're surrounded. |
Dick Turpin |
That would be true. Unless I anticipated your trap, spent last week bribing your guards, and now, in an ingenious twist, it is in fact I who have you surrounded. |
Nell |
Wait, did you actually do that? |
Dick Turpin |
No, I just thought of it. Imagine if I did though. |
Moose |
Oh, that would have been so good! |
Clip 15 S01 E03: "Run Wilde" |
If you wanted Dick, wouldn't you just walk the backstreets of London shouting for Dick? This joke never gets old. |
Honesty |
Dick! Diiiicccckkkk! |
Nell |
Honesty, I don't think walking the backstreets shouting for Dick is the best way to find him. |
Clip 16 S01 E04: "Curse of the Reddlehag" |
Stand and deliver! Only, Geoffrey the Gaoler can't stand. He's done his back in. Which leads Dick to consider possible alternatives which won't cause further damage to his flaky spine. |
Dick Turpin |
Stand and deliver. Your money or your... Geoffrey. Wow! |
Geoffrey The Gaoler |
Actually, today doesn't really work for me. I've done my back in, so I can't really stand. |
Dick Turpin |
What about "crouch and deliver"? Has anyone ever done that? Nell, could he crouch and deliver? |
Nell |
Crouch, squat... jump up and down, I don't care. Just open the cart. |
Clip 17 S01 E04: "Curse of the Reddlehag" |
Summoning the Reddlehag is luckily pretty hard to do because in order to do so, you have to say her name twenty-seven times. Nobody's ever going to do that, right? Right? |
Geoffrey the Gaoler |
No, no, it's all right. It says here, right, she can't be invited in unless we speak her name twenty-seven times. |
Nell |
Oh. |
Dick Turpin |
Great. So all we have to do is not say Reddlehag twenty-seven times. |
Moose |
It's not like Reddlehag's even a common word. |
Dick Turpin |
I mean, you have to go out of your way to say Reddlehag. |
Honesty |
Wait, what does Reddlehag actually mean? |
Geoffrey the Gaoler |
Interesting bit of trivia. The reddle in Reddlehag is actually from a dye, and the hag is obviously, you know, a hag. So it's reddle, hag. Reddlehag. |
Nell |
Hmm. Yeah, has anyone noticed we've just started saying Reddlehag a lot? |
Dick Turpin |
We haven't said Reddlehag that many times. I mean, I said Reddlehag. Moose said Reddlehag. Honesty, you definitely said Reddlehag. And Geoffrey said Reddlehag a few times. And then you said Reddlehag. |
Little Karen |
And then you just said Reddlehag a load more times. |
Moose |
Oh, my God. What are we doing? |
Nell |
I think we just entered the teens. |
Dick Turpin |
Okay, stop panicking. All we have to do is not say Reddlehag. |
Moose |
You just said Reddlehag. |
Nell |
You just said Reddlehag. |
Dick Turpin |
Okay, that's a great example of what we're not supposed to do. |
Honesty |
What are we not supposed to do? |
Dick Turpin |
Say Reddlehag. |
Honesty |
Reddlehag. |
Dick Turpin |
No, don't say Reddlehag. |
Honesty |
Well, why would you tell me to say Reddlehag if you didn't want me to say Reddlehag? |
Dick Turpin |
I didn't tell you to say Reddlehag. You said Reddlehag when I was telling you not to say Reddlehag. Oh, my God. I can't stop saying it. |
Nell |
Okay, I think we just reached a critical point. So nobody say Reddleh... nobody say that word again. |
Clip 18 S01 E04: "Curse of the Reddlehag" |
Even in the dark ages, a witch couldn't be burned at the stake without a trial. Which is inconvenient when John Turpin really just wants to burn a witch. |
John Turpin |
She's in league with the devil! |
Reddlehag |
Hey, I'm not in league with the devil! Do we have chemistry? Did we hook up in Hades? You'd have to ask him. |
John Turpin |
Burn the hag! |
Reddlehag |
Finally. |
John Turpin |
Burn the - |
Nell |
Wait, wait, stop. Stop. I mean, you can't burn a witch without a trial. |
John Turpin |
That is true. Fine. We'll, uh... first we'll hold a trial, and then we'll BURN THE HAG! |
Clip 19 S01 E05: "Tommy Silversides" |
Tommy Silversides has panache. Dick thinks he has panache but his panache is no match for Tommy's panache. Tommy's panache would smash Dick's panache. |
Dick Turpin |
Well, if that doesn't work, I'll just do what I always do. Come up with a flamboyant plan. A plan with panache. |
Nell |
Eh, Tommy's got panache. He out-panached you. |
Dick Turpin |
He didn't out-panache me. I mean, at best, he matched my panache. |
Nell |
No, he smashed your panache into tiny, little "panacheo" pieces. |
Clip 20 S01 E06: "Turpin Time" |
Dick is so metrosexual. He wanted Geoffrey to bring him a cake with a file in it. Not for a daring escape plan. Oh, no. He wanted the file for his nails. |
Dick Turpin |
Oh, knickers. Not you again. |
Geoffrey the Gaoler |
Geoffrey, you're my first visitor. Have you brought me a cake with a file hidden inside it? |
Dick Turpin |
Not for the bars. Just my nails are out of control. |
Clip 21 S01 E06: "Turpin Time" |
There's no escaping the prison that Dick's found himself in. It's inescapable. There's no getting out of it. A bit like your annoying second cousin's wedding. |
Dick Turpin |
So, I'm sure my gang are on their way to save me, but just in case, is there an escape route? |
Geoffrey the Gaoler |
Nah, nah. No, no escaping, Turpin. That's why they call this place "Your Annoying Second Cousin's Wedding." 'Cause no matter how hard you try, there's just no getting out of it. Ta-ra, mate. |
Dick Turpin |
Where you going? |
Geoffrey the Gaoler |
Oh. Ironically, it's my second cousin's wedding. So... |