Mr. D | Season 5
© 2012 Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
Gerry Duncan. He's a teacher. He likes to think he's cool. He's not. And even though he wants his students to think of him as one of their own and call him Mr. D, he's still a giant douchebag. Can he be a successful teacher and win over the toughest crowd in the world? Probably not, to be honest.
Play |
Clip 1 S05 E01: "Gerry's Redemption" |
Mr. D has been dismissed from Xavier Academy and is now teaching a class on the wrong side of town. A side of town where students bring their babies to class and there are bars on the windows. |
Gerry Duncan |
I will be your new teacher... Mr. D. |
Student |
What does the D stand for? Dick?! |
[This elicits some appreciative laughter from his peers] |
Gerry Duncan |
Oh, good, yeah! That's... funny. The D would only stand for Dick if my name was Richard. And my name is not Richard. It is Gerry. So... no Dick here. |
Clip 2 S05 E02: "Educational Assistant" |
Reinstated to Xavier Academy, Mr. D is having to re-cap the rules for Show & Tell because Faith apparently didn't grasp the concept. Oh and as for Phillip... mother of God! |
Gerry Duncan |
Just to re-cap the rules, uh... we show and then we talk about it. That's the tell part. Who's next? Phillip! Phillip, what do you have? |
[To GERRY'S surprise and horror, PHILLIP has a gold-coloured vibrator] |
Phillip |
I brought in a rocket ship that my mom keeps underneath her pillow. |
Gerry Duncan |
Okay, that's great, Phillip... thank you for that. |
Phillip |
And there's a switch. You turn it on and it buzzes like a rocket ship. |
[Oh boy, yes it does. It buzzes like a... like a... well, like a vibrator, actually] |
Gerry Duncan |
All right, you can have a seat now. |
[Yeah, no. Phillip has other ideas] |
Phillip |
Look out, Mr. D... it's coming in for a landing! |
Gerry Duncan |
Oh no. No, it's good. Is it? Okay. You know what? Let's... |
[Before it touches him, GERRY knocks the vibrator from PHILLIP'S hand and it skitters across the floor and splutters to a stop. The class gasp collectively] |
Faith |
You broke his rocket ship. |
Gerry Duncan |
Oh, now you talk. |
[The vibrator starts up again, completely of its own accord and this is cause for celebration among the children] |
Clip 3 S05 E03: "Wrestling for Love" |
Gerry Duncan is coaching two wrestlers; Alex and Lucas. Alex is a pre-pubescent scrap who wins his matches by default as he's alone in his weight class. But he certainly talks the talk. |
Alex |
If I win, it'll be my third win in a row at regionals. |
Gerry Duncan |
Well, okay... that's uh, I'm not gonna lie, that's hard to believe that you've won, uh... anything. |
Lucas |
There's no-one else in his weight class. He's been cruisin' through every tournament. |
Gerry Duncan |
Okay, well, it doesn't count if you're not really... fighting anyone. |
Alex |
Tell that to the six trophies sitting on my mantle. |
Gerry Duncan |
Yeah, those trophies mean nothing. They're just... they're just... tokens of nothing. You haven't done anything. |
Alex |
Try me. |
[ALEX drops to the mat on all fours, the basic starter position for a wrestling bout] |
Lucas |
Yeah, I'm game. |
[LUCAS adopts the same position] |
Gerry Duncan |
Try what? |
Alex |
Chicken? |
Gerry Duncan |
You want me to wrestle you? |
Alex |
I'm not down here to smell the mats! |
Lucas |
[Makes chicken noises] |
Clip 4 S05 E03: "Wrestling for Love" |
Gerry has inadvertently given both wrestlers Ringworm. Yeah. All three are itching like crazy and if they don't get rid of it or disguise it, no wrestling tournaments for them. |
Gerry Duncan |
Oh, what? |
Alex |
Way to spread your filth around, Sir. |
Gerry Duncan |
Oh no. You guys got it, too? Well, it's not my filth. |
Alex |
You're Patient Zero. This is definitely your fault. And plus, you were supposed to spray the mats before practice. |
Gerry Duncan |
All right, how am I supposed to know you're supposed to spray the mats? |
Lucas |
Coaching 101. There're gonna be college scouts at this meet. This'll cost me a scholarship. |
