Plus One
© 2007 Kudos Film & Television
Rob Black has been dumped by his girlfriend, Linsey who is now due to marry Duncan James from the boy band Blue. He's been invited to the wedding. All he needs now is a head-turning plus one to get his revenge on the bastards. Starring Daniel Mays, Miranda Raison, Duncan James, Nigel Harman, Ingrid Oliver and Ruth Bradley among others, this is as funny as it is cringey!
Clip 1 S01 E01: "Fun Run" |
One of Rob's more unpleasant daydreams sees Duncan from Blue as a Bond villain torturing him by making him watch one of his pop videos. |
Fromblue |
You've been a thorn in my side for the last time, Mister Black. |
Rob |
You'll never get away with this, Fromblue. |
Fromblue |
No, I assure you, I already have. |
[Laughs] |
Rob |
You expect me to talk, Fromblue? |
Fromblue |
No, Mister Black. I expect you to endure male vocal, close-harmony pop. |
[The video to Blue's "All Rise" starts to play on a large screen and Fromblue laughs and sings along] |
Clip 2 S01 E01: "Fun Run" |
You can choose your friends but not your family. That's what they say. And Rich seems intent on proving this old adage. |
Rob |
My brother, Rich tried really hard to cheer me up. |
Rich |
Bruv, pull yourself together. You fu*king poof! |
Clip 3 S01 E01: "Fun Run" |
Laura has a point. Rob must still be holding a candle for Linsey if he's going to all this trouble to de-rail her wedding day. Surely? |
Rob |
Look. If I don't go it'll look like I'm upset that she's getting married. |
Laura |
But... you are. |
Rob |
No, but I'm not. Not... not in that way. Christ, look... let's just be clear, yeah? I don't want her back, or love her or any of that bollocks. |
Laura |
So, what's your problem? |
Rob |
My problem is, of the two blokes in that room on that day who will have seen Linsey's fanny, I'm the least impressive. |
Clip 4 S01 E01: "Fun Run" |
Rich. What can I say about Rich? Well, let's just say he has a one-track mind and the needle's stuck. |
Rebecca |
Why don't you ask that nice girl you work with, Laura? |
Rich |
Yeah, she is a nice girl. And that's the problem. He doesn't need a nice girl, he wants proper, Olympic-standard fanny. Real... top-end minge, you know... quality clam. |
Clip 5 S01 E01: "Fun Run" |
Another of Rob's many daydreams in which he fantasises about ruining Linsey and Duncan's big day. |
Duncan |
And, of course, the person I'd most like to thank today is my beautiful wife... Linsey. |
Linsey |
Just a minute... sorry... sorry, is that Nicola Dare? It is Nicola Dare, the best looking girl you ever met. I'm sorry, Duncan from Blue... Nicola Dare being here has made me realise you can do so much better than me. I mean. compared to her... I'm a fu*king boiler! |
Clip 6 S01 E01: "Fun Run" |
I've never questioned my position on this issue. I wouldn't. Ever. But Paul is undecided. If a girl had unexpected items in her panties... he probably still would. |
Paul |
You know... I've always wondered that. If I was with a hot woman, we got down to it, she stripped off and she'd got this big c*ck... and balls... would I? |
Rob |
Would you what? |
Paul |
You know... do it. I'm talking about those pre-op, high-end Brazilians. I've seen them at the carnivals. They look just like women. |
Rob |
Except for the c*ck and balls. |
Paul |
Yeah but most blokes are dying for their girlfriends to let them have anal sex, right? So... this is a really good looking woman who'd not only let you do it... she won't have it any other way. |
Rob |
Yeah, granted but there's still another man's genitals waving about down there. So what you're saying is... I, Paul, want to have sexual intercourse with another man. In the bum. |
Paul |
No. You're taking a very simplistic view of this, Robert. |
Clip 7 S01 E01: "Fun Run" |
Rob has just been struck in the balls. It hurts. I know. But if I were staggering around rubbing them afterwards, I'd be careful who saw me. |
Rob |
Owwwwwww. Ahhhhh. Ahhhhh. Oh, my balls. Ahhhhh my fu*king balls are going to explode. |
Little Girl |
[Screams] |
