© 2016 Boom Cymru
For anyone who believes that parenting is magical, wonderful, exciting and rewarding, you have a choice. You can continue to believe that or you can watch Motherland. It might just put you off having children altogether. It's like a contraceptive. A visual contraceptive.
Clip 1 S01 E00: "Pilot" |
Julia and Paul are having childcare issues. She works full-time. He parties full-time. Her mother is on strike. You get the picture. But what to do? |
Paul |
What about Helenka? |
Julia |
She's a cleaner. She's not a babysitter. Anyway... I really don't trust Helenka. I'm almost certain it was her that ate my Easter egg that time. |
Paul |
Why don't we have a nanny again? |
Julia |
What? I've told you. I really want the children to be brought up the way I was. By my mother. |
Clip 2 S01 E00: "Pilot" |
Kevin is on the side-lines. He wants to be part of the elite group of mothers who meet at Tea Bags every morning. He just needs an "inner" and women's rights has got to be it, right? |
Kevin |
I wonder if Amanda knows about the situation up at Toasties? |
Liz |
The situation at Toasties? What situation at Toasties? |
Kevin |
Another breast-feeding incident. They asked Deidre to cover up. I tell you, Liz... if it was men doing the feeding there'd be blokes all over this café with their breasts out. |
Liz |
Hmm. Yeah. |
Kevin |
I'm just gonna see if Amanda heard about it. |
Liz |
DON'T! |
Kevin |
What? |
Liz |
It's not going to happen, Kevin. |
Kevin |
What's not? |
Liz |
We're not getting on the big table. They don't want us there. You'll have to accept it. |
Kevin |
I'm just going to have a word. |
Liz |
[Mocking KEVIN] |
Oh hi, Amanda. Just wondered if you'd heard about the war on tits at Toasties? |
[Mocking AMANDA] |
Oh, uh... sorry, Kevin. My friends and I were hoping you'd died. |
[Mocking KEVIN] |
Okay, great. I'll send round an e-mail to discuss an appropriate response. |
[Mocking AMANDA] |
Do whatever you like. My computer sh*ts all your e-mails to a spam folder. |
[Mocking KEVIN] |
Okay, then. Bye! |
[Mocking AMANDA] |
Bye! Go away forever! |
Clip 3 S01 E00: "Pilot" |
Julia is getting to know Liz who might JUST have become her new best friend. Sadly, this is largely due to Liz's ability to assist with Julia's childcare. The shallow b**ch! |
Julia |
Do you work? |
Liz |
I was at Citizen's Advice but... one of my calls got recorded for training purposes. So... that was that. |
Clip 4 S01 E00: "Pilot" |
We've all been there. At a party or a gathering where things suddenly become VERY awkward. First there's Julia's social faux pas and then comes Liz's drunken attack on the other women. AWKWARD! |
Amanda |
Julia? What are you doing? |
Julia |
Oh, I was just... uh... I was just picking at the left-overs. |
Amanda |
If you were hungry, you could have just asked. You're making me feel like a bad hostess. |
Julia |
Oh, I'm sorry. |
Amanda |
Do you want me to cook you something? I can't bear to see you eat out of the bin like a homeless person. |
Julia |
No! No! I wasn't eating out of the bin... it's just, like... I was just... you know, I thought there'd be food here for the adults. |
Anne |
Oh, God! |
Meg |
Wow! |
Amanda |
Well, Julia... I've been dealing with something and I'm sorry I didn't have time to lay on a banquet. |
Julia |
No, I... I didn't... mean - |
Amanda |
Do you want me to cook you an omelette? |
Julia |
No, honestly, I'm fine - |
Amanda |
No. I insist. I can't have my guests eating out of the rubbish! Does anyone else want food? Anyone? I'm making Julia an omelette. Anyone? |
Liz |
I'll have an omelette actually, Amanda. Saves me defrosting some eggs when I get home. And while I get the chance, Melissa, I should say I feel bad. I feel bad. I should have cleared the air and apologised for taking your fat husband's virginity twenty years ago! And while I'm at it, Anne... can you RSVP to Charlie's birthday party because he really wants Darius there and it'll break his fu*king heart if his best friend doesn't make it. |
Anne |
Yeah. |
Liz |
Thank you. |
Clip 5 S01 E00: "Pilot" |
The party's over. Julia has left Amanda's house, embarrassed and despondent. But Liz, as always, has some inspirational words to lift her spirits. |
Julia |
There's a whole network of helpful mums I have no access to anymore. |