Gerry Duncan |
It's not gonna cost you a scholarship. |
Alex |
All I had to do was show up and collect another trophy. That's why they call me Golden Boy. |
Gerry Duncan |
Okay, no-one calls you that, Alex. |
Alex |
Well, they certainly won't now. |
Gerry Duncan |
Take it easy. |
Alex |
You really crapped down the chimney on this one, Sir. |
Clip 5 S05 E03: "Wrestling for Love" |
Simon Hunt is in immense pain. It looks like he's been hobbled. Or kicked in the balls. Which isn't that far from the truth, to be honest. |
Simon Hunt |
Oh, hello, Trudy. Behold! I am now officially Jewish from... crown to... u... urethra. |
Trudy Walsh |
[Laughs] |
Mazel tov! |
Simon Hunt |
My foreskin is now a three-skin. Argh! No more dipping the old dangle. |
Trudy Walsh |
[Laughs] |
Oh my God, are you all right? |
Simon Hunt |
It's the most pain I've ever experienced in my life. Gotta wear a sock on it to try to cushion the... blows. It sort of plaps up against the inside of my leg when I walk. |
Trudy Walsh |
Yeah, I don't need the details. |
Simon Hunt |
Pop, pop... It is no picnic. But mohel says that old Simon will be okay so long as Simon Junior doesn't wake up from his nap, if you catch my drift. |
Mr. Malik |
Malik Junior still bleeds when I sneeze. |
Trudy Walsh |
Yeah, that's quite a turn-on, Malik! |
Clip 6 S05 E04: "Gerry Runs a Sweat Shop" |
Robert Cheeley stumbles upon Xavier's newest member of staff apparently lost in the corridor. Which doesn't bode well for her, really. I mean, initiative and resolve are surely prerequisites?! |
Robert Cheeley |
Problem? |
Nisha Corcoran |
It seems I've been moved to 207A and I can't seem to find it. |
Robert Cheeley |
It's actually in the basement. |
Nisha Corcoran |
I didn't even know there was a basement! |
Robert Cheeley |
A lot of the newbies start there but I'm sure you'll work your way up. |
Nisha Corcoran |
Oh, I'm fine with the basement. |
Robert Cheeley |
Or maybe you won't, you know? Maybe you'll work for decades, as hard as you can, and watch while people with less ability bunny-hop right over you on the ladder to success. And all you can do is stand by and wonder why Lady Fate would donkey-fist you in such a way! |
[They both laugh awkwardly] |
Clip 7 S05 E04: "Gerry Runs a Sweat Shop" |
It's Gerry's first time teaching a primary class. He's not used to children of this age who lack independence. And he's about to meet Amanda-Susan for the first time, too. |
Gerry Duncan |
Come on, the rest of you, we're missing recess. It's half over by now. |
Amanda-Susan |
Can you tie my shoes? |
Gerry Duncan |
Tie your own shoes. You're seven years-old. |
Amanda-Susan |
I don't know how to, obviously. |
Gerry Duncan |
It's not rocket science. Just copy one of those kids and do what they do. |
Amanda-Susan |
Just do your job and tie my shoes. |
Gerry Duncan |
Okay, we don't talk to teachers like that. Okay? So, I'm gonna tie it this time and you tell your parents that you're gonna have slip-ons next time. Right? Because I've got better things to do. I have a Bachelor of Education. And this is not how I plan on using it. I double-knotted those. Go. |
[The bell rings to denote the end of recess] |
Oh my gosh! Okay, back! We're back! We haven't left! Hurry up, everybody! Hurry up! |
[AMANDA-SUSAN is standing in front of GERRY again, shoes in hand] |
What? |
Amanda-Susan |
I need to switch back to my indoor shoes. Can you untie these, please? |
Gerry Duncan |
You don't know how to untie your shoes, either? |
Amanda-Susan |
You were the one who put double-knots in them, genius. Not me. |
Gerry Duncan |
Just wear your outdoor shoes. |
Amanda-Susan |
So lazy! |
Clip 8 S05 E04: "Gerry Runs a Sweat Shop" |
Gerry is running a sweat-shop in the school's basement. He's got unpaid pre-teen children making bracelets for his own profit. It's beyond sick. He belongs in prison. |
[A marble rolls off a table and onto the floor] |
Gerry Duncan |
What was that? |
[He bends down to pick it up] |
What's this, Charlie? |
Charlie |
It's just hard to see in here. |
Gerry Duncan |
