Mr. D | Season 2
© 2012 Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
Gerry Duncan. He's a teacher. He likes to think he's cool. He's not. And even though he wants his students to think of him as one of their own and call him Mr. D, he's still a giant douchebag. Can he be a successful teacher and win over the toughest crowd in the world? Probably not, to be honest.
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Clip 1 S02 E01: "Gerry's Evaluation" |
Robert Cheeley. He may be the Vice Principal but he commands no more respect than an earthworm. And that's because nobody is afraid of him. Because he's not scary. Not even slightly. |
Trudy Walsh |
Oh, Robert. To be a great leader you need to inspire fear. Callaghan is effective because people are afraid of him. No-one's afraid of you, Robert. |
Robert Cheeley |
Oh, is that so? |
[In a futile attempt to prove her wrong, ROBERT gets in TRUDY'S face and begins pointing a finger at her nose whilst practicing his tough talk routine] |
Because I swear on all known gods, I will rip your head off your body and use it as a tennis ball for my pure enjoyment. |
Trudy Walsh |
If you don't get your finger out of my face, I'm gonna have to break it. |
Robert Cheeley |
Can I try that one again without the finger? |
Trudy Walsh |
Nope. |
Clip 2 S02 E01: "Gerry's Evaluation" |
Norman. He's been off sick with stress for a while but he's finally back in the arms of the Xavier Academy family. Welcome back, Norman! |
Trudy Walsh |
Hi, Norman! Nice to have you back. How was your stress leave? |
Norman |
I do feel better. |
Bobbi Galka |
Good. Well, bienvenue chez nous. |
Norman |
I teach French, I don't speak it. Capeesh? Gym teachers... |
[He leaves the office] |
Bobbi Galka |
Well! |
Trudy Walsh |
Oh, he's much better! |
Clip 3 S02 E02: "Late Shift" |
Mr. D has fallen asleep during a lesson and is snoring resonantly in his chair, his feet on the desk. It's very obvious he's sleeping but he tries to style his way out of it, anyway. The twat. |
Maya |
[Clears her throat pointedly] |
Gerry Duncan |
[Waking with a start] |
TRACY CHAPMAN! Uh... Industrial Revolution. Anybody here see Les Misérables? |
Maya |
I saw it. |
Gerry Duncan |
Maya. Tell us what Les Misérables was about. |
Maya |
The French Revolution. |
Gerry Duncan |
Yes. Thank you. Which led us into the Industrial Revolution. |
Maya |
Were you sleeping, Sir? |
Gerry Duncan |
No. I was thinking. |
Maya |
Then why did you yell out Tracy Chapman with your eyes closed? |
Gerry Duncan |
Because I've got a fast car. |
Clip 4 S02 E03: "World Religions" |
Ron. He's a young student at Xavier Academy who, on account of his ginger hair, looks rather a lot like his namesake, Ron Weasley. But this kid sucks at acting. I mean, totally fu*king sucks. |
Gerry Duncan |
I should be in this play. That's what... I should be in this. |
Eva MacPhee |
I think we're gonna go with Ron. |
Gerry Duncan |
You're gonna go with Ron? Ron, the wooden... |
[Begins moving like a robot, clearly hurting the young boy's feelings] |
That. You're gonna go with that? That's gonna be fun to watch. I'm a leaf, like - |
Trudy Walsh |
Yeah, listen... |
Gerry Duncan |
C'mon! |
Trudy Walsh |
... that leaf isn't the only things that blows, by the way, Gerry. |
Gerry Duncan |
That's not funny, Trudy. We're all just trying to do our best here. |
Clip 5 S02 E03: "World Religions" |
Oh for the love of God, NO! Who thought that this would be a good idea? Putting Mr. D in charge of an assignment on religion. It's like putting a chocoholic in charge of an Easter egg hunt. |
Gerry Duncan |
[Speaking each word aloud as he writes the title of the assignment on the whiteboard] |
RELIGIONS... OF... THE... WORLD. Christianity (Catholic), Muslim and Jew. |
[Maya raises her hand] |
Yes, Maya? |
Maya |
Sir, I'm pretty sure there's more than three religions. |
Gerry Duncan |
Would you like to teach this? |
Maya |
Will I get paid what you get paid? |
