South Park | Season 1
© 1997 MTV Entertainment Studios
South Park needs no introduction. Following the lives of four friends (Eric, Kenny, Kyle and Stan) growing up in a small Colorado town, it's a smorgasbord of sick and twisted humour crafted by Trey Parker and Matt Stone. Now in its twenty-third season, this is another title which will take quite some time to catch up with.
Play |
Clip 1 S01 E01: "Cartman Gets an Anal Probe" |
It's the original South Park theme tune - perfect as a ringtone. |
♪ |
Guitar Man |
I'm going down to South Park, |
Stan Marsh / Kyle Broflovski |
Friendly faces everywhere, |
Guitar Man |
I'm going down to South Park, |
Eric Cartman |
Ample parking day or night, |
Guitar Man |
Heading on up to South Park, |
Kenny McCormick |
[Mumbling] |
I love girls with deep vaginas, |
Guitar Man |
So come on down to South Park, |
Clip 2 S01 E01: "Cartman Gets an Anal Probe" |
Ike is Kyle's baby brother. He's cute... even though he resembles a football with a face. But he's a source of constant irritation to Kyle and the others. |
♪ |
Ensemble |
School days, school days, teacher's - |
[IKE bounces into shot] |
Kyle Brofslovski |
Damn it! My little brother's trying to follow me to school again. Ike, you can't come to school with me. |
Eric Cartman |
Go home, you little dildo. |
Kyle Broflovski |
Dude, don't call my brother a dildo. |
Stan Marsh |
What's a dildo? |
Kyle Broflovski |
I don't know. And I'll bet Cartman doesn't know either. |
Eric Cartman |
I know what it means! |
Kyle Broflovski |
Well, what? |
Eric Cartman |
I'm not telling you. |
Stan Marsh |
What's a dildo, Kenny? |
Kenny McCormick |
[Mumbles unintelligibly] |
Stan Marsh |
[Laughs] |
Eric Cartman |
Yeah, that's what Kyle's little brother is, all right. |
Clip 3 S01 E01: "Cartman Gets an Anal Probe" |
Mrs. Crabtree is the mentally deranged school bus driver who spends most of her time yelling unnecessarily at the children in her charge. Oh, and she has a bird living in her hair. |
Kyle Broflovski |
No, dude. If something happens to him, my parents are gonna blame me. |
Mrs. Crabtree |
Kyle Broflovski |
Yeah. Whatever, you fat b**ch. |
Mrs. Crabtree |
What did you say?! |
Kyle Broflovski |
I said, I have a bad itch. |
Mrs. Crabtree |
Oh. |
Clip 4 S01 E01: "Cartman Gets an Anal Probe" |
Why are farts funny? I mean, yes... they're embarrassing at times and occasionally dangerous but always, always funny. Especially in South Park. |
Kyle Broflovski |
What am I gonna do? My little brother's been abducted by aliens. |
Stan Marsh |
[Lifts himself up on to his left buttock and farts] |
Kyle Broflovski |
You farted! |
Stan Marsh / Kyle Broflovski |
[Both laugh] |
Eric Cartman |
Somebody's making brownies! |
Clip 5 S01 E01: "Cartman Gets an Anal Probe" |
Nothing to see here. Just a slightly unhinged school teacher who uses a hand-puppet to vocalise his schizophrenia. That's all. |
Kyle Broflovski |
Mr. Garrison... seriously. I have to go. Can I please be excused from class? |
Mr. Garrison |
I don't know, Kyle. Did you ask Mr. Hat? |
Kyle Broflovski |
I don't wanna ask Mr. Hat. I'm asking you! |
Mr. Garrison |
Oh, I think you should ask Mr. Hat. |
Kyle Broflovski |
Mr. Hat... may I please be excused from class? |
Mr. Hat |
Clip 6 S01 E01: "Cartman Gets an Anal Probe" |
Wendy is the apple of Kyle's eye. He loves her so much that he vomits every time she speaks to him. Which makes the idea of him "slipping her the tongue" all the more gross. |
Kyle Broflovski |
Dude, what does the note say? |
Stan Marsh |
Holy crap! It says she wants to meet me at Stark's Pond after school. |
Kyle Broflovski |
Whoa! Maybe you can kiss her. |