Liz |
Oh, well. You can't make an omelette without telling a few skinny b**ches to go fu*k themselves. |
Clip 6 S01 E01: "The Birthday Party" |
Liz is full of useful advice for maximising the potential for free child care. Thirty kids, four caterpillar cakes, a pound coin, Gangnam Style and undiluted cordial. Yep. That's it! |
Julia |
What did you mean when you said I was missing a trick? |
Liz |
If you've got child care issues, you should throw a big party. |
Julia |
What? Why? |
Liz |
You invite thirty kids, you get thirty invites back. That's free child care. I'm having a lovely afternoon without my son right now. |
Julia |
How does that even work? I mean... the parents have to stay, don't they? |
Liz |
No, it's drop-offs. You gift them a drop-off party then it's quid pro quo... they'll let you drop off in return. |
Julia |
Liz, I haven't got time to organise a massive party. |
Liz |
What time?! You buy four caterpillar cakes from Asda, put them together in one long human centipede type caterpillar cake, then just let the kids help themselves. Don't even bother with a knife, just let them dig their creepy little fingers in. Then, tell them you've hidden a quid somewhere and relax. Then for the big finalé, play Gangnam Style and give them undiluted squash. They'll go fu*king mental. It's all over by four p.m. Done. |
Clip 7 S01 E01: "The Birthday Party" |
We've all done it, haven't we? Tried to make a novelty cake for a child's birthday. It never quite turns out like the one in the photograph though, does it?! |
Liz |
This is a bag of choking hazards for the party bags. And give them out at the end. That's a sign that everyone has to p*ss off. |
Julia |
Oh thanks, Liz. How much do I owe you? |
Liz |
One pound. God bless Poundland. |
Julia |
No, I mean for everything. |
Liz |
Oh, right. Er... |
[Checks the receipt] |
Five pound. God bless Poundland! Right. There's four caterpillar cakes in there. |
Julia |
NO! I've made a Minion cake. You wouldn't know it's a Minion but I really think it'll pass as a cake. |
Liz |
It looks like an angry sweetcorn. |
Clip 8 S01 E01: "The Birthday Party" |
How much clearer could Kevin possibly have been? Ivy vomited on him. Twice. If I can understand that, why the hell is Julia not getting it?! |
Kevin |
Ivy's just been sick. |
Julia |
What do you mean, sick? |
Kevin |
Uh, she vomited on me. And... and then she vomited again. On... on me. |
Julia |
What do you mean? |
Kevin |
Um... I... I don't know how else to say it. |
Clip 9 S01 E01: "The Birthday Party" |
The entertainer for Ivy's party is notorious. He's rubbish. He calls himself "Animal Man" but he only has one type of animal in his repertoire. Cats. They're all bloody cats. |
Julia |
How is she? |
Liz |
Just had another little mini-vom earlier. |
Julia |
Well, she hasn't got a temperature, so that's good. Look, you don't have to sit up here. I can take over. |
Liz |
No, I'm having a nice time. Ivy's having a nice time. This is my kind of party. Plus I owe the animal bloke fifty quid. I booked him for a party and then didn't pay him. |
Julia |
Because he was racist? |
Liz |
No, because he was rubbish. God, if I didn't pay people because they were racist, I wouldn't have a satellite dish. Or catering at my wedding. |
Clip 10 S01 E01: "The Birthday Party" |
To clarify, Kevin's "Carrot Flute" is really just that. A flute carved out of a carrot. But still, it sounds all kinds of wrong when he says it like this. |
Kevin |
Tag team. I just thought Ivy might want a peep on my carrot flute. |
Liz |
Please don't say that to any other children, Kevin. |
Clip 11 S01 E01: "The Birthday Party" |
Sex Night. Is that a thing? Do couples put that in their calendars? Plan ahead? I mean, surely spontaneity is the foundation of any relationship, isn't it? |
Kevin |
You know what? I'm gonna take Sex Night out of the calendar. I put it in there as a repeat event but, uh... oh. She's already deleted it. |
Clip 12 S01 E01: "The Birthday Party" |
Animal Man is all packed up. All of his cats are back in their baskets and back in his van. There's just the small matter of a tip. And Liz certainly has a few of those for him. |
Animal Man |
Right. All packed up, then. |
Julia |
Great. So, is that everything or what? |
Animal Man |
