The Cleaner
© 2021 Studio Hamburg UK
Paul "Wicky" Wickstead is a Crime Scene Cleaner. He cleans up where others have made a mess... of others. It's not a glamorous job but he likes it. Most of the time. Except when it interferes with curry night at The White Horse, of course. Greg Davies writes and stars in this fresh and likeable comedy.
Clip 1 S01 E01 |
Wicky is devastated to find that a particularly gruesome crime scene is going to make him late for his weekly curry at The White Horse. |
Wicky |
Bloody hell, Ruth... this is going to take ages. |
Ruth |
I told your boss it was a bad one. |
Wicky |
It's three o'clock. I'm supposed to be - |
Ruth |
Curry night. I told them, "He won't like this. It's curry night at The White Horse." |
Wicky |
It's on everything! Look, it's on the curtains, the bloody clock... who puts a white rug in a kitchen? Did Siegfried move here after Roy died? Jesus! What happened? |
Ruth |
A woman killed her husband. |
Wicky |
What with... a combine harvester?! |
Ruth |
Stabbed him. Thirty-eight times. |
Wicky |
Why?! To p*ss me off? You only need five stabs. Anything else is showboating. |
Clip 2 S01 E01 |
Being unexpectedly taken hostage by the woman who stabbed her husband thirty-eight times has pretty much nailed the lid on the coffin that was curry night. Could Wicky's day get any worse?! |
Sheila |
Don't worry. I've no intention of hurting you. Mind you, I had no intention of hurting my husband. It's funny... I, um... I really don't remember what happened. |
Wicky |
You stabbed him. Thirty-eight times. |
Sheila |
Goodness me, I was cross, wasn't I? |
Wicky |
Yes. Five would have been plenty. |
Sheila |
Hmm. |
Wicky |
I mean... do you mind me asking - |
Sheila |
Hmm? |
Wicky |
What did he do wrong? |
Sheila |
He made models. |
Wicky |
No. No, I mean why did you kill him? |
Sheila |
I know what you meant and my answer remains. |
Clip 3 S01 E01 |
Is there such a thing as "justifiable homicide"? I'm thinking possibly not. I'm with Wicky on this one. Sheila is a complete fruit-loop. |
Wicky |
I know what you mean. My ex, once... she put all the DVDs in alphabetical order and I ran her over with a van. |
Sheila |
Did you? |
Wicky |
No. Because I'm not a psychopath. |
Sheila |
I'm not a psychopath. I'm the treasurer of the community centre. |
Wicky |
Oh, right. Well, as long as the coffee morning receipts are in order... who's gonna begrudge you a little blood-bath? |
Sheila |
I see. Upstairs. |
Wicky |
I'm not going in the cupboard. |
Sheila |
Upstairs! |
Clip 4 S01 E01 |
Sheila needs to prevent Wicky running away. But she also needs the bathroom. What to do? Get him to stand outside the bathroom door and talk. Thing is, he doesn't really know what to say! |
Wicky |
I can't think! |
Sheila |
Why not? |
Wicky |
I dunno. I suppose it's because I'm being held at gunpoint by a murderer who's having a sh*t! |
Clip 5 S01 E02 |
Terence Redford is an author. He's also just lost his grandmother in a particularly messy gas explosion. So now is surely not the time to question Wicky's use of "tired clichés." |
Wicky |
I'm sorry. |
Terence |
What for? |
Wicky |
For your loss. |
Terence |
Why are you sorry? Did you kill her? |
Wicky |
I'm just being polite, mate. |
Terence |
It's another worn-out cliché. You're not sorry, you didn't know my grandmother... why would you be sorry that she's dead? It's a bastardisation of the language. |
Wicky |
You're right. I couldn't care less she's dead. |
Terence |
There! Now doesn't that feel fresher? The clean air of honesty. |
Wicky |
I'm glad she's dead. |
Terence |
Why would you be glad? |
Wicky |
I got carried away. It's - |
Terence |
You are indifferent. You didn't know my grandmother. You are indifferent to her life and death. That is proper. |
Wicky |
Sorry. About saying I'm glad. Not about her death. |
Terence |
About which you are... |
Wicky |
Indifferent? |
Clip 6 S01 E02 |
One question. Just one. What are "mum tits?" I mean, I can only imagine that it's the breasts of a mum. Which is not something I've given much thought about, to be honest. |
Wicky |
Look... can I ask you something? A serious question. |
Terence |
Quickly, please. |
Wicky |
Why aren't you upset about your gran? |
Terence |
What makes you think I'm not upset? |
Wicky |
Well, normally people are affected by a loss. They show it in some way. What about your nan? |
Terence |
She was an extraordinary woman and her loss; a fire in my soul. |
Wicky |
Tell your face. |
Terence |
Tell my face what? |
Wicky |
Normally people... cry? |
Terence |
I can't afford to cry. Look, I could break down now in front of you... rivers of tears and fall into your arms and then what? |