Eric Cartman |
Or slip her the tongue. |
[KENNY mumbles unintelligibly] |
Stan Marsh |
What? How do you know she has a cat? |
[KENNY begins to laugh and the others follow suit] |
Clip 7 S01 E01: "Cartman Gets an Anal Probe" |
Whenever Kenny gets killed (basically in every episode) Stan and Kyle shout the same thing. And here it is for the very first time - way back in 1997. |
Stan Marsh |
Oh my God! They killed Kenny! |
Kyle Broflovski |
You bastards! |
Clip 8 S01 E01: "Cartman Gets an Anal Probe" |
"Dildo" is Eric Cartman's favourite word. He uses it to insult people all the time. Luckily, he's not old enough to realise what it actually means yet. |
Eric Cartman |
Mom! Kitty's being a dildo! |
Liane Cartman |
Well, then I know a certain kitty-kitty who's sleeping with Mommy tonight. |
Clip 9 S01 E01: "Cartman Gets an Anal Probe" |
The visitors have taken Kyle's little brother. So it's time for a heart-felt plea for his safe return. |
Kyle Broflovski |
Visitors? This morning, you took my brother, Ike. He's the little freckled kid that looks like a football. At first, I was happy you took him away, but I've learned something today: That having a little brother is... is a pretty special thing. |
Stan Marsh |
Yeah. |
Kyle Broflovski |
Aw, heck, Mr. Visitors. I'm just a kid all alone in this crazy world but if you can find it in your hearts, or whatever you have, to give my brother back to me... it sure would make my life brighter again. |
Stan Marsh |
That was beautiful, dude. |
Kyle Broflovski |
Did it work? |
Stan Marsh |
No. They're leaving. |
Kyle Broflovski |
Hey, you scrawny-assed [BEEP]. What the [BEEP] is wrong with you? I mean, you must be some kind of [BEEP] to be able to ignore a crying child! |
Stan Marsh |
Whoa, dude! |
Kyle Broflovski |
You know what you [BEEP] like? You like to [BEEP] [BEEP] [BEEP] [BEEP] [BEEP]! |
Stan Marsh |
Hey, Wendy, what's a [BEEP]? |
Clip 10 S01 E01: "Cartman Gets an Anal Probe" |
Another one of those recurring soundbites - a running joke between Kyle and his baby brother, Ike. Which almost always ends with Kyle kicking Ike like a football. |
Kyle Broflovski |
Kick the baby! |
Ike Broflovski |
Don't kick the baby! |
Clip 11 S01 E02: "Volcano" |
Liane Cartman is an over-bearing mother who just can't help but embarrass her son in front of his friends. |
Kyle Broflovski |
Don't get scared up in the mountains, Cartman. |
Eric Cartman |
Shut up! I'm not scared of nothin'. |
Stan Marsh |
Maybe your mom can give me a kiss too, Cartman. |
Kenny McCormick |
[Mumbles unintelligibly] |
Uncle Jimbo |
Oh, ho! That's digusting! |
Clip 12 S01 E02: "Volcano" |
Mayor McDaniels is an idiot. In the nicest possible way. Let's just say that when God was handing out brains, she was at the back of the queue, looking the wrong way and licking a window. |
Personal Assistant |
Mayor, the geologist is here to see you. |
Mayor McDaniels |
My geologist? Now? Tell him the infection is fine and I don't need another check-up. |
Personal Assistant |
No, Mayor... that's a gynaecologist. A geologist studies the Earth. |
Mayor McDaniels |
Don't you think I know that? How dare you insult my intellect. I went to Princeton for God's sake. You get out of my office. |
Personal Assistant |
I'm not in your office, Mayor. I'm talking to you through a speaker. |
Mayor McDaniels |
Just send in the geometrist. |
Personal Assistant |
Geologist. |
Mayor McDaniels |
You are fired, buddy. |
Personal Assistant |
Thank you, Mayor. It's been great working for you. |
Clip 13 S01 E02: "Volcano" |