Oh, it's just that I normally get a bit of a... thank you. |
Julia |
Thank you. |
Animal Man |
No, I meant a tip. |
Julia |
Oh. Well, if I'm honest, you were late. And also if I'm honest, you were quite unimaginative. |
Animal Man |
Uh, well... I... I... I think the kids really enjoyed all the animals. |
Kevin |
[Makes a sarcastic noise] |
Animal Man |
S... sorry. What was that? |
Kevin |
I said... |
[Repeats the sound] |
Animal Man |
Sorry. Have you got something to say? Because I heard all your sarcy comments during the show. |
Kevin |
Show! |
Animal Man |
All right, mate. I don't know what your issue is but I - |
Kevin |
I'm not going to get into here in front of children and mothers, mate. |
Animal Man |
Okay. Fine. Let's take it outside, then. |
Kevin |
Fine. Front or back? |
Animal Man |
What? |
Kevin |
Front door or back door? Because it'd be stupid if I went to the garden and you went to the street. |
Animal Man |
Front then. Because that is where my van is parked. |
Liz |
Leave it, Kevin. He's not worth it. |
Animal Man |
It's all right, love. I've got th... I know you. I know you. You owe me money. |
Liz |
No, I don't. |
Animal Man |
You do. |
Liz |
I didn't pay you because your act is terrible. And you're racist. If your act was amazing, I'd put up with a tiny bit of racism. But your act is sh*t. It's just cats, mate. Don't call yourself Animal Man if you just have cats. Call yourself Cat Man. Bloody Cat-Man-Do. There you go. That's a great name. You can have that. It's got to be worth fifty quid. |
Clip 13 S01 E02: "Auction of Promises" |
Why does everyone want a piece of cake the moment you get one? And they don't want their own piece of cake. No. They want a forkful of yours, don't they? |
Julia |
That cake looks nice. |
Liz |
Mmmm. |
Julia |
I might go and get some cake. Unless you want to share that with me. |
Liz |
No. I want to eat all of it on my own. |
Julia |
Pig! |
Clip 14 S01 E02: "Auction of Promises" |
Making punch for a school event is a fine art. Too little alcohol and it's a snooze-fest. Too much and people are ripping off their shirts, fighting and vomiting on the floor. In my experience. |
Anne |
Is Liz really doing the drinks? Because her measures are demented. I mean, do you remember the last time she did them? |
Kevin |
No. I don't think anyone does. |
Clip 15 S01 E03: "The Pool Party" |
Kevin. A man who carries his wife's swimming costume AND tampons around with him. I mean, sure... this is a pool party but his wife isn't there so... |
Julia |
Anyway, I don't... I don't have a swimsuit, so... |
Kevin |
I've got my wife's costume in my bag. The gusset sticker's still attached so it... it's hygienic as hell. |
Julia |
Kevin, why have you got your wife's swim suit? |
Kevin |
Just in case, I suppose. |
Liz |
You got tampons in there as well? |
Kevin |
What size? |
Clip 16 S01 E03: "The Pool Party" |
Liz has found a wallet. She's contacted the owner and she's meeting up with him. He sounds nice. She has plans. She has designs for Wallet Guy. And those plans don't include her children. Obviously. |
Julia |
Wallet man called and I have to go now. |
Kevin |
Okay. Have fun. |
Liz |
Kevin |
But I'm already taking Julia's kids. |
Liz |
Kevin |
Fine! |
Clip 17 S01 E05: "The After Party" |
Introducing a new partner to an ex-partner can be awkward. Especially when your ex-partner is Liz. Because Liz is... well, she's lovely but she's also a little bit of a nutter. |
Liz |
So, when am I going to meet this Debbie woman, then? |
Lee |
Okay. It's not Debbie. It's Debbie-Louise and she's not a woman. She's my... partner. |
Liz |
What? She went from zero to partner in three weeks? Didn't even have to climb the charts? What is she, Ed Sheeran? |
Lee |
Okay, well you don't need to meet her. |
Liz |
Course I do! She's moved in. She's living in your home. If my kids are going to be using the same bathroom as her, then I want to meet her. She could be a nutter. |
Lee |
I don't go out with nutters. |
Liz |
Clip 18 S01 E05: "The After Party" |
Sporking. It's like stabbing but using a spork. Which, if you're uninitiated, is a cross between a spoon and a fork. And Liz has done some sporking her time. 'Course she has. |
Julia |
So, what's been going on? |
Liz |
