There had to be a sequel, didn't there? And I'll be honest; it's not a patch on the original, but it does have some moments of inspired comedy. Charlie Sheen and Valeria Golino reprise their roles and Lloyd Bridges returns, this time as President Tug Benson. It's worth watching just for those, "you probably didn't notice this the first time around" moments.
There had to be a sequel, didn't there? And I'll be honest; it's not a patch on the original, but it does have some moments of inspired comedy. Charlie Sheen and Valeria Golino reprise their roles and Lloyd Bridges returns, this time as President Tug Benson. It's worth watching just for those, "you probably didn't notice this the first time around" moments.
POTUS. The President of the United States. A man who should have his finger on the pulse. Frankly, Tug Benson couldn't find his ass with both hands and a flashlight.
President Tug Benson
Sabotage. My God, man, what does it mean?
Colonel Denton Walters
We must tighten security, sir. Find out who's behind it.
President Tug Benson
No, no, no. The word, "sabotage." What does it mean?
Clip 2
When President Benson begins offering out cookies, there's surely no room for ambiguity. But then, this is a spoof movie. There's always room for ambiguity!
President Tug Benson
Colonel Denton Walters
Not me, sir.
President Tug Benson
Young lady?
Michelle Rodham Huddleston
No, thank you.
President Tug Benson
No, no, I was just offering him a young lady.
Clip 3
Have you ever wondered just how many extras (Supporting Artists) are in an average film? And not necessarily just in the background. No, sometimes they're hidden in plain sight.
Topper Harley
Colonel, who are they?
Colonel Denton Walters
She's CIA. The other man's an extra.
Topper Harley
Clip 4
The First Lady. We all know who that is, right? The wife (or significant other) of the President. My question is, what happens when the USA gets its first female President? Hmm...
Prime Minister Soto
President Benson, where's your first lady?
President Tug Benson
I don't know. I've had lots of women. Lost my flower at the age of fifteen. I can't keep track of all of them.
Clip 5
Tug Benson. Not since Ronald Reagan has a President been this senile.
Topper Harley
President Benson.
President Tug Benson
No, you're not. I've seen him. He's older, about my height.
Michelle Rodham Huddleston
Sir, this is Topper Harley.
President Tug Benson
Topper. Yes, of course. Son I never had. Well, no damn wonder I didn't recognize you then. Word of advice, don't call yourself the president. I wouldn't, neither should you. It doesn't hold water. For that matter, neither do I. Let's get away from these power cables.
Clip 6
Colonel Walters has been taken hostage. And he's in good company. Half of the President's elite military have disappeared. Something has to be done. A secret mission, perhaps.
Topper Harley
Sir, I'd like to join the next mission.
President Tug Benson
God bless you, boy. This one's on the QT. It's called, "Secret Mission to Get Walters and Our Boys Back." When you come back, I'm gonna throw you wonderful guys a party. And there should be plenty to eat. I doubt more than half of you will return.
Clip 7
Another play on words - a one liner that any stand-up comic would be proud of. Be honest... how many of you missed this one the first time around?!
Topper. What are you reading?
Topper Harley
Great Expectations.
Is it any good?
Topper Harley
Nah. It's not all I hoped for.
Clip 8
If you're going to be using code in a radio transmission, it's best to ensure that the intended recipient of your message knows the code. Otherwise, it's a pointless exercise.
Radio Operator
Hello, Lucky. Hello, Lucky. Report my signal. Report my signal. Over.
Hello, George Mike Walters. Strength three. Over.
Radio Operator
Recon reports Indians on the warpath in your area. Over.
No Indians here. Over.
Radio Operator
Do not take literally. Repeat. Do not take literally. The vultures are circling
the carcass. Repeat. The vultures are circling the carcass.
I see a couple of gulls, but...
Radio Operator
Pit bull's out of the cage. Crips are raiding the store.
Hey, you yanking my crank?
Clip 9
Being noble is admirable. Here, Topper selflessly declines Ramada but then realises just how much he's going to be missing out on as a direct result of his nobility stupidity!
Topper Harley
I'm not being noble, but do you have any idea what'd happen if you stay?
Ramada Rodham Hayman
Of course I do. Sex. Wild, free, passionate, unbridled sex. I'd fondle you in ways you can't imagine. I would pleasure you at any time, in any place, in any way, for as long as you could possibly desire.