Another fart joke. Just never gets tired, does it? I mean... here Stan and Kyle are, having a sensible, grown-up conversation when Kyle ruins it all with his uncontrollable flatulence. |
Kyle Broflovski |
Well, Stan. You wanna know what I think? |
Stan Marsh |
What? |
Kyle Broflovski |
[Farts] |
Clip 14 S01 E03: "Weight Gain 4000" |
Kathie Lee Gifford is coming to town. It's a chance for some much-needed positive publicity for the town and for Mayor McDaniels. |
Mayor McDaniels |
Kathie Lee Gifford in South Park! Oh, my God! This is our chance to make a name for ourselves. To show that we're not just some p*ssant white-bread mountain town. |
Assistant #1 |
Better yet, it's a chance for you to get publicity. |
Mayor McDaniels |
Yes! If I can show just how much I turned South Park around, I could become a senator! |
Assistant #2 |
Maybe even a state senator! |
Assistant #1 |
Mayor, we should decorate the town square. |
Assistant #2 |
Then we should have the chef of the school cafeteria sing a song and plant the ethnic diversity of our town. |
Mayor McDaniels |
That's right! He's a black guy, isn't he? |
Assistant #1 |
Black as the night itself, Mayor. |
Mayor McDaniels |
Yes! And we can have the children of South Park put on a little play. Kathie Lee loves children. |
Assistant #1 |
If they're working in a sweatshop, that is. |
Assistant #2 |
Oh! |
Assistant #1 |
Ouch! Thank you. |
Clip 15 S01 E03: "Weight Gain 4000" |
Eric is trying to turn lard cake into beef cake with the use of Weight Gain 4000. And whilst he's certainly bulking up, it's not in a good way. |
Eric Cartman |
Hey, dudes. |
Kyle Broflovski |
What is wrong with you, Cartman? Haven't you noticed the three feet of snow on the ground? |
Eric Cartman |
I have a nice body, and I wanna show it off! You got that? |
Stan Marsh |
What? You've got to weigh ninety pounds! |
Eric Cartman |
I'm up to ninety-four, thank you very much. |
Kenny McCormick |
[Mumbles unintelligibly] |
Kyle Broflovski |
Yeah, they're almost as big as his mom's! |
[KYLE, KENNY and STAN laugh] |
Clip 16 S01 E03: "Weight Gain 4000" |
Eric is really starting to fill out nicely... if his intention was to become morbidly obese overnight, that is! |
Kyle Broflovski |
Whoa, Cartman. Talk about wide load. |
Eric Cartman |
Yeah, I'm really starting to fill out nicely. |
Kyle Broflovski |
You're not filling out nicely. You're fatter than ever! |
Eric Cartman |
I'm not fat, I'm getting in shape! |
Kyle Broflovski |
Cartman, you're such a fat-ass, that when you walk down the street people go, "God... damnit! That's a big fat ass!" |
Eric Cartman |
No, they don't, you jealous weakling! |
Passer-by |
Goddamn, that's a big fat ass! |
Eric Cartman |
HEY! |
Clip 17 S01 E03: "Weight Gain 4000" |
Mr. Garrison has a grudge against Kathie Lee Gifford because she once unfairly beat him in a talent show. And now it's time to get his revenge. Deadly revenge. |
Mr. Garrison |
Hello, Officer Barbrady. |
Officer Barbrady |
Nice gun. |
Mr. Garrison |
Thanks. Is there somewhere in town where I can get a good, clear shot... uh, view of Kathie Lee? |
Officer Barbrady |
Mmmm. You know, I think the book depository would be a good bet. |
Mr. Garrison |
Thank you, Officer Barbrady. |
Officer Barbrady |
No problem. |
Clip 18 S01 E03: "Weight Gain 4000" |
The thing about Chef is that whenever he breaks into song, it's about sex. About licking, and moaning, and groaning, and caressing. It's just not appropriate! |
Mayor McDaniels |
It is with great pride and honour that I'd like to welcome... Mrs. Kathie Lee Gifford to South Park! And now our very own South Park Elementary chef will sing a special song in honour of Mrs. Lee Gifford! |
Chef |