Gerry Duncan |
No. 'Cos you didn't go to university for seven years to learn this and be trained as a teacher. Thank you. Now if the pope, here would let me finish, yes there are other religions of the world. But they are silly or created by crazy people so we don't talk about them or believe in them. Your job this unit is to do a presentation on a religion. I am suggesting the first one. Specifically Catholicism which is a branch of Christianity because that's the most popular and the biggest. How popular? Jesus was Jewish and even he was Catholic. Think about that. |
[For the record, Jesus was not Catholic. He was Jewish. In fact, he was the King of the Jews] |
Clip 6 S02 E03: "World Religions" |
Gerry is convinced that Simon's date is, in fact, a man. He's spent a few minutes trying to get the poor soul to expose her neck so that he can check for a laryngeal protuberance. An Adam's Apple. |
Gerry Duncan |
There's no drip, Simon. |
Simon Hunt |
Gerry Duncan |
Okay, I wanted to see if she had an Adam's Apple. I was trying to get her to expose her neck. But she kept looking up with me and looking down with me. You've really got to see The Crying Game before you go on this date. |
Simon Hunt |
No. I don't like sad movies. Funny? |
Gerry Duncan |
Yeah, it's a very... she... you'll both enjoy it. She might be in it! |
Clip 7 S02 E03: "World Religions" |
Trudy has scored big in the competition to get Principal Callaghan the best birthday present. Robert Cheeley needs to up his game. And he does. But victory is short lived. |
Robert Cheeley |
After careful consideration and a little bit of research, I think I've found... maybe the perfect gift, worthy of the day of your - |
Principal Callaghan |
Robert, this is - |
Robert Cheeley |
Please - |
Principal Callaghan |
Completely unneccesary - |
Robert Cheeley |
Please... indulge me. Hear me out. |
[He unrolls a scroll of paper to reveal a hand-made genealogical chart] |
It's your family tree. |
Principal Callaghan |
Oh, my God! This is incredible. |
Robert Cheeley |
I mean, it's no diving watch. Shows who all your relatives were. Where they lived, when they died. |
Trudy Walsh |
It's very impressive, Robert. Oopsy! Look at that. Your great-grandfather died at sixty. Shame. Oh look! Your great-grandmother, too. Also died at sixty. In fact, ooh, weird. Looks like not too many of your ancestors made it past sixty! That's funny. Not funnny, ha-ha, obviously. |
Robert Cheeley |
It was a different time. That's not what's important. What's important is... a pretty special person got you a birthday gift. Happy birthday, Sir. |
Principal Callaghan |
[Suddenly overwhelmed by sadness and, perhaps, a feeling of ominous mortality] |
Yeah. Happy birthday. |
Robert Cheeley |
And many more. |
Trudy Walsh |
Well... at least two more anyway, Robert. |
[Laughs] |
Well done! |
Clip 8 S02 E05: "The Crush" |
Inexplicably, Gerry Duncan is crying as he drives along listening to These Dreams by Heart. That is right up until the moment he crashes into the back of a police car. |
[GERRY is singing along to These Dreams when he collides with a parked police vehicle] |
Gerry Duncan |
AGH! Cops. |
[He gets out of his car to speak to the two officers] |
Cop #1 |
Turn it down. |
[GERRY reaches in and mutes the stereo] |
Gerry Duncan |
Uh, sorry guys. |
Cop #1 |
What are you doing, Sir? |
Gerry Duncan |
It just sprung off my foot. |
Cop #2 |
Is everything okay, Sir? |
Gerry Duncan |
Ahh, allergies. Pollen. Feel it? |
Cop #1 |
You weren't crying to that song, were you? |
Gerry Duncan |
No! Heart? No. I don't listen to Heart. Yuk! Who plays Heart any more? |
Cop #1 |
Well, there's no damage and we can't give a guy a ticket who's been crying by himself in a car listening to, uh... obviously, Heart. |
Gerry Duncan |
Heart. Yeah. Right. As if! |
Cop #2 |
Maybe we can call, uh... Crybaby's mommy to come pick him up. |
Cop #1 |
Call your mom to pick you up? |
