Family Guy | Season 18
© 1999 20th Century Fox Television
Family Guy is one of the longest running (and arguably the funniest) cartoon shows ever to come out of the USA. It follows the dysfunctional Griffin family; Peter, Lois, Meg, Chris, Stewie and their talking dog Brian as they survive life in a small Rhode Island town. Expect filth, cursing, sick jokes and twisted animation. All the things we really love, huh?!
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Clip 1 S18 E02: "Bri-Da" |
I'm not going to get dragged into the politics of this one. I'll leave that to Twitter. Here we have an exchange between Ida and a bartender. |
Bartender |
Excuse me, ma'am... no porn at the bar. |
Ida |
Oh, it's okay. I'm trans-gender. |
Bartender |
Oh, I... I had no idea. Do whatever you want. All the time. |
Clip 2 S18 E02: "Bri-Da" |
Quagmire's father became a woman. Remember that? And Brian "boned" her. Remember that, too? Well, here we go again, Funnies fans... |
Ida |
Does that mean you're asking me out? |
Brian |
I guess it does. |
Ida |
You're... not ashamed... to be with me? |
Brian |
No, I'm not. I don't care anymore. I guess I'm just... not as hung up as I used to be. |
[There's a loud knock at the hotel room door] |
Man |
Room Service! |
Brian |
Oh my God, you ordered room service?! Are you crazy?! What if somebody finds out I'm in here having goofball sex?! |
[BRIAN runs into the bathroom and slams the door shut behind him] |
Clip 3 S18 E03: "Absolutely Babulous" |
Müeslix. It's a German health cereal, made from oats and fibre. It's good for you. But it does have a drawback. It likes to watch you poop. |
Lois |
Peter, I spoke with my parents and we can live with them until our house is fixed. |
Peter |
Great. It's gonna suck worse than Müeslix. You know, the German health cereal? |
[Cut to PETER pushing a cart in a supermarket] |
Müeslix |
Guten Morgen! Try me. I am made of oats and fibre. |
Peter |
Okay. Sounds healthy. |
Müeslix |
Ja! Also, I am German and wouldn't mind watching you crap. |
Peter |
Uhhhh... I dunno. |
Müeslix |
Come, come. It will be mein and yours little secret. Just the two of us. Please, take me home. |
Peter |
Uhhhh... okay. But just you. |
[Cut to Griffin bathroom, PETER sat on the toilet surrounded by boxes of Müeslix] |
Peter |
I don't feel safe now. |
Müeslix |
V/O |
Müeslix. The weird European cereal that likes to watch you poop. |
Clip 4 S18 E03: "Absolutely Babulous" |
Stewie is entering a baking contest. His family have been exaggeratedly supportive. Brian is more realistic and certainly more helpful. |
Brian |
Stewie, you're a smart kid. I know you can bake a pie. And I'll help you. |
Stewie |
You will? Oh, thank you, Brian. This calls for champagne. |
[STEWIE mimes opening a bottle of champagne and pouring it into flutes] |
Stewie |
Glug-glug-glug, bottoms up! |
[Noticing that BRIAN is looking confused] |
Go with it. |
Brian |
Yuk... Corbelle? |
Stewie |
It's not Corbelle it's - |
Brian |
Go with it. |
Stewie |
Yes. I had some left over from Denise's wedding. |
Brian |
Who's Denise? |
Stewie |
Go with it. |
Brian |
Fine. How is Denise? Did she have the abortion? |
Stewie |
Abortion?! |
Brian |
Go with it. |
Stewie |
Uh, no. Her alarm didn't go off. So she missed it. So... Brian, is this your first orgy? |
Brian |
Not going with it. |
Clip 5 S18 E05: "Cat Fight" |
You've got to love the observational nature of Seth MacFarlane's comedy. This is so true of most local news stations. |
Tom Tucker |
Good evening. Quite a battle brewing... clever news pun doesn't really work as I haven't yet mentioned the subject of the story... at Quahog's new Cat Café. Asian reporter Tricia Takanawa filed this report. |
Tricia Takanawa |
Tom, I'm standing here outside of Quahog's new Cat Café. Local resident Brian Griffin has described the café as a threat to public health. |
Brian |
That's right, Tricia and since I'm on local TV, I'M GONNA TALK A LITTLE TOO LOUD AND THEN OCCASIONALLY I'M GONNA turn away from the microphone to point at things off camera SO MY OVERALL POINT IS LOST. |
Tricia Takanawa |
Powerful claims. Thank you, Brian. |
Clip 6 S18 E06: "Peter & Lois' Wedding" |