Thank you, Mr. Mayor. You know, Kathie Lee, you are a very special woman. I don't mean special in a Mary Tyler Moore way or... or special in an extra-value meal at Happy Burger way. No, no, no, no, no. I mean special. Like the song of the hummingbird as it gets ready to find that female hummingbird and make sweet love to it all night long. Just two hummingbirds moaning and groaning and letting their bodies caress and touch each other in ecstasy. |
♪ Oh, Kathie Lee. How I'd love to lay you down. And lick every inch of your body with my tongue. |
Mayor McDaniels |
What? |
Chef |
♪ Kathie Lee. You're my sexual fantasy. |
Mayor McDaniels |
WHAT?! |
Chef |
♪ How 'bout you and me? |
Mayor McDaniels |
Uh... uh, thank you, Chef, for that heart-warming song. Thank you, Chef! |
Clip 19 S01 E03: "Weight Gain 4000" |
If you're going to insult the town and towns-folk of which you are the mayor, it's probably best not to do it whilst standing in front of a live microphone. |
Mayor McDaniels |
No, no! Now I'll be stuck in this Podunk town forever with all these stupid, hick, redneck, jobless, truck-driving idiots! |
Assistant #2 |
Mayor, the mike is on. |
Clip 20 S01 E04: "Big Gay Al's Big Gay Boat Ride" |
Sparky. He's good with colours. He prefers the company of other (male) dogs. He's not the "marrying kind." You picking up what I'm laying down here? Sparky is gay. |
Stan Marsh |
He's part Doberman, and part wolf. He's the toughest dog on the mountain. |
Eric Cartman |
No way! Everybody knows that Sylvester is the toughest dog in South Park. |
Stan Marsh |
He's not meaner than Sparky! |
Eric Cartman |
Oh, yeah? Let's see. Hey, Sylvester! |
Stan Marsh |
Sparky will kick his ass! |
Eric Cartman |
I'll put a dollar on Sylvester. |
Stan Marsh |
You're on, dude! That's it, Sparky. Kick his ass! |
Eric Cartman |
Huh. He's doing something to his ass. He's not kicking his ass, but he's definitely doing something to his ass. |
Stan Marsh |
Sparky, bad dog! |
Kenny McCormick |
[Mumbles unintelligibly] |
Stan Marsh |
WHAT?! |
Eric Cartman |
Yeah, dude. I think your dog is gay. |
Stan Marsh |
What do you mean? |
Eric Cartman |
That dog is a gay homosexual. |
Clip 21 S01 E04: "Big Gay Al's Big Gay Boat Ride" |
It doesn't matter whether Stan's dog, Sparky is gay or straight. Not to Stan or anyone else with half a brain. Which is unfortunate because if there's one thing Eric doesn't have... |
Eric Cartman |
You see me block that defence today? I was kicking ass. |
Stan Broflovski |
You gonna need to kick more ass than that to beat the Cowboys. |
Eric Cartman |
Hey! Speaking of pounding ass, here comes Stan's homo dog! |
Stan Marsh |
Shut up, dude! |
Clip 22 S01 E04: "Big Gay Al's Big Gay Boat Ride" |
Frank is a sports commentator who, inexplicably, is live on TV commentating on an elementary school football game. And he can't help but put his foot in it every time he speaks. |
Commentator Frank |
Fumble! Middle Park gets the ball, they run it in for a touchdown! The score's seven nothing Middle Park, with fourteen fifty-seven remaining in the first quarter. |
Uncle Jimbo |
Hell's bells. |
Commentator Frank |
I haven't seen a beating like that since Rodney King! |
Commentator #2 |
Now, Frank that's not very PC. You're gonna get us in trouble again. |
Commentator Frank |
Right, right. I... I gotta watch that. |
Clip 23 S01 E04: "Big Gay Al's Big Gay Boat Ride" |
Commentator Frank. Perhaps he has Tourette's. Perhaps he has no inner monologue. Or perhaps he has verbal diarrhoea. Whatever the cause, he needs to shut up! |
Commentator Frank |
Just over a minute to go in the half, the score is Middle Park Cowboys fifty-two, South Park Cows zero. |
