Robot Chicken | Season 8
© 2005 Stoopid Buddy Stoodios
Robot Chicken is the brainchild of Seth Green, Matthew Senreich and Mike Fasolo. It principally uses stop-motion animation to create short satirical sketches based either on current affairs or popular media. And it's funny. It's REALLY funny. Like Family Guy, it does not discriminate. It attacks everyone, regardless of religion, colour, gender or belief equally.
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Clip 1 S08 E01: "Garbage Sushi" |
Ariel. She might be a Disney princess but she's also a mermaid. Which means that her reproductive system wouldn't quite be a match for Eric's. |
Ariel |
Oh, Eric. You've made this Little Mermaid's dreams come true. I'm finally a real girl and it's our wedding night. |
[She giggles coquettishly and a large quantity of roe gushes from her... well, her lady garden] |
Do you want me to leave while you jerk off onto my eggs? I'd rather stay and watch if that's okay. |
Clip 2 S08 E03: "Zeb and Kevin Erotic Hot Tub Canvas" |
Imagine having the magical powers of Samantha from Bewitched. It would save a lot of hassle, right? No eating prunes and figs when things get a little tricky in the bathroom department. |
Samantha |
[Sitting on the toilet] |
Ohhhhh. I'm constipated. |
[She does her trademark blink and the world falls noisily from her bottom] |
Ooooh! That's better. |
[To camera] |
Come on, there's no way this didn't happen at some point. |
Clip 3 S08 E03: "Zeb and Kevin Erotic Hot Tub Canvas" |
Oh, no. Oh, HELL no. No. No, no, no. This will destroy your childhood. Because if the Chipmunks couldn't be trusted, then just who CAN you trust? Jesus. Someone take Simon outside and stomp on him. |
Simon |
Simon says, touch your nose. |
[Laughs] |
Good! Simon says, pat your head. |
[Laughs] |
Good! Simon says put your bathing-suit area up against the TV screen. Good! Alvin's not the only one who can score with the ladies. |
[SIMON begins licking the camera lens] |
Clip 4 S08 E03: "Zeb and Kevin Erotic Hot Tub Canvas" |
Lost in Space. Could it be that Doctor Zachary Smith had a secret? A horrible, festering, evil, unmentionable secret? Well, if Robot is right, he certainly did. |
Robot |
Danger, danger, Will Robinson. |
Zachary Smith |
It's always, "Danger this, Will Robinson, danger that, Will Robinson." How come you never mention me in your warnings? |
Robot |
Sorry. Let me try that again. Danger, danger, Will Robinson. Doctor Smith is a child molester. |
[ZACHARY SMITH runs away] |
Clip 5 S08 E11: "Fridge Smell" |
Bigfoot. A sasquatch. The Abominable Snowman. Is he real? And if he is, is it true what they say about men with big feet? It certainly is in my case but what about a Yeti?! |
[With a resounding roar, Bigfoot erupts from the tree line to intercept two women walking in the forest] |
Susan |
Friend |
Wait a minute, Susan. You know what they say about guys with big feet. |
[They swoon] |
V/O |
And so began the legend of "Big Dick." |
Clip 6 S08 E12: "Western Hay Batch" |
I never understood those dolls which soil themselves. I mean, what adult thought that a child would like to spend her free time cleaning a plastic baby's bottom? It's ludicrous. |
Little Girl |
Baby Alive eats and drinks and even dirties her diaper. I LOVE you ba - |
[She's interrupted by a "Bronx Cheer" from Baby Alive] |
Little Girl |
I love - |
[She's interrupted by a "Bronx Cheer" from Baby Alive] |
Little Girl |
I love - |
[She's interrupted by a "Bronx Cheer" from Baby Alive] |
Little Girl |
I love you, Baby Al - |
[She's interrupted by a "Bronx Cheer" from Baby Alive] |
Little Girl |
I love you baby - |
[She's interrupted by a "Bronx Cheer" from Baby Alive] |
Little Girl |
I love you - |
[She's interrupted by a "Bronx Cheer" from Baby Alive] |
Clip 7 S08 E13: "Triple Hot Dog Sandwich on Wheat" |
Remember this song? A bit like Ten Green Bottles but with monkeys and a bed. And head trauma. And possibly death. Hmm. Little wonder the doctor wants to call CPS. |