We all remember the good old days of dial-up connections and that AOL voice that greeted you each time you logged on, right? |
Peter |
Despite having broken up, I would sometimes sneak away to the internet to go flirt with your mom. |
[Cut to PETER sitting down with CLEVELAND, JOE and QUAGMIRE] |
Well, I'm gonna go move my bangs with my pinkie in front of the mirror. |
[PETER leaves the room] |
AOL Voice |
Welcome! |
Peter |
Shh, shh, shh, shhh! |
AOL Voice |
You've got mail! |
Peter |
Okay, good... but quiet! |
AOL Voice |
You've got male porn! |
Peter |
Shh, shh, shhh! |
Clip 7 S18 E07: "Heart Burn" |
I don't have words to describe this clip. Probably best I don't try. Just give it a listen and decide for yourself what kind of pervert Socrates was. Allegedly. |
Stewie |
What? |
Carter |
Helen has run off with Paris. We're going to get her back and burn Troy to the ground. |
Stewie |
Well, that sounds good. I just need to cancel my lesson with Socrates first. |
Chris |
Isn't he that thinker they keep shuffling around from one philosophy school district to the next? |
Stewie |
No. He's the one whose method is all about asking questions. |
Chris |
Like what? |
Stewie |
"Have you ever tried wine?", "Can you keep a secret?", "You know this is your fault, right?" Yeah. He'll... he'll make you question a lot about yourself. |
Clip 8 S18 E09: "Christmas Is Coming" |
Meg took Stewie to see Santa. Santa sat them both on his knee. And bounced them. Which made Meg's "Little Mermaid" moana. If you catch my drift. |
Brian |
Can you pass the milk? Stewie? Can you pass the milk? Hey! Pass the milk! What the hell's going on with you? |
Stewie |
I... I haven't slept in two days. |
Brian |
Is this still that Santa thing? Get over it. |
Stewie |
You didn't see the things I saw. I mean, Santa Claus was bouncing us on his knee. And it got a little faster. Then faster. And the more he bounced, the bigger Meg's eyes got. It was... it was... just look at the picture. |
Brian |
Wow! Okay, uh... Stewie, I think I know what happened. I can't tell you explicitly since we're owned by Disney but... let me just say that Santa made her "Little Mermaid" moana. |
Stewie |
Oh! |
Brian |
Exactly. |
Stewie |
Brian, would you hand me the fat man's fancy puking hat? |
[BRIAN hands a top hat to STEWIE who proceeds to vomit violently into it] |
Blurgh! Blurgh! Blurgh! |
Clip 9 S18 E09: "Christmas Is Coming" |
Sinister. That's the only way I can describe this conversation between Meg and tennis legend Jimmy Connors. Yes. Sinister. |
Jimmy Connors |
Meg, I think you're going to be just fine. But just in case... here. I want you to have these. |
[JIMMY hands MEG two tennis balls] |
Meg |
Your balls? |
Jimmy Connors |
That's right. Whenever you need me, just rub my balls and I'll come. |
Clip 10 S18 E11: "Short Cuts" |
Lois has had a haircut. It's short. Too short for Peter's liking. Which is what he's trying to say when he comes out with this pearl of wisdom. |
Peter |
With my boobs and your hair, everybody's gonna think we're a lesbian couple. |
Clip 11 S18 E14: "The Movement" |
Isn't this just perfect for a message tone? Yeah. I think so, too. Your friends will be texting you just to make your phone plays this classic. |
[PETER produces a loud, wet fart] |
Peter |
Uh-oh! |
Clip 12 S18 E17: "Coma Guy" |
Peter has borrowed the Van Halen album 1984 from the library and he's become obsessed with it. |
Lois |
Peter, I'm not okay with this new Van Halen phase of yours. |
Meg |
Yeah, Dad. It's crazy. Like JFK deciding to cruise through Dallas in a rental |
[Cut to a car rental company, a Secret Service agent handing the keys back to a worker] |
Rental Guy |
How'd that rental work out for ya? |
Agent |
Yeah, I dun... I dunno. Good. Okay. |
Rental Guy |
And did you get all your stuff out of the car? |
Agent |
Kind of. |
Clip 13 S18 E17: "Coma Guy" |
Peter is in a coma. But luckily there's a medical professional taking care of him. And the rest of the time, there's Doctor Hartman. |
Lois |
My husband is in a coma? |
Doctor Hartman |
I'm afraid so. I mean, he's not responding to my advances so it's either a coma or he's a frigid b**ch. |