[PIP PIRRIP is taken down violently by several opponents] |
Commentator Frank |
I haven't seen an Englishman take a blow like that since Hugh Grant! |
Commentator #2 |
Dude! Now, that is not cool. |
Commentator Frank |
Sorry, sorry. |
Clip 24 S01 E04: "Big Gay Al's Big Gay Boat Ride" |
Kenny has been torn apart by the Middle Park Cowboys. Literally. He's been both decapitated and torn limb from limb. I think Kyle speaks for us all when he says... |
Kyle Broflovski |
Oh my God! They killed Kenny. You bastards! |
Clip 25 S01 E04: "Big Gay Al's Big Gay Boat Ride" |
Oh, no. Oh, HELL no. Frank has definitely gone too far, this time. When they come back from the break I want to see an empty chair and abandoned headset. Frank needs to take the long walk home. |
Commentator Frank |
The South Park Cows are being molested by Middle Park! I haven't seen so many children molested since - |
Kyle Broflovski |
Hey, Stan. I'm open. I think! |
Commentator Frank |
And he throws it to Kyle, the little Jewish kid. Oh, my! I haven't seen a Jew run like that since Poland, 1938! |
Commentator #2 |
Dude! |
Clip 26 S01 E05: "An Elephant Makes Love to a Pig" |
Stan is being bullied by his sister, Shelly. What he needs is the support of his friends. What he gets, however is far from what he needs. |
Eric Cartman |
Your sister beat you up again, huh? |
Stan Marsh |
No! |
Eric Cartman |
Yep! Your sister kicked your ass! |
Stan Marsh |
She's just p*ssed off 'cos she got headgear at the dentist. She's taking it out on me. |
Kyle Broflovski |
Yeah, but that sucks you get your butt kicked by a girl, Stan. |
Eric Cartman |
I would never let a woman kick my ass. If she tried anything, I'd be like, "HEY! You get your b**ch-ass back in the kitchen and make me some pie!" |
Clip 27 S01 E05: "An Elephant Makes Love to a Pig" |
This is just one of Mr. Garrison's catchphrases and we think it'd be perfect as a message tone - especially for someone you don't hear from very often. |
Mr. Garrison |
Well, spank my ass and call me Charlie. |
Clip 28 S01 E05: "An Elephant Makes Love to a Pig" |
If Stan can't get the love and support he needs from his friends, perhaps Mr. Garrison can help. Then again... perhaps not. |
Mr. Garrison |
Oh, dear. Here, Stanley. Sit down, have some cocoa, and tell your friend Mr. Hat all about it. |
Mr. Hat |
I'm your friend, Mr. Hat, Stan. You can tell me anything. Now, who hits you? Is it your father or your mother? |
Stan Marsh |
Neither, it's my sister. |
Mr. Garrison |
Your sister?! Oh, for Pete's sake, don't be such a little wuss! Stop wasting Mr. Hat's time with pansy little foo-foo problems and give me back my cocoa! |
Clip 29 S01 E05: "An Elephant Makes Love to a Pig" |
Introducing Doctor Alphonse Mephesto, South Park's answer to Jurassic Park's John Hammond. Only, Doctor Mephesto is rather fixated on giving monkeys four asses. |
Dr. Alphonse Mephesto |
I'm so pleased that you children are interested in genetic engineering. It's thanks to the wonders of genetic engineering that soon, there will be an end to hunger, disease, pollution, even war. I have created things that will change the world for the better. For instance, here's a monkey with four asses. |
Four-Assed Monkey |
[Grunts] |
Clip 30 S01 E05: "An Elephant Makes Love to a Pig" |
Finally, Stan is getting some good advice. From Kyle, that is. Kenny is suggesting that Stan boink his own sister. |
Kyle Broflovski |
Stan, you can use family love as a weapon against Shelly. The next time she's gonna kick your ass, just tell her, "Shelly, you're my sister. And I love you." |
Kenny McCormick |
[Mumbles unintelligibly] |
Stan Marsh |
