Ghosts (UK) | Season 1
© 2019 Monumental Pictures
When Alison and Mike unexpectedly inherit Button House, they don't realise that it comes with more than its fair share of ghosts. A caveman who lived and died on the site during the paleolithic era, a murdered lady of the house, a burned witch, a skewered Scoutmaster, a camp Army Captain, a frustrated poet... And they all become the most unlikely of friends.
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Clip 1 S01 E01: "Who Do You Think You Are?" |
Alison & Mike are at the solicitor's office where they are being told of their inheritance. |
Mike |
I feel like I'm in the Headmaster's office. |
[He spots a bowl of something he assumes is edible on the desk] |
These look nice. |
[He puts a lump of the stuff into his mouth] |
Solicitor |
That's potpourri. |
[MIKE crunches noisily on the fragranced flower petals] |
Clip 2 S01 E01: "Who Do You Think You Are?" |
Lady Button needs to get something off her chest. Firstly, she was murdered. Secondly, her husband was unfaithful. Thirdly, he was unfaithful with not one man but two. |
Lady Button |
What kind of coward would push a Lady out of the window? |
Captain |
Now, steady on Fanny. |
Lady Button |
No. No I won't because I... was pushed. Do you hear me? I was pushed. And I have never told a soul. It was my husband, George. I caught him... 'pon the Groundskeeper. |
Captain |
Good Lord. |
Lady Button |
With the Butler... 'pon him. |
Captain |
Urgh. |
Kitty |
Like a sandwich. |
Mary |
A manwich. |
Julian |
It's actually known as a Moroccan Teaparty. |
Clip 3 S01 E02: "Gorilla War" |
Mike is trying to fix the boiler in the cellar which is infested with the ghosts of a dozen plague victims. They've seen it all before. If only he could hear their advice. |
Plague Ghost 1 |
What's he doing? |
Plague Ghost 2 |
Oh. No. Daddy. No, you need to prime the inlet pump. Open the induction loop. Re-pressurise the system and connect the gas feed and then ignite - |
[MIKE starts hitting the boiler with a hammer] |
- or just hit it with a hammer. |
Plague Ghost 1 |
Unbelievable! |
Clip 4 S01 E02: "Gorilla War" |
Lady Button is bombarding Alison with advice about how to be a Lady. This advice is unwelcome and very annoying. As Lady Button is about to find out. |
Lady Button |
A Lady employs a knife and fork. A Lady pinches; whores use rouge. A Lady does not hold a carrot like that. A Lady wouldn't tell me to do that to myself! |
Clip 5 S01 E02: "Gorilla War" |
Alison is visiting the hospital where she recently awoke from her coma to find out why she's seeing dead people. Is this a side-effect of the bang to her head or is she actually seeing ghosts? |
Male Doctor |
Well, my diagnosis based on what you've told me is that your accident left you so close to death yourself, you're now able to see dead people. |
Alison |
What... do you mean? |
Male Doctor |
Well... can you see me? |
Alison |
Yes. I can. |
Male Doctor |
Exactly. I'm dead. |
[The real doctor walks in to the room and the "ghost" doctor hides in a cabinet with just his head visible] |
Female Doctor |
So sorry to have kept you. |
Male Doctor |
Ooh, she's very good. |
Alison |
Ooooh! |
Female Doctor |
What can I do for you? |
Clip 6 S01 E03: "Happy Death Day" |
Kitty has just disturbed Alison and Mike. In bed. Just as they were about to... you know... get it on. |
Alison |
You can't just appear like that. Not when we're in bed. |
Kitty |
Were you and Mike making a baby? |
Alison |
Uh... what? No. No. I mean I was hoping to get in a bit of practise but... |
Kitty |
Practise? |
Alison |
You know... getting jiggy with it. How's your father. |
Kitty |
He's dead I think. |
Alison |
You don't know what I'm talking about, do you? |
Kitty |
I thought babies were made when you pressed ears together. |
Alison |
[Laughing] |
Oh, no. Who told you that? |
Kitty |
My sister. How do you make a baby? |
Alison |
Well, okay... so, uh... when a.... when a man and a woman love each other very, very much... or not... actually sometimes that can be more fun. |
Colin |
Alison? |
Alison |
You'll have to ask one of the others. I've gotta go. |
Clip 7 S01 E03: "Happy Death Day" |
Kitty has asked Lady Button to explain where babies come from. And she's only too happy to oblige. Except that she's still pretty bitter about her husband's ménage àtrois. Clearly. |
Lady Button |
You want to know how babies are made, Kitty? Well... the bees, you see... like men... visit the flowers. Some bees like just one type of flower. Though it turns out not your flower because your flower just isn't good enough. So there you are... on display... waiting for the big strong bee with his big pollen sacs underneath him and he goes to a different flower. And sometimes, Kitty the bee only likes other bees and you think, "but why have you chosen that bee and not my flower?" But they don't care, you see? They just buzz around and ignore you. |
Clip 8 S01 E05: "Moonah Ston" |
Mike and Alison have unexpected guests. Refined guests. Guests that they want to impress with their cuisine and company. |
Mike |
Oooh, make your lasagne. |
Alison |
Mike... my lasagne is frozen lasagne. I'm not serving them that. I don't want her thinking that we're the sort of people that we are. |
Mike |
Well, what do posh people eat? |
Lady Button |
Turtle Soup. |
Alison |
No. |
Mike |
What? |
Alison |
Turtle Soup? |
Mike |
Oh, yeah... no. |
Lady Button |
Oyster Rissoles? |
Alison |
Oyster Rissoles? |
Mike |
You don't like shellfish. And I'm not eating anything's rissole. |
Alison |
I don't think it means what you think it means. |