Cop #2 |
Maybe get a sooky, dip it in some apple sauce. |
Cop #1 |
You like a little apple sauce on that, hmm? |
Cop #2 |
Crushed up carrots will help baby's eyesight. Hmm? |
Clip 9 S02 E06: "The Other Woman" |
Jimmy and his friends have taken a sudden interest in cultivation. And Mr. Hunt is unwittingly assisting them with growing a bumper crop of... wheatgrass. You dig? |
Jimmy |
Hey, Mr. Hunt. Can we ask one last question about out crop? |
Simon Hunt |
Sure, Jimmy. Of course. What's up? |
Jimmy |
Okay. Do we have to adjust the pH level in the soil when we harvest the wheatgrass? |
Simon Hunt |
No. Nothing need change at harvest. |
Jimmy |
Okay. That's perfect. Thanks for the help. |
Simon Hunt |
Just glad that you're taking such a keen interest in science. |
Jimmy |
Science is awesome. |
Simon Hunt |
Science is awesome. Good luck with your wheatgrass. |
Jimmy |
Thanks, Sir. |
Simon Hunt |
You grow that wheatgrass, I'll continue to fertilise young minds! |
Clip 10 S02 E06: "The Other Woman" |
Wayne Leung is the school librarian. And if you saw his yearbook, it would say "most likely to murder someone and wear their skin as a wetsuit." Yeah. Complete psycho. |
Wayne Leung |
Hello, Trudy. |
Trudy Walsh |
You're a quick little bugger, aren't you? |
Wayne Leung |
So... what was Mister Cheeley's reaction to all the students I brought him? Rage? Anger? |
Trudy Walsh |
Didn't seem to bother him at all. I think you're gonna have to take it up a notch. |
Wayne Leung |
Murder him. |
Trudy Walsh |
Maybe half a notch. |
Clip 11 S02 E06: "The Other Woman" |
It's amazing how two adult professionals (by which I don't, of course, mean porn stars) can have an argument which descends into such puerile, childish insults so quickly. |
Robert Cheeley |
Mr. Leung... this has to stop. For some reason, Principal Callaghan keeps you around here but you have to learn to respect my authority. |
Wayne Leung |
No. You don't respect mine. And your tie's ugly. |
Robert Cheeley |
Is it? Guess what? Melvil Dewey of the Dewey Decimal System was a fraud. |
Wayne Leung |
Your mother is a filthy - |
Trudy Walsh |
Hey, hey, hey, you two! |
Robert Cheeley |
My mother... is a saint. |
Wayne Leung |
For money! |
Clip 12 S02 E06: "The Other Woman" |
Megan has been impossible to deal with lately. I wonder if you can spot why that might be. What is it that she's doing that might have riled Lisa Mason? |
[LISA MASON brings a young student to ROBERT CHEELEY'S office] |
Lisa Mason |
Mr. Cheeley, Megan has been impossible to deal with lately. |
Robert Cheeley |
How so? Is she disruptive? |
Lisa Mason |
No. |
Robert Cheeley |
Late for class? |
Lisa Mason |
No. |
Robert Cheeley |
Not doing her work? |
Lisa Mason |
No, she's just... she's just been so difficult. |
Robert Cheeley |
Fine. Leave her here. |
Lisa Mason |
Good luck! |
[LISA MASON leaves the office] |
Robert Cheeley |
Have a seat. |
[MEGAN sits down opposite him] |
What's her deal? |
Megan |
What is her deal? |
Robert Cheeley |
So, Megan. What seems to be the problem? |
Megan |
What does seem to be the problem? |
Robert Cheeley |
How can you not know what the problem is? |
Megan |
How can you not know? |
Robert Cheeley |
Why did Ms. Mason bring you here? |
Megan |
Why did she bring me here? |
Robert Cheeley |
Okay, this is serious, Megan. Do I have to call your mother in for a meeting? |
Megan |
Do you have to? |
[CHEELEY picks up his phone] |
Robert Cheeley |
Home number is what I need from you, please. Can I have your home number? |
Megan |
Can you? |
Clip 13 S02 E08: "Gerry's Favourite Couple" |
Subjecting a class of children to hardcore porn, however momentary that exposure is, is a serious professional faux pas. And explaining what the naked people were doing... well, it's awkward. |
Gerry Duncan |