Nothing much. Apart from my ex, Lee having a new partner. No. No, not girlfriend. Partner. Debbie-Louise for fu*k's sake. Who double-barrels two stupid names? Anyway, she's welcome to him. All we did was fight if I'm honest. I stabbed him once. Just with a spork from a Tesco pasta salad. Just in the leg. Police got involved. I got a caution for sporking. The wa*ker! |
Clip 19 S01 E05: "The After Party" |
Lee's new partner is tidy. No, not like that. Well, maybe. But I mean that she likes her home neat. She likes cushions. And potpourri. Loads and loads of potpourri. Me? Just makes me sneeze. |
Liz |
Where's Debbie-Does-Dallas? |
Lee |
It's Debbie-Louise and she's at work. |
Liz |
Where's all the kids' stuff? |
Lee |
What? |
Liz |
[Barging past LEE and going inside his house for a look around] |
Where's all the toys and mess and kiddie-crap? |
Lee |
I don't know. In their rooms? |
Liz |
What's with all the cushions? |
Lee |
I like cushions. |
Liz |
Since fu*king when? |
Lee |
You can't get angry at cushions, Liz. You know? You can't have strong feelings against something that's designed to make your back more comfortable. |
Liz |
[Pointing to a marble column supporting a potted plant] |
How is that not broken? How can Charlie play in here with that? |
[Spotting a bowl of potpourri on the table] |
What's this sh*t? |
Lee |
I dunno. |
Liz |
It's potpourri. There's just... bowls of potpour-fu*king-ri everywhere! She's turning our house into a nursing home. |
Lee |
Yeah, well... it's my house. |
Liz |
She can't just erase all evidence of our kids. I wanna meet this woman. You set something up or... I swear I'll... |
[Throws the bowl of potpourri to the floor] |
Clip 20 S01 E05: "The After Party" |
You're the only man in a room full of arguing women. Angry women. Spiteful women. How do you stop it? Well, how about loudly announcing a secret that one of them has trusted you with? |
[The WOMEN are arguing loudly, shouting over each other] |
Kevin |
[Predictably, everyone goes quiet as this news sinks in] |
Clip 21 S01 E06: "The Caretaker" |
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, right? Well, try a woman who you've been holding out on. Not being honest to about your earnings. Hell hath no fury like that woman, I can tell you! |
Lee |
So... uh, listen. We gotta talk about when Debbie-Louise has the baby, I'm going to, uh... have to reduce child maintenance for obvious reasons. |
Liz |
Oh, yeah. About that. I think you forgot to tell the CSA about the wage increase you had in January. Yeah, but don't worry. Easy fix. I went to the Citizens Advice Bureau and they said you've been under-paying me for the past thirteen months, so... back-dated, that's eighteen hundred quid. Oh, and watch out for Charlie. He drank the baby's lactulose so...he might have a bit of diarrhoea in about four hours. Have a good time, kids. See you Sunday! |
Lee |
Hang on - |
[LIZ slams the door in LEE's face] |
Clip 22 S01 E06: "The Caretaker" |
Liz and Julia have fallen out. Mainly because Julia was blatantly using Liz. And friends don't do that. It's give and take. Not take, take, take. But Kevin is on hand to reassure Julia. |
Kevin |
Don't worry about Liz. She doesn't hold a grudge. She just sometimes finds it hard to let go of resentment. |
Julia |
That's literally what holding a grudge means. You just said she doesn't hold a grudge and then you just described a grudge! |
Clip 23 S01 E06: "The Caretaker" |
Kevin rarely swears. Very rarely. But sometimes a man has to do what he has to do. And in Kevin's case, that's apparently fu*king himself up the ass. Not literally, of course. That would be weird. |
Kevin |
Did... did you see Julia back there? |
Liz |
Kevin! |
Kevin |
I... I just think she'd love it if you - |
Liz |
KEVIN! Drop it, all right? The only team Julia is on is Team Julia. I don't need any more users in my life. I'm going a purge. |
Kevin |
She's just been under a lot of stress. |
Liz |
Oh, bloody hell, Kevin. You're exhausting. |
Kevin |
Don't we all have to try to make the best of things? What? Should we all just give up? I've just found out I've got a job interview on Wednesday. I don't want to go back to work. I've fu*ked myself. I've fu*ked myself in the ass. I've fu*ked myself right up the ass. I mean, we just have to make the best of it. |
Liz |
All right, Sweary Mary! |
Kevin |
Sorry. |