You think this is hard to see? You know what's hard to see? The future. For an orphan. |
Amanda-Susan |
Why are we in here? |
Gerry Duncan |
No questions. Back to work. |
Danika |
I'm so thirsty, Sir. |
Gerry Duncan |
You will drink when you have made two-hundred bracelets. |
Amanda-Susan |
This is crap. I'm not doing this. |
Gerry Duncan |
You know what? The quota is now four-hundred bracelets thanks to Amanda-Susan. |
Danika |
Thanks, Amanda-Susan. |
Clip 9 S05 E06: "Duncan vs. Bailey" |
Nisha Corcoran is visiting the home of Simon Hunt to meet his mother. Yes. They're becoming an item. Or so Nisha hopes. Y'see, Simon's mother is... well, she's fu*king weird to be honest. |
[NISHA knocks on the front door and it is opened by ANGELA] |
Nisha Corcoran |
Mrs. Hunt, it is so nice to finally meet you. I brought a pie. |
[Following ANGELA'S lead, NISHA begins to laugh. That is until ANGELA slams the door in her face] |
Angela Hunt |
Simon Hunt |
Angela Hunt |
Simon Hunt |
Angela Hunt |
Simon Hunt |
Angela Hunt |
Clip 10 S05 E06: "Duncan vs. Bailey" |
Robert Cheeley hasn't been asked to sign a single yearbook so far. So when Stephan asks, Robert can't wait to make his mark on the boy's future. |
Stephan |
Can you sign this? |
[ROBERT signs the yearbook with a flourish] |
Robert Cheeley |
There you go. |
[STEPHAN reads what ROBERT has written] |
Stephan |
Good fu*k?! |
Robert Cheeley |
Hmm? Huh? |
[STEPHAN hands the yearbook to TRUDY who reads the inscription aloud] |
Trudy Walsh |
"Dear Stephan. You're a good kid. Good FU*K?!!" |
Robert Cheeley |
No. That's obviously an L. Good luck. |
Trudy Walsh |
Not in English, it isn't. |
Robert Cheeley |
Bobbi? |
Bobbi Galka |
Huh? |
Robert Cheeley |
What does that say? |
Bobbi Galka |
Mmmm... "You're a good kid. Good fu*k." |
Robert Cheeley |
No. |
Bobbi Galka |
Wow! |
Trudy Walsh |
Yeah. You see? That's why people don't want you signing those things. |
Stephan |
You ruined my yearbook, Sir. |
Robert Cheeley |
It's obviously a misunderstanding. |
Trudy Walsh |
Yeah? Tell it to the judge. |
Robert Cheeley |
STEPHAN! Luck's sakes... |
Trudy Walsh |
Oh, God. They didn't even spike the punch. What's wrong with these kids?! |
Clip 11 S05 E07: "Student Teacher" |
I'll grant you that colleagues talking "shop" constantly is irritating. But playing hardcore porn to shock them into stopping? Ballsy. Very ballsy! |
Bobbi Galka |
The kid never remembers his gym uniform, I mean... how hard can it be? |
Simon Hunt |
Yeah, he was in my class for years. Bad kid. |
Bobbi Galka |
Yeah. |
Gerry Duncan |
Okay. Can't you talk about something else other than school when you're in here? |
Emma Terdie |
Excuse me? |
Gerry Duncan |
This is all you do. You come into lunch, talk about the students, the staff, the school, the education system... I'm gettin' sick of it. I wanna eat my lunch, I don't wanna talk about that stuff. Talk about a movie or a game or somethin'. |
Bobbi Galka |
Gerry, we need to vent. This is our chance to decompress. |
Emma Terdie |
Oh, speaking of which. Has anyone noticed that Harry Jones has the worst halitosis? |
Simon Hunt |
Oh, yes. Yes. Are you kidding me? Oh! I call him Harrytosis! Harrytosis Smith. |
Bobbi Galka |
You know, I had a student once who had a... a... |
[The conversation stops as it becomes apparent that someone is watching porn. And by someone, I do, of course, mean Gerry] |
Gerry Duncan |
Hmm. There you go. A little porn. Is this disturbing you? Is this... is this helping you decompress, too? I thought that might work. |
Clip 12 S05 E07: "Student Teacher" |
Gloria is a student teacher. A student teacher who shakes like a sh*tting dog whenever she's left alone to teach. Gerry needs to boost her confidence somehow. Give her some pointers... |
Gerry Duncan |
What are you nervous about? These kids aren't going to give you a hard time! None of them. Brandon, here's got a thirty-seven average. He's not gonna judge you. He can hardly put a sentence together. And Lori, all she cares about is law school in a few years. She's not gonna give you any lip. |
Lori |