Rob |
Oh, sh*t! |
Clip 8 S01 E02: "Black Ice" |
This is not a healthy attitude from a potential wedding guest. They should care about one party or the other at least. But not Rob. No. He couldn't give a... damn. |
Rob |
Can you believe the thing's on telly? I mean, it's bad enough that I've got to go to it, full stop. Now I've got to endure twelve weeks of the build-up to the bastard. |
[In a mocking tone] |
Oh, what colour will the bridesmaids dresses be? |
I don't give a fu*k. Seriously, a fu*k I am unable to give. Have you got a spare fu*k on you, Rob? Ooh, ooh... hang on, let me check. Oh, I'm sorry... I'm completely fu*king out of them. |
Clip 9 S01 E02: "Black Ice" |
Why are some daydreams self-deprecating? I mean, imagine imagining that this actually happened live on T4. Ouch! |
Steve Jones |
So, Duncan... new single out on Monday. It's fantastic, by the way. |
Duncan |
Thanks, Steve. |
Steve Jones |
Um, you describe it as a concept record, yes? |
Duncan |
Umm, I wanted to handle broader, more universal concepts in my music. |
Steve Jones |
But the title, "Rob Black, You're Sh*t!" uh... does seem to be quite specific. |
Duncan |
It's just a made-up name. A kind of mythical, every-man figure. |
Steve Jones |
In verse one, the line, "Linsey reckons you've got a really weird bend in your c*ck." Linsey's your girlfriend's name, no? |
Duncan |
Purely coincidence. |
Clip 10 S01 E02: "Black Ice" |
Abby is one potential plus one for Linsey's wedding. She's an actress, a singer and actually pretty stunning. Which leads Rob to have this daydream. |
Abby |
♪ |
This wedding's quite lame, despite all of his fame because... |
Duncan's a twat. |
Linsey's dress doesn't fit and the caterer's sh*t because... |
Duncan's a twat. |
The ring looks like it cost 99p, it's been a disaster, I'm sure you'll agree. |
Duncan |
I'm starting to wonder why she's marrying me. Because I'm... a... twaaaatttt! |
Clip 11 S01 E02: "Black Ice" |
Poor Rebecca. She's not been lucky in love. And that has to be hard enough without her brother reminding her of the fact with alarming regularity. |
Rebecca |
Well, well, well... it appears that I've got a date, too. |
Rob |
Really? |
Rebecca |
Yep. First one in what... twelve months? |
Zoe |
Wow, that's ages! |
Rebecca |
That's what having babies does for you. |
Rich |
No, that's what being a Gaymaker does for you. |
Zoe |
What do you mean? |
Rich |
Rebecca, here is a Gaymaker. She makes men gay. |
Rebecca |
Okay, that's not technically true. |
Rich |
You sent your last bloke queer. |
Rebecca |
No I did not. He was gay already. |
Rich |
Didn't stop you getting pregnant by him, did it? |
Zoe |
Henry's dad's gay? |
Rich |
Yeah but he'll be all right. He's got me as a strong heterosexual influence. |
Rebecca |
Oh, great. Yeah. |
Rich |
Thing is, he wasn't the first. |
Rob |
Rich, come on now, mate. |
Rich |
Of the eleven blokes she's slept with - |
Rebecca |
Christ, have you been keeping a diary or something? |
Rich |
- three have turned gay, four were already gay and one was bitten in half by a hippopotamus. |
Zoe |
You shagged three gay guys and another four have turned gay? |
Rebecca |
You find that more astonishing than one of them being bitten in half by a hippopotamus? |
Rob |
Well, to be fair to Zoe here, you sleeping with one man who's been bitten in half by a hippo is bad luck. Sending seven of your eleven boyfriends gay is pretty astonishing. |
Rebecca |
I did not send them. They were already there! |
Rich |
Maybe they mistook you for a man. |
Rebecca |
Oh and one day someone might mistake you for a man, Richard. Unless they saw your feet. Your tiny child feet. All inky-winky, tiny like dinky Mister Tumnus fawn hooves. |
Richard |
Oi, footballers feet, these. |
Rebecca |
Yeah, Subbuteo footballer. |
Rich |
So, who is he, anyway? I mean, where did you meet him? What does he do? Come on, Gaymaker, let's have it. |
Rebecca |
Will you stop calling me Gaymaker? I am not a Gaymaker. Nor am I the Bender Sender, the Queer Engineer, the Bum Whisperer, that was good... uh, the Fruitcake Baker or the Promo of Homo. |