Clip 14 S18 E18: "Better Off Meg" |
Joe has a unique way of delivering a death message. Which is lucky because if all cops gave bad news like this... it doesn't bear thinking about. |
[There's a knock at the Griffins' front door. PETER opens it to find JOE on the doorstep] |
Peter |
Hey, buddy! What brings you around at this late hour with your uniform on and your hat held mournfully against your chest? |
Joe |
Peter, Lois... it pains me above the waist to tell you that Meg is dead. |
Lois |
WHAT?! How did this happen? |
Joe |
She got in a car wreck and was burned beyond recognition. And I levelled-up on Fortnite this weekend but you probably only care about the first two things. |
Lois |
Oh, Dear God, NO! |
Clip 15 S18 E18: "Better Off Meg" |
Principal Shepherd has gathered the students of Adam West High School in the gymnasium to make an announcement over a loudspeaker. |
Principal Shepherd |
Good morning, students. We are gathered here for two reasons today. One, to mourn the loss of Meg Griffin and two, to find the owner of this X-Men water bottle someone left in Woodshop. Does anyone recognise it? |
Male Student |
I'll take it. |
Principal Shepherd |
That's not what I asked. Anyone? I'm not gonna tell you which character's on it. You have to be able to tell me the character. |
Male Student |
Wolverine. |
Principal Shepherd |
Are you guessing? |
Male Student |
Am I right? |
Principal Shepherd |
All right, we'll handle this after. But now, here to help you mourn, an artist who specialises in sensitive music to do "finger stuff" to, Mister John Mayer! |
John Mayer |
It's good to be here. I love High School! |
Female Student |
Who are you? I was born in two-thousand-three. |
John Mayer |
Then I'm probably your father. |
Principal Shepherd |
Oooh, pwned! |
Clip 16 S18 E18: "Better Off Meg" |
This clip raises more questions than it provides answers to. Just how, exactly, can a man fake an orgasm and since when did people give raccoons egg salad? |
Meg |
I'm sorry I faked my own death, mom. |
Lois |
It's okay, Meg. Actually, I should've known. Fakin' stuff is part of being a woman. |
Meg |
Really? |
Lois |
Oh, yeah. Women fake a lot of things. You faked your death, I fake orgasms and being impressed by my husband's accomplishments at work. |
[PETER arrives home] |
Peter |
Hey, Lois! Guess who got to erase the white board in a meeting today? |
Lois |
Oh, MY! I think someone's earned himself Momma Lois' famous egg salad. Huh?! |
Peter |
Oh, YUM! Today just keeps gettin' better and better! |
Chris |
Dad, I thought you hated mom's egg salad. |
Peter |
Chris, part of being a man is faking things. Like orgasms or pretending to like your wife's egg salad. And anyway, I give it to that raccoon outside who likes me. |
Baby Raccoon |
I thought you hated that guy? |
Raccoon |
Part of being a raccoon is faking things. Like orgasms or pretending to like people who give you egg salad. |
Clip 17 S18 E19: "Holly Bibble" |
Peter is Adam in this clip. Lois is Eve. God is God. And, for some reason, Family Guy love ripping into Florida which is surely the best place to live on Earth. What IS it with these guys and Florida? |
Adam |
It's not our fault. You created the most tempting thing man has ever known. A piece of fruit. |
God |
That's it. You two are kicked out of paradise. |
Adam |
But where will we live? |
God |
The opposite of Eden. |
[Cut to ADAM and EVE standing next to a Floridian road sign] |
Adam |
Well, Florida... time to fit in. Let's go have sex with gum in our mouths. |
Clip 18 S18 E19: "Holly Bibble" |
Chris is curious about how (according to The Bible) we are all descendants of Adam and Eve. Which means that their children must have... oh, it's such a horrible thought. |
Lois |
They populated the Earth. |
Meg |
How? |
Lois |
They had kids. |
Meg |
Okay, but then what did they do? |
Lois |
They had kids, too. |
Meg |
With who? |
Lois |
They were fruitful. |
Meg |
With who? |
Peter |
Well, the girls with either their brothers or their fathers and the boys with either their sisters or their mothers. |
Meg |
That's disgusting. |
Peter |
No, Meg. That's The Bible. |