Red Dwarf | Season 9
© 1988 Grant Naylor Productions
3 million years from Earth and with a ragtag crew, the mining ship Red Dwarf. The show made household names of Craig Charles, Danny John-Jules, Chris Barrie and Robert Llewellyn and for very good reason. British humour doesn't get any better than this.
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Clip 1 S09 E01: "Back to Earth: Part 1" |
Yes... Lister is ironing his sneezes. Or rather clothes that he's sneezed all over. And it's all to wind up Rimmer. Who's not impressed. Not impressed at all. |
Rimmer |
I get it. |
Lister |
I love it when it makes that squish sound, don't you? |
Rimmer |
You've spent hours planning this, haven't you? Hours... this wind-up. 'Cos that's exactly what it is. Going down to the supply decks, trawling through the crates, getting half-hysterical at the thought of my face as you start to... iron your sneezes. Was it really worth it, Listy? Hours and hours and hours of planning. For eight seconds of pleasure. |
Lister |
Sounds like the last time you had sex! |
Clip 2 S09 E01: "Back to Earth: Part 1" |
The crew are visiting with the Despair Squid once again. It's running amok. Which means that the crew are going to have to bravely pull on their big-boy pants and catch it. All except one. |
Rimmer |
No choice. We're going to have to go in. Get it. |
Lister |
Serious? |
Rimmer |
We're going to need a diving bell. The kind with grade one, reinforced titanium ribs. We're going to need diving suits, bazookoids, mini-grenades, laser lancer, blasters. And, we're going to need something good for me to read while you're all down there. Classic Car Monthly or something. |
Lister |
You're not coming down with us? |
Rimmer |
In spirit, I'll be down there with you. In actuality, I'll be reading a car mag. |
Clip 3 S09 E01: "Back to Earth: Part 1" |
Funny how Katerina has been on board the ship for next to no time and has already realised what it ordinarily takes people minutes to realise. Rimmer is a bit crap. |
Katerina |
Hmm. I bid greetings. My name is Katerina Bartikovsky. In past, I Red Dwarf Science Officer. From now, I am senior officer. No longer hologram Arnold Rimmer who is bit crap. |
Clip 4 S09 E01: "Back to Earth: Part 1" |
Imagine this. Being told that you have twenty-four hours to get your affairs in order before... well, before you are obliterated. Three times over. Ouch. That's gotta smart. |
Katerina |
Mr Rimmer? |
Rimmer |
Yes? |
Katerina |
You have twenty-four hours to get your affairs in order. Then you will be off-lined and your data files erased. Then your hard drive will be fired into space and when safe distance from ship it will be detonated by nuclear fusion. |
Rimmer |
You really don't like me, do you? |
Clip 5 S09 E02: "Back to Earth: Part 2" |
The boys from the Dwarf have found themselves in a science fiction fan shop run by the irritating Mike Millington. Who, incidentally, has a very small penis. |
Shopkeeper |
Huh! Red Dwarf. |
Lister |
Is this a new series? |
Shopkeeper |
I don't really follow it myself. Science fiction. It's all a bit bollocks really, isn't it? That Psi-Scan thing. Knows everything, doesn't it? Any bit of exposition... just ask the Psi-Scan. How can it know everything? Talk about rubbish. |
Lister |
Who's he, Kryten? |
Kryten |
Well, according to the Psi-Scan, Sir... he's a pompous, know-all, know-nothing idiot called Mike Millington. Who, incidentally, has a very small penis. |
Clip 6 S09 E02: "Back to Earth: Part 2" |
If Rimmer had a pound for every time he said the word neurotic in this scene, he'd have precisely six pounds. |
Rimmer |
Neurotic? I'm not neurotic. I've never been neurotic. Neurotic? NEUROTIC? Are they insane? Who writes this stuff? I wasn't even neurotic when I was a kid. Didn't have time. I was too busy washing my hands. |
Clip 7 S09 E03: "Back to Earth: Part 3" |
They've caught up with the scriptwriter. It's time Rimmer took charge. Put an end to the silly jokes at his expense. It's time for Rimmer to be the hero and actually get a girlfriend. And some action. |
Writer |
You'd kill me? |
Rimmer |
You're damned right we would. You know how much you've made me suffer? The life you created for me? All those cheap laughs. All that stuff about Rachel the inflatable doll. All the jokes about my puncture repair kit. |
Lister |
Actually, that bit was funny. Sorry. Carry on. |
Rimmer |
Did you ever think how I felt? Start writing. I save the day. I get a girlfriend who's gorgeous and crazy about me. And before you even think of it, after we've bonked each-other senseless, she doesn't turn out to be my long-lost sister. |
Writer |
Damn! |