The nicer I am to you, the better my mark. Right, sir? |
Gerry Duncan |
Yeah. See? She's a kiss-ass. Kiss-asses aren't threats to teachers. We control them. Not the other way around. If you see a kid giving you a hard time, you find out what their dreams are. And you threaten to crush them. |
Gloria |
Okay. |
Clip 13 S05 E09: "Duncan Does Detention" |
Sass. Amanda-Susan has it in abundance. She might be small but she packs a mighty punch and her attitude stinks worse than a hobo's jockstrap. |
Gerry Duncan |
Nice of you to finally join us, Amanda-Susan. |
Amanda-Susan |
You're welcome, Mr. D! |
Charlie |
[Laughs] |
Gerry Duncan |
Oh, you think Amanda-Susan's funny? |
Amanda-Susan |
It's ASS. |
Gerry Duncan |
Excuse me? |
Amanda-Susan |
My full name is Amanda-Susan Sullivan. But my friends call me ASS. |
Gerry Duncan |
I'm pretty sure that's not why they call you ASS, ASS! |
Amanda-Susan |
I said my friends... call me ASS. |
[The laughter is spreading. Time for GERRY to step-up and stamp it out] |
Gerry Duncan |
All right. Well, I don't like your tone so you just bought yourself a Saturday detention. |
Amanda-Susan |
Eat my shorts. |
Gerry Duncan |
What was that? |
Amanda-Susan |
EAT... MY... SHORTS! |
Gerry Duncan |
Reference is a little dated but you just got yourself another Saturday detention. |
Amanda-Susan |
I'm crushed. |
Gerry Duncan |
And that gets you another one, right there. |
Amanda-Susan |
Great. I'm free the Saturday after that. Beyond that, I'm gonna have to check my calendar. |
Gerry Duncan |
You got another one. I can keep going. |
Amanda-Susan |
Great. I could do this all day... BUD! |
Gerry Duncan |
And that's another one. Are you through? |
Amanda-Susan |
NO! |
Gerry Duncan |
And another one. |
Amanda-Susan |
SO?! |
Gerry Duncan |
You do realise what's going on here, right? |
Amanda-Susan |
YES! |
Charlie |
Cut it out, ASS! |
Gerry Duncan |
I'd cut it out. Nothing left to say, Amanda-Susan? I didn't think so. I win. Back to work. I will write some things on the board here I would like you to copy into your - |
[GERRY returns to the classroom and begins writing on the board. When his back is turned, AMANDA-SUSAN takes off one of her shoes and throws it at him, hitting him square in the back of the head] |
Gerry Duncan |
Did you just throw a shoe at me? |
Amanda-Susan |
No. |
Gerry Duncan |
Then how come there's one shoe missing from your foot? |
Clip 14 S05 E09: "Duncan Does Detention" |
There's no point b**ching to Mr. Malik. Because I guarantee, no matter how bad your lot, his luck is worse than yours. |
Gerry Duncan |
Can you believe I have to work Saturday? |
Mr. Malik |
I dream of the day I can taken one day off. |
Gerry Duncan |
How come every time I have something to tell you, it becomes about you? Do you ever listen to yourself? |
Mr. Malik |
Why don't you go fu*k yourself?! |
Clip 15 S05 E09: "Duncan Does Detention" |
It's Saturday detention and Gerry is taking roll-call. A small but mighty detainee is missing. At least initially. |
Gerry Duncan |
Amanda-Susan. Where's Amanda-Susan? |
[AMANDA-SUSAN strolls in, wearing dark sunglasses, a red neckerchief, denim jacket and green trench coat] |
Starts right at 9 o'clock. |
Amanda-Susan |
I don't wear a watch. |
[SIMON begins to laugh as AMANDA-SUSAN approaches him]> |
You're sitting in my seat. |
Simon Hunt |
I was here first. |
Amanda-Susan |
Get out. |
Simon Hunt |
No, I will not. |
Amanda-Susan |
Five... four... three - |
Simon Hunt |
Okay, yeah.. I'm done. I'm done. |
Amanda-Susan |
That's what I thought. |
Gerry Duncan |
You done?! |
Clip 16 S05 E09: "Duncan Does Detention" |
Even the Principal is no match for the sass of Amanda-Susan. She sees everything, misses nothing and turns everything to her advantage. She'll go far in this life! |
Principal Mason |
Hey, Mister Duncan! Look who I found. Trying to leave the supremac... school premises. |
Gerry Duncan |
Amanda-Susan! I let you go to the bathroom and this is what you do? Unbelievable. |
Principal Mason |
Yeah, and... and as a punishment... okay, I'm gonna make you do a two-thousand word essay on why you're in Saturday detention. |