Rich |
All right. Point made! |
Clip 12 S01 E03: "See It in a Boy's Lies" |
It's Rich again. Only this time, he has a point. There's more than one way to crack a nut or skin a cat. Rob CAN find an incredibly beautiful plus one. But he'll need Laura's help. |
Rich |
One of yours, Bruv? |
Rob |
Yeah. |
Rich |
Well, don't sound so enthusiastic. You should be proud. You produced this record. |
Rob |
Yeah, but I'm not a real record producer. I just put names on a spreadsheet. |
Rich |
I don't know what you're moaning about. I mean, you get to hang out with birds that look like that all day. |
Rob |
No, I don't. I never meet the models. The covers are all dealt with by the Graphics Department. |
Rich |
Well, do you know anyone in the Graphics Department? |
Rob |
Laura. |
Rich |
What, Laura as in the girl who sits next to you for forty hours a week, Laura? |
Rob |
Yeah. |
Rich |
Bruv, you are currently busting your balls to try and find an incredibly beautiful woman to take to Linsey's wedding, right? |
Rob |
Right. |
Rich |
That... is an incredibly beautiful woman, yes? |
Rob |
Yes. |
Rich |
Now, if you can't figure out a way to meet her... then you, Robert, do not deserve to own a penis. |
Clip 13 S01 E03: "See It in a Boy's Lies" |
Another daydream. I'm starting to think that Rob's just bitter and twisted about the whole Linsey / Duncan from Blue situation, aren't you?! |
V/O |
Hey, Rob! is the ultimate Linsey's sh*t collection. Forty-one dancefloor fillers to remind you why this model is just loads better looking than your ex-girlfriend. Including such pumping hard-house classics as Linsey's Got a Fat Arse, Linsey Can Resemble a Tortoise From Certain Angles and an exclusive remix of the Euro Club Smasher, Linsey Looks a Bit Like a Lesbian With That Haircut. Available in your head now! |
Clip 14 S01 E04: "The Competition Winner" |
Rob can always count on his best friend, Paul to cheer him up. To boost his ego when he's feeling down. To tell him like it is. Well, that last bit, certainly, but as for the rest... |
Rob |
A celebrity! Look, Paul... it's a celebrity! Seriously, I'm telling you. Lisa Snowdon just went into the VIP Room. I've got to go and say hello, surely? |
Paul |
Whoah, Robert... this is Lisa Snowdown. One of the most beautiful women in Britain. |
Rob |
And? |
Paul |
And, you've got a face like a balloon that someone sh*t in and punched really hard. |
Clip 15 S01 E04: "The Competition Winner" |
This might sound like a drug deal, but it's not. It's worse. Because what Rob is buying from Rich is an evening with a child. And whilst it's not as bad as it sounds, it's still pretty twisted. |
Rich |
All right, Bruv? You got the money? |
Rob |
A hundred quid, as requested. I've already spent three hundred on his ticket. I thought meeting the Snowdon would be good enough for him. |
Rich |
Well, she's good enough for me. |
Rob |
She's about ten years too old for you, isn't she? |
Rich |
Twelve. But I'll make an exception. She's a right piece of ass. She's definitely filed away for a rainy day. |
Rob |
Yeah, I'm sure she'll be delighted to know she's made it into your "wa*k bank", Richard but can we just get down to business? |
Clip 16 S01 E04: "The Competition Winner" |
Paul is documenting Henry's first year of life but he seems to be focussing on breast-feeding. And that doesn't make Rob feel very comfortable at all to be honest. |
Rob |
You are taking photos of my sister breast-feeding. |
Paul |
No. I am capturing the reality of Henry's first year. I'm reporting it on - |
Rob |
Yeah, I can see what you're saying in theory but, in reality, you are just taking photos of my sister's tits! |
Paul |
It's for Henry to look back on in years to come. |
Rob |
Well, I don't know about you, Paul but I can think of nothing that I, as a grown man, want to do less than look at a book full of pictures of my mum's tits. And neither will Henry. Unless there's something very, very fu*king wrong with him. |