Children |
Five little monkeys jumping on the bed. One fell off and bumped his head. Momma called the doctor and the doctor said... |
Doctor |
I'm calling Child Protective Services. |
Clip 8 S08 E17: "Secret of the Flushed Footlong" |
Ratatouille. Remember that? Alfredo Linguini and Remy the rat who was inexplicably an accomplished chef and who could guide him by pulling his hair beneath his chef's hat? Yeah. That. |
Alfredo Linguini |
Oh, Remy. I have a date tonight and I'm a little nervous because I've never, uh... done it before. |
Remy |
Say no more. Leave it to me. |
[We cut to the bedroom. ALFREDO is having sex with a girl. He's wearing his chef's hat to conceal REMY who's operating him like a puppet] |
Girl |
Linguini! You're amazing. |
Alfredo Linguini |
You ready for second helping? |
Girl |
Mais oui! But why are you wearing a chef's hat... on your balls? |
Remy |
[Appearing from between LINGUINI'S legs] |
Anybody got any hand sanitiser? |
Clip 9 S08 E18: "Food" |
Bugs Bunny. Is it just me or did he have a propensity for dressing in women's clothes? I mean, it happened far too often, right? Almost like he enjoyed the whole thing. Hmm... |
V/O |
Bugs Bunny. The rumours. The speculation. Now... the interview. |
Bugs Bunny |
I started dressing as a woman to trick Elmer Fudd. But I kept dressing as a woman... for me. |
Elmer Fudd |
Oh, yeah. Everyone wanted to fu*k her. Bugs Bunny as a woman is hot. |
[Laughs] |
I'm half-mast thinking about it wight now. |
Tweetie Pie |
The doctors gave him a new puddy. I saw it. I did! I did see his new puddy. |
Elmer Fudd |
It's wabbit season... in my pants. |
Daffy Duck |
Watch it, pal! |
Clip 10 S08 E19: "Not Enough Women" |
If Coconut Trees could talk, do you think they'd be saying this? And what kind of warped imagination does it take to come up with a sketch like this? So many questions, so few answers. |
Man |
Care for some coconut milk? |
Woman |
Yeah, I'd love some. |
Coconut Tree |
Yeah, suck my nuts dry, girl. Mmmm. Yeah, suck the milk right out of my nuts. |
[To camera] |
Coconut Tree |
What are you looking at? You done it, too. You've all sucked these nuts. Ha ha ha! Coconut Tree wins at life! |
Clip 11 S08 E19: "Not Enough Women" |
It's a classic who-dunnit. Lois Lane lays dead on the floor of her apartment, her brains blown out. But no firearm was involved. She was shot. But not with a gun. Can YOU figure out what happened? |
CSI initial evaluation of Lois Lane murder scene. Back of victim's head blown outwards consistent with a firearm discharge in her mouth. No powder burns visible. |
Photographer |
Hold it together, Kent. |
Blood spatter indicates low angle of trajectory... hmm. No bullet holes. |
Photographer |
Gun would have been about... here when he fired. |
Putting her head about... here. |
Photographer |
Higher. |
Here? |
[The PHOTOGRAPHER'S finger ends up in the CSI'S mouth] |
Photographer |
Oh, my God! |
Could be the bastard made her get down and beg. |
Kent |
Well, I'll kill... I'll kill him myself. |
Photographer |
No, her expression reads as total surprise. She never saw it comin'. |
But the chair's facing the TV. Were they watching something? |
[The TV comes to life] |
V/O |
You're watching... The Blowjob Network. |
Kent |
[Shivers] |
Photographer |
Oh, is the Blowjob Network on Com... Comcast? Asking for a friend. |
Any neighbour testimony? |
Photographer |
Yep, old lady across the hall said she heard someone yell, "Here comes a super load", followed by a noise she described as, ah... quote... "A bear screaming into a megaphone," and then a cry of, quote, "Oh my God, I've killed her!" I dunno. Call me crazy but I think she might have been giving Thor a hand-job. |
Clark Kent |
That cheating b**ch! She blew me in this chair just last night. Uh, I mean, uh... YOINKS! |
[CLARK KENT throws himself through the party wall] |
Photographer |
[On his phone] |
Uh, hello, Comcast? Does my extended digital package cover the, uh... Blowjob Network? |