Amanda-Susan |
Sure, Principal Mason. |
Principal Mason |
Good. |
Amanda-Susan |
Oh, Miss? |
Principal Mason |
Hmm? |
Amanda-Susan |
One question. Should I say you were drinking on school grounds or did you show up drunk? |
Principal Mason |
Well played. You're free to go. |
Amanda-Susan |
Later, losers! |
Gerry Duncan |
Don't mess with the ASS. You get the hoofs! |
Clip 17 S05 E10: "Gerry Coaches Fencing" |
Bobbi Galka has finally grown a pair and asked Paul Dwyer over to her place for dinner. And he's said yes. Time to celebrate as only Bobbi can... or does. |
Bobbi Galka |
[Performs an embarrassing verbal rendition of Entry of the Gladiators, also known as Thunder & Blazes or simply "That song you always imagine when you think about circuses!"] |
Trudy Walsh |
What are you doing? |
Bobbi Galka |
I'm doin' the big balls dance... I grew a pair. |
Trudy Walsh |
Yeah? Well if you ever want to have sex again, you have to stop doing that. |
Bobbi Galka |
Okay. |
Clip 18 S05 E11: "Heli-copter Mom" |
You know that one member of any group who the others take the p*ss out of constantly? Is that you? Oh. Sorry. Well, in this instance, it's Bobbi Galka. You'll know how she feels, huh? |
Bobbi Galka |
Hey, Trudy... can I talk to you about something? |
Trudy Walsh |
Oh, here we go. |
Bobbi Galka |
Okay... that response... I used to be respected and now it feels like I'm the butt of everyone's joke. |
Trudy Walsh |
Yeah. You are. You've become the staff punching bag. |
Bobbi Galka |
What? |
Trudy Walsh |
It's the loser that everyone mocks to blow off steam. Every group has one. Now it's you. |
Bobbi Galka |
That's just cruel. I mean, isn't it Lisa? |
Trudy Walsh |
It used to be Lisa but now she has firing power. She's a dangerous bag to punch. |
Bobbi Galka |
Well, how is that my problem? |
Trudy Walsh |
There was a void, Bobbi. A vacuum. It needed filling and you got sucked in. |
Bobbi Galka |
What about you? |
[TRUDY laughs incredulously] |
Trudy Walsh |
Bobbi... come on! The only way to fix this is by pushing someone else into the void. |
Bobbi Galka |
Or... we don't have a void. What happens if we're just nice to each other? |
Trudy Walsh |
Bobbi, nature abhors an un-filled void. |
[ROBERT CHEELEY enters the office to hear only that last sentence] |
Robert Cheeley |
Amen, sister! |
Clip 19 S05 E11: "Heli-copter Mom" |
Ricki Devere is amazing. She should be an ambassador for people with Down Syndrome. She's sassy, witty and driven. In this particular instance, to sell a pencil to Robert Cheeley. |
Ricki Devere |
Pencils for sale! |
Robert Cheeley |
No, thank you. |
Ricki Devere |
Are you sure? |
Robert Cheeley |
Yes. I'm positive. You know why? Because I actually bought this box of pencils for a dollar ninety-nine. There are twelve of them which means the price per pencil is under twenty cents. Compared to your astronomical seventy-five cents. |
Trudy Walsh |
For God's sake, just buy a pencil. |
Robert Cheeley |
Miss Walsh... please. Ricki and I are just talking about business, right? Talking about the concept of supply and demand which means your pencils are only worth what people are willing to pay for them. |
Ricki Devere |
Stop haggling. |
Robert Cheeley |
Ah! That brings us to the next lesson. You have to listen to your customers, Ricki and adapt to their needs. You want my advice, you want your pencil business to grow... you're gonna have to slash your prices. |
Ricki Devere |
Your momma slashed her prices! |
Trudy Walsh |
[Laughs] |
Robert Cheeley |
Did you put her up to that? |
Trudy Walsh |
No. I'm just a fan! |
Clip 20 S05 E12: "Out Cold" |
Kids with allergies. Is it just me or is this an entirely new phenomena? Nothing was banned at my school. We were positively encouraged to dip bees in powdered peanuts and rub them into our eyes! |
Gerry Duncan |