Wicky |
Well, then you'd feel better. I'm a great cuddle. Look! I've got lovely big mum tits. Come on! |
Terence |
Oh God! |
Wicky |
Come on! |
Clip 7 S01 E03 |
Wicky has the wrong keys to a crime scene. And when the disabled lady who lives next door engages him in conversation, it gets real surreal real quick! |
Wicky |
I'm a Crime Scene Cleaner. |
Helena |
Well, why are you ringing the doorbell if you know he's dead? |
Wicky |
I thought his relatives might be in. No? |
Helena |
No. He didn't have any. Just a dog. |
Wicky |
Well, here's the thing... some dogs can open doors these days. My mate Daz, he taught his dog to walk on it's hind legs. In the end, that's the only way it walked. Yeah. It was weird seeing him around town. Just looked like he was hanging out with a hairy kid that kept sh*tting on pavements. |
Clip 8 S01 E03 |
Helena dumped her boyfriend because she's vegan and he was sneaking off having meat orgies (her words, not mine) behind her back. |
Wicky |
Did you really dump him just because he goes for a steak every now and then? |
Helena |
Well, you might be happy to date a mass-murderer but I'm not. It's clear you've had a few burgers, isn't it? |
[HELENA plays the bongos on WICKY'S stomach] |
Wicky |
Awwww... come on! |
Helena |
Yeah. It's fine to kill and eat animals. Maybe I should date a people trafficker next. Get myself a nice slave to do my housework. |
Wicky |
You can't compare. They're animals. |
Helena |
Well, you're old enough to remember The Smiths aren't you? Did Morrisey not get to you? |
Wicky |
Yeah. Meat is Murder's a great song. So's Fu*k the Police. I don't take songs literally. I have had sex with a policewoman, though. It was a dry hump. |
Clip 9 S01 E04 |
Miss Hosier is an aristocrat. A kindly but severe octogenarian who lives alone in a massive house. And who has a mean swing with a gold club. Hence the blood splatter pattern on the stairs. |
Wicky |
If someone's died in their own home, I... uh, I like putting things right for them. |
Miss Hosier |
Put things right. How noble. |
Wicky |
Yeah. Better for things to be left as they were in the happy times. You know, before... well, before their brains got splattered all over the carpet. |
Miss Hosier |
Oh, for God's sake, man. |
Wicky |
Sorry but you'd be thankful this one was fresh. If they've been left, it can be rank. |
Miss Hosier |
Rank? |
Wicky |
You don't want to know. Insects, bacteria... it's gross. There was one last week, I mean... the stench of decay in that room. It was so heavy in the air, it was like... it was like my nan had farted in my mouth. And she only ate ham. |
Clip 10 S01 E06 |
Maggie is Wicky's old flame. She's also, by coincidence, the owner of a country holiday home where a burglar has had his hand blown off by a disgruntled farmer armed with a shotgun. |
Maggie |
What are you doing here, Wicky? Is this your job now? Cleaner? |
Wicky |
Crime Scene Cleaner. It's a bit more specialist, like. |
Maggie |
You was the messiest bugger I've ever known. |
Wicky |
You can talk... taking your tights and your pants off all at once and leaving them all over the floor. |
Maggie |
[Laughing] |
I still do that. Figure of eight you used to call it. |
Wicky |
Yeah, the smelly figure of eight. |
Maggie |
Smelly? |
Clip 11 S01 E06 |
Reminiscing about old times can back-fire. Especially when you believe that you were a lothario and your ex doesn't quite remember things the way you do. Awkward! |
Wicky |
Do you remember our holiday to Greece? |
Maggie |
I do. |
Wicky |
Perfect, wasn't it? Come on! We were shagging for the whole trip, weren't we? |
Maggie |
Oh yeah. It was a bit early days frenetic wasn't it? |
[They laugh] |
Yeah, I do. |
Wicky |
We always did have good sex. |
Maggie |
We did, yeah. |
[As she says this, MAGGIE looks away as though concealing something] |
Wicky |
What was that? |
Maggie |
What? |
Wicky |
That. |
[He copies the gesture that MAGGIE has just made] |
Maggie |
Well, nothing, no... it was good. It was good. |
Wicky |
What? |
Maggie |
Well... it was a bit... samey. |
Wicky |
Maggie |
Yeah, but that's all right, I mean... it's not your fault. You're not built for a variety of angles, are you? You're so tall - |
Wicky |
I'm all about the angles. People know me for the angles. |
Maggie |
Wicky... it's like being taken from behind by the Eiffel Tower. And you can't go on top, which is... |
Wicky |
Are you actually joking? I'm amazing on top. |
Maggie |
It's easy for you to say. You're not trapped under all this... |
[She indicates WICKY'S stomach] |
Wicky |
You're sh*t at art! |