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8 MP3 Audio clips from Sausage Party (2016)

Imagine Night at the Museum but set in a supermarket where, once the store is closed, all of the produce comes to life. They talk, they bicker, they procreate and they curse. They REALLY curse. This may be a cartoon but for fuck's sake, don't let your kids watch this. This is strictly for the grown-ups! Also, if you're a stoner, you might want to get high beforehand!

Timestamp: 2021-01-02 | Added: 2021-01-02
Sausage Party

Sausage Party

© 2016 Annapurna Pictures

Imagine Night at the Museum but set in a supermarket where, once the store is closed, all of the produce comes to life. They talk, they bicker, they procreate and they curse. They REALLY curse. This may be a cartoon but for fuck's sake, don't let your kids watch this. This is strictly for the grown-ups! Also, if you're a stoner, you might want to get high beforehand!




Clip 1

Frankfurters go in buns, right? Yeah. So if a Frankfurter were to come to life, he'd want to get himself inside a bun, right? Which is kind of like... sex. Right? I don't know, man. This movie...

Download Clip 0202-01 to your PC / Mac  


Look at these big ol' buns!

[Wolf whistles getting their attention]

Ye-ah, you know it, baby! Work those buns! All of you, all day, ur-day, lined up, waiting to get filled with my meat!


Yeah. Right, Carl. You really think any of these buns are gonna line up to get filled by you? Here's my impression of that happening: "Oh! Oh! Is he in there yet? Oh, I can't feel him! I don't think he's in there! Oh, wait he is!" It's so sad! I bet you jackrabbit for a quick fifteen seconds, like...

[Jackrabbits mockingly]

And then you slump over.

[CARL glares at her]


I mean, honestly, guys! Who in this package would ever let Carl get up in them? Huh?

[ROBERTA raises her hand]

Roberta, put your fu*king hand down! You're ruining my joke. See? Nobody. That's who.


Hey, dude. I don't know how to say this to you... gently, but your girlfriend... um, she's a fu*king c*nt!

Clip 2

You don't know, man. You ain't been there. Honey Mustard has. He knows that the "great beyond" is all bullsh*t. And he's not going back there. No way, no how.

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Honey Mustard

Fu*king idiots! I've been there, I've seen that sh*t and there ain't no way I'm going back.


Wait, wait, wait, wait. You've been to the Great Beyond?

Honey Mustard

"Great" my a**hole! Everything we've ever known is a dirt covered pile of sh*t. Jacking off in our fu*king faces. Covering our eyes with their cum, so cum covered we can't fu*king see! We don't know! We don't know, they're jerking off into our eyes! Our faces!


Dude, shut up! The Gods are gonna hear you talking about them -

Honey Mustard

They ain't gods! They're monsters, horrible, ugly, disgusting monsters! They ain't gonna get Honey Mustard twice... FU*K YOU, GODS!

Clip 3

The blame for the disastrous trolley incident is being laid firmly at the feet of Frank and Brenda. Lavash is not happy. He was promised 77 bottles of virgin olive oil in the great beyond.

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It was toots over here, the bun. She grabbed me.


Hey, I was just trying to save Frank.


Who is Frank? You?


Yeah, I'm Frank.


The fault is yours then, huh?


I'm sorry, okay? I didn't mean for any of this to happen.


Well, it DID! And now you and your stupid, useless bun have fu*ked us all.


Hey, who are you calling useless, you flappy fu*k?!


Sausage... control your insolent bun. And cover her up, already!

Clip 4

Firewater is wise. Firewater sees all. Firewater is the one who thought up the "great beyond" to give the produce false hope of an eternity of happiness upon leaving the supermarket.

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So, you're telling me you wrote the song.


I can't take full credit. I wrote the music. Twink, here, is my lyricist. We both drop it right and we drop it all the time. Boom! The melody came to me one night when I was getting super, super... super baked. Like fu*k-a-guy baked, you know what I'm sayin'? Yeah, you know.

Clip 5

Barry has hitched a ride to the home of a druggie who's injected bath salts and who can know see, hear and interact with the produce. It's a trip of EPIC proportions.

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I'm tweakin'....



Whoa, whoa, whoa, dude, dude, dude... just take it easy. Just breathe, dude. Just breathe. You're not tweakin'. You're just peaking, man. Just be with me. Be cool. This wave's gotta crash.


I can't. You're all alive and looking at me with you... with your gloves and your... your little shoes and your arms and your legs -


LEGS? HEH? Look at ME. Look at ME! I ain't got no legs, you fu*k! You ate my goddam legs!


Oh, no... not Mister Pizza. Oh, fu*k. I've eaten so many of your family members. I've committed pizza genocide. Mister Sausage, when will it end?

Beer Can

When will it end? When he stops drinking us!




And stops eating us!


Same here!

Pop Tart

Fu*k yeah!

Toilet Paper

And when he stops using us!


What did they do to you?

Toilet Paper

[Nervously backing away]

You don't wanna fu*kin' know!

Clip 6

Gum is sorbitol, maltitol, xylitol, mannitol, calcium-carbonite, soy-lecithin, vegetable-triglyceride and talc. He's also in a wheelchair and sounds a lot like Stephen Hawking.

Download Clip 0202-06 to your PC / Mac  


The human is no longer aware of the fourth dimension. The effects of the opiate have dissipated. Your speech and movements are imperceptible to him. We are totally fu*ked.

Clip 7

Lavash has just realised that there is no "great beyond" and no seventy-seven bottes of virgin olive oil waiting for him. He's p*ssed.

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What about the extra virgin olive oil? My flaps will be dry for an eternity. I can't have dry flaps. I can't!

Clip 8

Perhaps predictably, the finale of this movie is an orgy of food. No. Not a feast for humans. I mean foodstuffs doing each other in every orifice. I DID warn you about this movie, right?

Download Clip 0202-08 to your PC / Mac  




You know, I'm very conflicted about how I'm supposed to feel watching this.


Then don't just watch.


Wait a second, what are you doing?


I was just told that I'm getting zero bottles of extra virgin olive oil for eternity. So, maybe... you kow, uh...


Kiss me hard on the mouth, why don't you?


You wanna kiss me, mother fu*ker? Well, let me tell you a little secret. I'm going to fu*k the fu*k out of you!


Kiss me there!