Sick, dude. She's my sister! |
Clip 31 S01 E06: "Death" |
How did little Eric become so anti-Semitic? He does know that Judaism is a religion and not an insult, doesn't he? |
Liane Cartman |
Eric, dear. I just got a call from your friend Kyle's mother. She said that this show is naughty and might make you a potty-mouth. |
Eric Cartman |
That's a bunch of crap. Kyle's mom is a f[BEEP]ing Jew. |
Liane Cartman |
Oh. Okay, hon. |
Clip 32 S01 E06: "Death" |
Diarrhoea. It's nature's way of saying, "You shouldn't have eaten that." Or, "That chicken could have done with a couple more minutes." |
Kenny McCormick |
[Mumbles] |
Oh no! |
[We see KENNY walk into the bathroom and then hear the world fall out of his bottom] |
Clip 33 S01 E06: "Death" |
Mr. Garrison is in a portable toilet and it sounds like he's exploding. When he emerges, he has this pearl of wisdom to explain the terrible sounds he's been making. |
[MR. GARRISON emerges from a portable toilet] |
Mr. Garrison |
Oh, I think I've caught a touch of the flu from little Kenny this morning. I've got the green apple splatters. |
[The crowd laugh] |
Clip 34 S01 E06: "Death" |
Marvin Marsh is Stan's elderly and suicidal grandpa. And he's always coming up with novel ways to pop his cork. And, no... that's not a sexual euphemism. Jesus... why would you think that?! |
Marvin Marsh |
[Sighs mournfully] |
Stan Marsh |
Hi, Grandpa. I brought my friends over to watch TV, if that's okay. |
Marvin Marsh |
Billy, help Grandpa stick this fork in the outlet. |
Stan Marsh |
No, Grandpa. I'll get in trouble. |
Marvin Marsh |
Kill me, goddamn it. |
Stan Marsh |
No. I can't even kill a deer. |
Marvin Marsh |
Well, then have one of your little friends do it. You can kill me, can't you? |
Eric Cartman |
I would never kill somebody. Not unless they p*ssed me off. |
Marvin Marsh |
Oh, is that a fact? Well, let me tell you something, porky. Your mom was over here earlier, and I humped her like a little b**ch. |
Eric Cartman |
WHAT?! |
Marvin Marsh |
That's right. |
Stan Marsh |
Marvin Marsh |
And then, I dug up your great grandma's skeleton and had my way with her, too. |
Eric Cartman |
HEY! |
Marvin Marsh |
Choice piece of ass, your great grandma. |
Eric Cartman |
Marvin Marsh |
That's the spirit, tubby. |
Stan Marsh |
Come on, Cartman. He's just trying to get to you. |
Eric Cartman |
Stan Marsh |
We can go watch Terrance & Phillip in the kitchen. |
Marvin Marsh |
I ever tell you about the time I boofed your dad, fatso? |
Clip 35 S01 E06: "Death" |
In South Park, the local cable channel has a very famous presenter. He's none other than Jesus Christ. Yes. The Jesus Christ. Son of God and all that... |
Jesus |
First caller. You're on Jesus & Pals. |
Martin |
Yeah, is this Jesus? |
Jesus |
Yes, caller. You need to turn your TV down. That's why you're getting that weird feedback. |
Martin |
Oh, sorry. Uh, this is Martin - |
Jesus |
- Martin from Aspen Park, yes I know. |
Martin |
How the hell d'ya know that? |
Jesus |
Well, maybe because I'm the son of God, brainiac. Now, do you have a question? |
Clip 36 S01 E06: "Death" |
A protest sparked by Sheila Broflovski against Terrance & Phillip has gathered momentum. It's time the president of the TV network made a public statement. And here he is now... |
Protestor |
Look! It's the president of the network. |
John Warson |
Ladies and gentlemen, My name is John Warson. I've prepared a statement for you on behalf of the network. |
[Clears his throat and reads from a piece of paper in his hand] |
F[BEEP]k you! |
Clip 37 S01 E07: "Pink Eye" |
