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7 MP3 Audio clips from Django Unchained (2012)

Django, a man with nothing left to lose. Sold into slavery separately from his wife, he's rescued from two redneck slavers by Dr. King Schultz who partners up with him to collect bounties across the South and reunite him with his beloved Broomhilda.

Timestamp: 2023-12-13 | Added: 2023-12-13
Django Unchained

Django Unchained

© 2012 Columbia Pictures

Django, a man with nothing left to lose. Sold into slavery separately from his wife, he's rescued from two redneck slavers by Dr. King Schultz who partners up with him to collect bounties across the South and reunite him with his beloved Broomhilda.




Clip 1

Ace and Dicky Speck are brothers and slavers which makes them a pair of a**holes. What makes them arrogant a**holes is that they thought they could take on Dr. King Schultz and win.

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Ace Speck

No sale. Now, off with ya.

Dr. King Schultz

Don't be ridiculous. Of course they're for sale.

Ace Speck

[C*cks his rifle and points it at DR. KING SCHULTZ]

Move it.

Dr. King Schultz

My good man, did you simply get carried away with your dramatic gesture or are you pointing your weapon at me with lethal intention?

Ace Speck

Last chance, fancy pants.

Dr. King Schultz

Oh, very well.

[Quick on the draw, DR. KING SCHULTZ shoots ACE SPECK dead and wounds D*CKY'S horse so that it falls on top of him]

Clip 2

You have to understand that in 1858, the use of the "N Word" was entirely acceptable and also, that nobody in the so-called Wild West would ever have seen a black man on a horse.

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All right, now. I'd like you to take two of these tonight and then in the morning... that's a nig**r on a horse!

Clip 3

As I said before, this was 1858. Attitudes and language were different back then. Primitive. Abhorrent. Welcome to the Wild West!

Download Clip 0315-03 to your PC / Mac  

Dr. King Schultz

What's everybody staring at?


They ain't never seen no nig**r on a horse before.

Clip 4

If they've never seen a black man on horseback before, they're going to sh*t a lung when they see a black man in a tavern. Holy sh*t!

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Dr. King Schultz

Good morning, innkeeper! Two beers for two weary travelers.


It's still a bit early. We won't be open for another hour. By then, we'll be servin' breakfast.

[The INNKEEPER turns to see DR. KING SCHULTZ and DJANGO for the first time]

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa... what the hell you think you're doing, boy? Get that nig**r outta here!

[EXT: STREET outside INN. INNKEEPER comes running out]

Help! Help!

Dr. King Schultz

Innkeeper! Remember, get the sheriff, not the marshal.


Sheriff! Help!

Clip 5

Sheriff Bill Sharp isn't quite who he appears to be. No. He's Willard Peck, and he's a wanted man. Which is why Dr. Schultz has no issue with shooting him dead in the middle of the street.

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Sheriff Bill Sharp

Now, why y'all wanna come into my town and start trouble? And... scare all these nice people. You ain't got nothing better to do than to come into Bill Sharp's town and show your ass?

[DR. KING SCHULTZ draws a spring-loaded pistol from his right sleeve and shoots SHERIFF SHARP in the stomach before walking around for a head-shot to put him out of his misery]

Dr. King Schultz


Now you can get the Marshall!


[Running out of shot]


Clip 6

The problem with wearing what is essentially a white cloth bag over your head, is that the eyeholes are almost certainly going to be in the wrong place, at least some of the time.

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Big Daddy

Damn! I can't see fu*kin' sh*t outta this thing.


We ready or what?

Big Daddy

Aw, hold on, I'm fu*kin' with my eyeholes.

[He tears the fabric]

Oh... oh, sh*t. I just made it worse.


Who made this goddamn sh*t?


Willard's wife.


Well, make your own goddamn masks!

Big Daddy

Look, nobody's sayin' they don't appreciate what Jenny did.


Well, if all I had to do was cut a hole in a bag, I coulda cut it better than this!


What about you, Robert? Can you see?


Not too good. I mean, if I don't move my head I can see you pretty good, more or less. But when I start ridin', the bag's movin' all over, and I... I'm ridin' blind.


[Rips bag]

Oh, sh*t. I just made mine worse. Anybody bring any extra bags?


No, nobody brought an extra bag!


I'm just askin'.


Do we have to wear 'em when we ride?

Big Daddy

Oh, well, sh*tfire! If you don't wear 'em as you ride up, that just defeats the purpose!


Well, I can't see in this fu*kin' thing! I can't breathe in this fu*kin' thing and I can't ride in this fu*kin' thing!


Well, fu*k all y'all! I'm goin' home! Now, I watched my wife work all day gettin' thirty bags together for you ungrateful sons-a-b**ches, and all I can hear is criticise, criticise, criticise! From now on, don't ask me or mine for nothin'!

Clip 7

Stephen might be black but he has a real problem with people of his own race and creed getting too big for their boots. And when he has a problem with something, you're gonna hear about it!

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Now, I axed you: who this nig**r on that nag?


Hey, Snowball? Wanna know my name or the name of my horse, you ask me.


Just who the hell you callin' quot;Snowball," horse boy? I'll snatch your black ass off that nag there and in the mud so fast -

Calvin Candie

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!


- make your head spin.

Calvin Candie

Stephen, Stephen, Stephen. Let's keep it funny. Django here's a free man.


This nig**r here?

Calvin Candie

That nig**r there. Let me at least introduce the two of you. Django, this is another cheeky black bugger like yourself, Stephen. Stephen, this here's Django. You two oughta hate each other.