The Thick of It | Season 1
© 2005 British Broadcasting Corporation
Ever wondered what goes on behind closed doors in British politics? Armando Iannucci's award-winning fly-on-the-wall mockumentary opens those doors and lets us see who pulls the strings at Westminster. The answer? One man. Malcolm Tucker. He's the puppeteer.
Play |
Clip 1 S01 E01 |
What better way to introduce Malcolm Tucker than to hear him describing someone as a "marzipan dildo"? |
Malcolm Tucker |
[On the phone] |
No, he's useless. He's absolutely useless. He is, he's useless. He's as useless as a marzipan dildo. All right. Sorry, got to go. Minister's just walked in. |
Clip 2 S01 E01 |
Cliff Lawton is going. He has no choice. He's no longer Secretary of State for Social Affairs. Malcolm Tucker has seen to that. |
Secretary |
[Knocks on CLIFF LAWTON'S office door] |
Would you like some coffee? |
Malcolm Tucker |
Fu*k off. |
Secretary |
Tea? |
Malcolm Tucker |
You fu*k off, darling. |
Cliff Lawton |
Malcolm, look, erm... if you do this, it's the bollocks of the jungle out there, you know? They're like wolves. P*ssed wolves. |
Malcolm Tucker |
I've made the announcement. I've told the lobby you're going, Cliff. |
Cliff Lawton |
You've told the lobby I'm going? |
Malcolm Tucker |
Yeah. Sorry, Cliff. |
Cliff Lawton |
Minister. |
Malcolm Tucker |
Yeah. Get used to "Cliff." I've booked you in for the usual soapy tit wa*k farewell at Number Ten. |
Clip 3 S01 E01 |
Cliff Lawton has a suggestion. Rather than his head being on the block, perhaps Malcolm should consider sacking Tom from the Department for Transport? |
Cliff Lawton |
Erm... Look, tell you what, you don't need to... you don't need to do all this. What about Tom? You know? Everybody knows he's fu*king up Transport. |
Malcolm Tucker |
We can't sack Tom at Transport. We can't lose anyone at Transport, they're important. |
Cliff Lawton |
What, and Social Affairs isn't? |
Malcolm Tucker |
Okay, the Department of Social Affairs is very important but it's not Transport. Transport's cars, buses, trucks... |
Cliff Lawton |
I know what transport fu*king entails! |
Clip 4 S01 E01 |
Ollie Reader's ex-girlfriend is Angela Heaney, Junior Political Correspondent for the Daily Mail and thanks to him, she's in danger of losing her job. She's not happy about it, to be honest. |
Ollie Reader |
I'm really glad you came in, Angela. |
Angela Heaney |
Well, I could lose my job, Ollie. |
Ollie Reader |
Yeah... |
Angela Heaney |
Because I went all hot and heavy to the news desk with three directly contradictory stories in one day. |
Ollie Reader |
I know. |
Angela Heaney |
They gave me flip-flops. You know? Someone actually went out and bought flip-flops to give me. |
Ollie Reader |
Yeah. You've gotta give them credit for that, though. That is quite funny. |
Angela Heaney |
Yeah, and they pasted onto them... a fu*king porn picture of a girl sucking a big c*ck and they wrote "Angela Heaney swallows anything." |
Ollie Reader |
That is less funny. Obviously that's actually quite offensive. |
Clip 5 S01 E02 |
Hugh Abbot is about to discover that a journalist called Simon Hewitt has annihilated him in an article in The Times newspaper. And he's about to make that discovery in the worst way imaginable. |
Terri Coverley |
Can you just...? It's the Times. Could you just have a quick... look at that? |
Hugh Abbot |
Is it about me? |
Terri Coverley |
Have a read of it first, erm... |
Hugh Abbot |
I find this job quite exciting enough without having to inject artificial elements of suspense. |
[TERRI'S mobile phone rings and she answers it] |
You're c*ck-teasing, Terri, tell me what it is. |
Terri Coverley |
[On her phone to MALCOLM TUCKER] |
Hello, Malcolm. No, he hasn't yet. No. |
Hugh Abbot |
What? |
Terri Coverley |
He is, isn't he? He's a pr**k. He is a pr**k. |
Hugh Abbot |
Who's a pr**k? Am I a pr**k? |
Terri Coverley |
Yep, rip the ball sack off. |
Hugh Abbot |
Whose ball sack? Whose ball sack? Whose balls? |
[TERRI hands HUGH her mobile phone] |
Hello, Malcolm. |
Malcolm Tucker |
Have you got Simon Hewitt's piece in front of you? |
Hugh Abbot |
I haven't quite been through it, er, yet. |
Malcolm Tucker |
Have you got to the bit where he calls you out of your depth? |
Hugh Abbot |
No, at the moment he's calling me... "the political equivalent of the house wine at a suburban Indian restaurant." That's not very good, is it? Hang on a second. Ooh, "insipid", yeah. |
[Mumbles] |
"Uninspiring"... |
Ollie Reader |
Christ, that's bad, look at that! |
Hugh Abbot |
Ooh, "disconnected to the point of autism." |
Malcolm Tucker |
We're gonna get this tosser, Hugh, don't you worry. He'll be at the Sport, Photoshopping the tits of Hollyoaks extras by the end of the month. |
Hugh Abbot |
Can I just... Hello? No, he's gone. |
Clip 6 S01 E02 |
So, just how does Hugh Abbot deal with the negative piece Simon Hewitt has written about him in The Times? Well, Terri knows how they won't be dealing with it. |
Hugh Abbot |
So, how do we respond to this? |
Terri Coverley |
Right, we don't exchange insults with bloody Simon arse-pipes titty-twat. |
Ollie Reader |
Is that honestly the best swearing you can come up with? |