Oh, for the love of... REALLY? What kind of school teacher makes a comment like this anywhere near an elementary school child? Mr. Garrison, that's who. Kill him. Kill him with fire! |
Mr. Garrison |
Okay, children. Let's all gather around and bob for stupid apples, now. You go first, Bebe. |
[BEBE STEVENS begins bobbing for apples] |
Mr. Garrison |
That's good. Just use those mouth muscles like the girls in Beijing. |
Clip 38 S01 E08: "Starvin' Marvin" |
Terrance & Phillip. What is it with these two and flatulence? This is the entire basis of their show. One of them farting, the other one laughing and then retaliating. It's genius! |
Terrance |
Hey, Phillip! Could you pass the beans? |
Phillip |
Beans? Uh-oh. Looks like we'll be at war with these Indians soon. |
[TERRANCE attempts to fart and is heard straining] |
Terrance |
Wait, wait, wait! |
[TERRANCE attempts to fart and is heard straining] |
Here it comes! |
[He finally farts] |
Terrance / Phillip |
[Both laugh] |
Terrance |
I crapped my pants! |
Phillip |
I think you got some spatter on Chief Running Wolf! |
Terrance |
I spat in his face! |
Phillip |
Now he's a smelly Indian! |
Terrance / Phillip |
[Both laugh] |
Clip 39 S01 E09: "Mr. Hankey, the Christmas Poo" |
Kyle is Jewish as you've probably already realised. But rather than celebrate Hanukkah, he instead mourns Christmas. It's kind of heart-breaking. But at least he has some latkes to look forward to. They're lovely! |
Kyle Broflovski |
♪ |
Clip 40 S01 E09: "Mr. Hankey, the Christmas Poo" |
Oh yes. This is what EVERYBODY needs on their phone at Christmas. It's Mr. Hankey's trademark entrance. Hi-dee-ho! |
Mr. Hankey |
Hi-dee-ho! |
Clip 41 S01 E09: "Mr. Hankey, the Christmas Poo" |
Kids... be careful if you go sneaking around the closets and drawers of your parents' bedroom looking for your gifts before Christmas. You never know what you might find. |
Stan Marsh |
You guys, I'm getting that John Elway football helmet for Christmas. |
Eric Cartman |
How do you know? |
Stan Marsh |
'Cause I looked in my parents' closet last night. |
Eric Cartman |
Yeah? Well, I sneaked around my mom's closet, too. And saw what I'm getting. The Ultra Vibe Pleasure 2000. |
Clip 42 S01 E09: "Mr. Hankey, the Christmas Poo" |
Kyle's mom is a b**ch. Not my words and not my opinion. No. Those are the words of Eric Cartman. And here, not for the last time, he puts them to music. |
Eric Cartman |
How 'bout we sing, "Kyle's Mom is a Stupid B**ch" in D-Minor? |
Kyle Broflovski |
I told you not to call my mom a b**ch, Cartman. |
Eric Cartman |
Ohhhhh. |
♪ |
Kyle Broflovski |
Shut up, Cartman! |
Mr. Hankey |
Hi-dee-ho! |
Kyle Broflovski |
Mr. Hankey! |
Eric Cartman |
♪ |
Mr. Hankey |
Golly, that isn't very nice. I'd... I'd sure like to teach him a lesson. |
Eric Cartman |
♪ |
Clip 43 S01 E10: "Damien" |
Pip is English. And poor. And, for some reason, particularly unpopular. He's the constant butt of everyone's jokes (practical and otherwise). The poor sod. |
Pip Pirrip |
Oh, Eric. I didn't get an invitation. |
Eric Cartman |
Oh, really? Gosh. Where could I have put Pip's invitation? Let's see. Pip's invitation, Pip's invitation... oh! I remember. I shoved it up my ass! Yes, that's right. I wrote it out, put it in an envelope, sealed it, and then shoved it right up my ass, forever ruining any chance that you had of coming to my birthday party. Sorry, Pip old chap. |
Clip 44 S01 E10: "Damien" |
This joke is subtle. The latin phrase Rectus dominus as sung by the spooky choir in this clip literally translates to Ass master. Bet you never knew that, huh? |
Mr. Garrison |