Uh... allergies. Make sure you have your EpiPens out of your bags before we start off on the day. Thomas, you should bring your asthma inhaler, it says here... Shelby, where's Shelby? Heat, moss, bees, perfume, nuts, sun, mold, dust, dairy products... I think we should all just get away from Shelby. Think again about picking Shelby for your group. I'm just sayin'. Y'know what, actually, Shelby, you're in the sun right now. You should go on the bus. Seriously. We'll bring you back out later when the games and activities start. Watch you don't touch him, please. Thank you, Shelby. The sun doesn't go away, Shelby. You'd better hope for rain or you're on there the whole day. I'm sorry. |
Clip 21 S05 E12: "Out Cold" |
An outdoor activity trip has resulted in Gerry and Robert being lost in the middle of the woods without the camp co-ordinator, Jasmine or her son, BJ to help them out. And they're getting delirious. |
Gerry Duncan |
Robert Cheeley |
Rice! |
Gerry Duncan |
What? BJ! |
Robert Cheeley |
No thanks. I'm good. |
Clip 22 S05 E13: "Gerry Turns 40" |
Oh dear. When a 1st grader accidentally drops the C-Bomb during a group exercise. It happens. Believe me... it happens. |
Gerry Duncan |
All right. Okay, everyone has written down their contraction word. And now we're just gonna see if you've done it correctly and then you will... move on to the next person. Okay, so who's first? Faith. What's another way we can say will not? |
Faith |
Won't. W,O,N,apostrophe,T. |
Gerry Duncan |
Good girl. Um... Bethany. Bethany... has not. |
Bethany |
HASN'T. H,A,S,E,N,apostrophe,T. |
Gerry Duncan |
That's really close. That's really good but we... we don't have an E there but you did really good. That was so close. Almost. So we just cross the E out. Uhhh... Phillip? Can not. |
Phillip |
CAN'T. C,U,N,apostrophe,T. |
Gerry Duncan |
Yep, we just need to put a little hat on the U. Okay? |
[Little FAITH sits forward and reads PHILLIP'S sheet of paper] |
Faith |
That says c*nt! |
Gerry Duncan |
Okay, you know what? Yeah. That does. That's true. |
Clip 23 S05 E13: "Gerry Turns 40" |
To begin with, you could be forgiven for thinking that Gerry is performing a monologue for the camera. But no. The camera pulls back to reveal Amanda-Susan sitting beside him. |
Gerry Duncan |
Guess I just thought I'd be further along by now. Truth is, time flies by. And one day, you just wake up and you realise you're closer to the end than you are the beginning. |
Amanda-Susan |
Oh, cry me a river! |
Gerry Duncan |
I knew you wouldn't understand. |
Amanda-Susan |
Just because you're not married and you don't have kids, doesn't mean you're a huge loser. |
Gerry Duncan |
I never said I was a huge loser. |
Amanda-Susan |
My uncle's forty-eight. Single. No kids. His life is amazing. Ask me where he is right now. |
[When GERRY doesn't immediately respond, AMANDA-SUSAN dry-slaps him in the chest] |
Ask me where he is right now! |
Gerry Duncan |
Where is he right now? |
Amanda-Susan |
Who knows? Thailand, Hawaii, Japan... he does whatever he wants, whenever he wants. |
Gerry Duncan |
Guess I am free to do whatever I want. |
Amanda-Susan |
There you go! Now you're talkin'. |
Gerry Duncan |
Maybe I am awesome and untameable. |
Amanda-Susan |
Yeah! Like an unmarried, poor-man's George Clooney. Hobo Clooney! Bye, Sir. |
Clip 24 S05 E13: "Gerry Turns 40" |
On the occasion of his fortieth birthday and on the verge of a mid-life crisis, Gerry has invited himself along on Nisha's night at a silent disco. This could end very, very badly. |
Gerry Duncan |
Nisha! What is the plan then, Nisha? |
Nisha Corcoran |
I'm actually checking out this new club, uh... with some of my friends. We like to get together once a month and just check out, like, a new, hot spot in the city and - |
Gerry Duncan |
I'm in. |
Nisha Corcoran |
Really?! |
Gerry Duncan |
Sure, I'll go. |
Nisha Corcoran |
Oh, this is going to be so fun! Okay, so pre-drinks, Chez Moi at eleven. |
Gerry Duncan |
I love Chez Mois. Don't know where it is but I'll find it. |
Trudy Walsh |
Sounds fun. Maybe I'll join. |
Gerry Duncan |
[Laughs] |
Stop it! I mean I'm a tiny bit older than Nisha but... I think you're gonna feel... really out of place. |
Trudy Walsh |
Or maybe I'll just boot your manberries up into your nasal cavity. |