All right, so today, as you can see, we are not doing any work. We're watching a movie today. You are welcome. And this is my favourite movie. And you will love it. If anyone wants to borrow it after, you can do that, too. Maybe your parents haven't seen it. I just wanna get it back. But for now... I want you to sit back, no note taking, nothing. Just enjoy a phenomenal movie. Okay? Stephan, you can hit play. |
[Stephan hits play and the class are subjected to hardcore porn. Gerry dives over chairs to reach the machine and switch it off] |
Excuse me! Sorry! |
Ben |
That was your favourite movie, Sir? |
Gerry Duncan |
No. That is not the right movie. My roommate, Bill... put the wrong movie back in the... the my favourite movie box. That wasn't Remember the Titans. |
Lucy |
What were they doing? |
Gerry Duncan |
Oh God. Um... sometimes... when... four people... are in love... |
Clip 14 S02 E10: "Staff Retreat" |
If rumours are to be believed, Adolf Hitler had one more testicle than Wayne Leung. Because Wayne Leung was born suffering from a condition called Testicular Agenesis. That WAS his secret. |
Gerry Duncan |
Was it you in a cult? |
Lisa Mason |
No, Gerry, it wasn't me. Give it a rest! |
Gerry Duncan |
I think Leung would probably start a cult. |
[LISA laughs loudly] |
Bobbi Galka |
What's going on over there? |
Wayne Leung |
They're talking about me being in a cult. |
Simon Hunt |
That's who I thought it was. |
Gerry Duncan |
Come on, everybody thought it was Leung, right? |
Bobbi Galka |
No, no, okay, hold on, you guys. |
Wayne Leung |
I was not in a cult. |
Simon Hunt |
I think it's cool if you were. |
Wayne Leung |
That is not my secret. |
Gerry Duncan |
How many wives do you have? |
Wayne Leung |
Stop it. |
Gerry Duncan |
Do you want some Kool-Aid? |
Wayne Leung |
Clip 15 S02 E11: "Culture Day" |
You'd think a teacher would know that Phuket is a real place. A city in Thailand. But no. Gerry just assumes that his class are trying to make him look stupid. Like he needs help with that! |
Gerry Duncan |
Before we get started, we still need to pick a place or a region or a country for Culture Day tomorrow. So, I'm going to suggest... for the sake of convenience and time... we choose Scotland. Who would like to do Scotland? The Scottish? Hello, there! Hands up if you like that i - |
[He notices a pupil staring at him] |
Gerry Duncan |
- WHAT? |
Student |
Sir... isn't it supposed to be a place where a student's family is from? |
Gerry Duncan |
Scotland. My parents are Scottish. So we have a family connection. |
Student |
A student, Sir. |
Gerry Duncan |
Okay. We'll start putting other choices on the board. |
Neesa |
I got one. |
Gerry Duncan |
Neesa, why don't you go write a place or country or culture on the board and then we will maybe look at a few other choices. I'm still gonna push for Scotland because I think there's a lot of good things we can do there. |
[Neesa has written Phuket on the board] |
Gerry Duncan |
Neesa! Phuk... phuk... fu... that's funny to you? |
Neesa |
What do you mean? |
Gerry Duncan |
You want me to say that? You guys are hoping I say that. So you wrote it... you wrote the word in a different... way. FU*K IT! |
[There is a collective gasp from his students] |
[GERRY laughs sarcastically] |
Tell you what? That was funny, wasn't it? GROW UP! |
Clip 16 S02 E12: "Strip Club" |
Taking Simon Hunt to a strip club. Hmm. Not going to end well. Firstly because Simon is shier than a Bush Baby. Secondly, Woody's Strip Club is a gay bar. Not the best place to pick up women. |
Gerry Duncan |
Tonight... you lose your virginity. |
Simon Hunt |
Thanks, Gerry. But I like women. |
Gerry Duncan |
Not with me. With girls. |
Clip 17 S02 E13: "Slam Dunk" |
Gerry has been forced to throw a Netball match. The girls at St. Patrick's School have lost their coach to a sudden heart attack and they could use a little cheering up. Strap is NOT happy, though. |
Gerry Duncan |
Look, when you're older you'll understand what I did there but for now you need to understand that sometimes you need to lose... to win. |
Strap |
That's bullsh*t! |