Glenn Cullen |
This is a bucket of sh*t. If someone throws sh*t, we throw sh*t at them. We start a sh*t fight. We throw so much sh*t back at them that they can't pick up sh*t, throw sh*t, or do sh*t. |
Terri Coverley |
Mm. |
Hugh Abbot |
That's top swearing, Glenn, well done. |
Ollie Reader |
Watch and learn. |
Clip 7 S01 E02 |
Glenn Cullen has an opinion about a policy to provide wayward youths with music lessons to divert them from crime and violence. He thinks it's "double wa*k and sh*t chips." |
Malcolm Tucker |
And you're against it? |
Glenn Cullen |
It'll die on its arse. |
Clip 8 S01 E02 |
Malcolm Tucker doesn't suffer fools gladly. And that includes journalists who write negative stories about politicians in his beloved government. They can expect very short thrift indeed. |
[MALCOLM TUCKER'S phone rings as he sits at this desk devouring satsumas] |
Malcolm Tucker |
Tucker. |
Simon Hewitt |
Malcolm, er... hope I didn't wake you up. |
Malcolm Tucker |
[Spits out a mouthful of fruit] |
Hewitt. |
Simon Hewitt |
Yeah, I'm doing a piece this Sunday, a big piece on focus groups, it's sort of inspired by your latest policy disaster. I'm gonna be concentrating on how your man Abbot can't do a single thing without focus groups. |
Malcolm Tucker |
I'm shaking with fear. |
Simon Hewitt |
Yeah, well, that's sexual jealousy. |
Malcolm Tucker |
You're so very, very witty. Pity none of it ever makes it into your columns. |
Simon Hewitt |
Listen, I'd love to spend the evening listening to you but, uh... I've got better things to do. |
Malcolm Tucker |
Fu*k off back to your match reports, you twat! |
Clip 9 S01 E02 |
Hugh has discovered that a member of his focus group, Mary, is actually an actress. And the sh*t is about to hit the fan. |
Mary |
I haven't got two children, but apart from that it was essentially... |
Ollie Reader |
Most... Yes, of course... I mean, most of this is... |
Hugh Abbot |
You invented the kids? |
Ollie Reader |
... to protect you. |
Mary |
I... Yeah, I was... |
Hugh Abbot |
You made up small children? |
Mary |
I know small children. |
Hugh Abbot |
That's sick. Jesus Christ! |
Mary |
I know small children. I was just being representative. |
Hugh Abbot |
You invented children. Small children that don't exist. |
Mary |
I was giving you what you wanted. |
Hugh Abbot |
And so, eventually you lose track of what you're saying, the lies compound themselves and you end up all over the place like a crazy woman's sh*t. |
Clip 10 S01 E03 |
Malcolm Tucker commands respect. He expects everyone to respect him... and his furniture. And he doesn't like Oxbridge twats. That much is clear. |
Malcolm Tucker |
Department of Social Affairs. Department of fu*king, shocking, sh*tty, charlatan sh*ts. That's what... |
[TUCKER notices OLLIE READER lounging in his leather wing-back armchair] |
...feet off the furniture, you Oxbridge twat. You're not in a punt now. |
Clip 11 S01 E03 |
Ollie should learn to read the room. There's a time and a place for double entendres. And Malcolm's office during a crisis is not the time or the place, Ollie. |
Malcolm Tucker |
The line is that we don't throw a good man out to the wolves over one single little fu*k-up. |
Glenn Cullen |
So Hugh's staying? |
Malcolm Tucker |
Yeah. |
Ollie Reader |
We tell the wolves to fu*k off. |
Malcolm Tucker |
Not exactly. |
Glenn Cullen |
They need a blood sacrifice. |
Hugh Abbot |
Indeed they do, they want a head on a plate. |
Ollie Reader |
We've got to give them head, as they say? |
Malcolm Tucker |
You're clever aren't you? Very, very clever. |
Clip 12 S01 E03 |
The axe is about to fall on the Department for Social Affairs and Ollie, Glenn and Terri are all in the firing line. It's a dog eat dog world and one of them has to do the decent thing... |
Terri Coverley |
One of you's got to decide. |
Ollie Reader |
Jesus Christ. |
Terri Coverley |
Which of you are going to do the decent thing? |
Glenn Cullen |
Look, we've been through all this, you know? Apparently I'm Ronald fu*king McDonald. |
Ollie Reader |
Hey, hang on, why are you not included in this? Why is it one of us two? |
Terri Coverley |
Well, if I've got to resign, then you've got to resign. |
Glenn Cullen |
"If I've got to resign..." |
Terri Coverley |
I answer to you on the matters of policy. |
Ollie Reader |
Yeah, well, in which case, he's got to go, hasn't he? Because I answer to him. |
Glenn Cullen |
Oh, so we've all got to go now, eh? |
Terri Coverley |
Well, I am going nowhere. I didn't do anything, I did nothing. I am as clean as a whistle. |
Glenn Cullen |
Oh, Terri, grow up. Don't give me that pile of fu*king bollocks. Just because you're a civil servant, don't think your sh*t doesn't smell. I know things about you. |
Terri Coverley |
What? What do you know? |
Ollie Reader |
Yeah, we know things. |
Glenn Cullen |
Oh, knob off. You know bugger all. |
Terri Coverley |
What do you... |
Glenn Cullen |
All you know is how to suck up to the new kid on the block. "Oooh, what a lovely backhand." |
Ollie Reader |
Fu*k off. |
Glenn Cullen |
"Oooh, my stroke is so hard." |
Ollie Reader |
You... You are so fu*king repressed! I was just playing squash. |