We have a new student joining our class today. Now, some of you know what it's like to be the new kid in town. So I want you all to take special care to make him feel welcome. I want you all to meet our new classmate... uh, wh... what's your name again? |
Damien |
Damien. |
Choir |
♪ |
[This literally translates to "Ass master" in Latin] |
Clip 45 S01 E10: "Damien" |
Another one of Mr. Garrison's catchphrases. Slightly more child-friendly, this one but it still conjures up an amusing mental image. I mean poop... on a stick! |
Mr. Garrison |
Holy poop on a stick! |
Clip 46 S01 E11: "Tom's Rhinoplasty" |
Wendy Testaburger. She's sweet and innocent. She looks like butter wouldn't melt in her mouth. But make a move on Stan Marsh, and she'll scratch your eyes out. |
Wendy Testaburger |
Can I tell you something, Miss Ellen? |
Miss Ellen |
Of course, Wendy. |
Wendy Testaburger |
Don't f[BEEP]k with me! |
Miss Ellen |
What? |
Wendy Testaburger |
You heard me. Stay away from my man, b**ch or I'll whup your sorry little ass back to last year! |
Clip 47 S01 E11: "Tom's Rhinoplasty" |
Oh dear. When Eric asked his mother what a lesbian was, she made reference to... "licking carpet." Which Eric took quite literally. |
Eric Cartman |
This is a bunch of crap. I've been licking this carpet for 3 hours, and I still don't feel like a lesbian! |
Clip 48 S01 E13: "Kyle's Mom is a Dirty Slut" |
We all like to know where we came from. Our heritage is important because it establishes where we belong, socially and emotionally. But for Eric, that could be a slight problem. |
Eric Cartman |
I wanna know where I came from. |
Liane Cartman |
Oh, hmm. Well, you see, Eric sometimes when a man and a woman are attracted to each other they want to be close to each other. |
Eric Cartman |
Uh-huh. |
Liane Cartman |
And sometimes the man puts his hoo-hoo-dilly in the woman's cha-cha. |
Eric Cartman |
So, who put his hoo-hoo-dilly in your cha-cha? |
Clip 49 S01 E13: "Kyle's Mom is a Dirty Slut" |
Eric has found Chief Running Water - the man his mother has told him is his father. But that's not the case. And it sounds like eliminating possible fathers is going to be tricky. |
Chief Running Water |
Look, kid. I'm not your father. |
Eric Cartman |
But my mom said you're the guy she was with. |
Chief Running Water |
Kid, I hate to break this to you, but your mother is what we Native Americans refer to as "Bear with wide canyon." |
Eric Cartman |
What do you mean? |
Chief Running Water |
She is "Doe who cannot keep legs together." |
Eric Cartman |
Huh? |
Chief Running Water |
Your mom's a slut. |
Eric Cartman |
Hey! |
Clip 50 S01 E13: "Kyle's Mom is a Dirty Slut" |
Eric Cartman has gone to the local drinking hole to confront Mr. Garrison who is the latest in a long line of suspects who may or may not be his biological father. |
Eric Cartman |
All this time... why didn't you tell me, Father? |
Mr. Garrison |
What the hell are you talking about, Eric? |
Eric Cartman |
It was you all along. You were with my mother the night of the Drunken Barn Dance. |
Mr. Garrison |
Oh. |
Uncle Jimbo |
Garrison? That's impossible, he's gay. |
Mr. Garrison |
I am not gay! |
Eric Cartman |
Then you did sleep with my mom? |
Mr. Garrison |
No! |
Uncle Jimbo |
He's gay. |
Mr. Garrison |
Okay, okay, I admit it. I might have made love to your mother at the Drunken Barn Dance, but who here didn't? Now come on, honestly, who here has never had sex with Mrs. Cartman? |
Clip 51 S01 E13: "Kyle's Mom is a Dirty Slut" |
Eric says this a lot. He gets red in the face as his rage takes hold. He can't even string a sentence together. But he makes his point pretty clearly. |
Eric Cartman |
I'm... going... to... f[BEEP]ing... kill... you... guys... seriously! |