Family Guy | Season 17
© 1999 20th Century Fox Television
Family Guy is one of the longest running (and arguably the funniest) cartoon shows ever to come out of the USA. It follows the dysfunctional Griffin family; Peter, Lois, Meg, Chris, Stewie and their talking dog Brian as they survive life in a small Rhode Island town. Expect filth, cursing, sick jokes and twisted animation. All the things we really love, huh?!
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Clip 1 S17 E01: "Married with Cancer" |
It seems to be a rule that every season of Family Guy has to feature at least ONE joke about Michael Jackson. This is the joke for Season 17. |
Peter |
Hey, Brian... that hat makes you look like a wang. Squat and white with a dark mushroom cap like Michael Jackson. |
Lois |
Is that true? |
Peter |
[Sadly] |
Yes. |
Clip 2 S17 E01: "Married with Cancer" |
When Brian married Jess, he was under the impression that she had only weeks to live. But, miraculously (and to his utter shock), she's made a full recovery. |
Jess |
[Farts loudly] |
Brian, did you hear that? |
Brian |
Hmm-mm. |
Jess |
Remember what the doctor said? Flatulence means my digestive system is working again. Oh my God I must have, like... six months of cancer farts built up. |
[She unleashes all of her built-up fart reserves] |
Man |
[Speaking through the wall from an adjoining room] |
Would you stop farting, please? This is a nice hotel. |
Clip 3 S17 E02: "Dead Dog Walking" |
I'm not sure what's more disturbing about this. The fact that Peter has been photographing his own genitals or that his daughter found the photographs. Either way, it's blackmail time! |
Lois |
Oh, Meg... you have to babysit for Stewie, Saturday. |
Meg |
Nope. |
Lois |
Okay, Chris... you have to do it. |
Chris |
What? That's not fair. I have a party to go to. |
Lois |
Sorry. Meg found pictures on your father's computer and she's blackmailing us. She can do what she wants until we get some dirt on her. |
Peter |
I didn't know it was supposed to be hard before I took the picture. |
Clip 4 S17 E02: "Dead Dog Walking" |
Brian's on death row at the pound. He's pleading for his life. The vet, however, has no interest in saving him. None whatsoever. Quite the opposite, in fact. |
Brian |
There has to be something I can do. |
Vet |
Well, for two-hundred bucks I'll strangle you with my bare hands and stare into your eyes as you die. |
Brian |
What? I'm not paying for that. |
Vet |
I meant I'll pay you! |
Clip 5 S17 E02: "Dead Dog Walking" |
Families shouldn't have secrets. And this is exactly why. One person whispers something to someone else who reciprocates and suddenly everyone knows everything. It's not healthy. |
Peter |
So, Chris. I hear you've been doing some vaping. So douchey. |
Chris |
Mom... you told him? We had a deal. |
Lois |
Thanks a lot, Peter. You promised you wouldn't say anything. |
Peter |
Oh, I'm supposed to keep your secret after you lied to me about sneaking cigarettes? |
Lois |
What the hell, Chris?! You told him, too? |
Chris |
No, I didn't. |
Peter |
Brian told me. |
Brian |
Are you serious, Peter? You said you wouldn't say anything. I promised Meg I wouldn't tell anyone. |
Meg |
Oh, good job with that... d*ck! Chris, the only reason I told him was he promised he'd keep his mouth shut. |
Lois |
Oh, nice job, Chris. I should've known not to trust someone who kisses his own brother. |
Chris |
What? Who... who told you that? |
Stewie |
Don't look at me! |
Lois |
Meg told me. How does it feel, Meg, you friggin' town crier?! |
Clip 6 S17 E03: "Pal Stewie" |
If you've never heard the rumour that Eddie Murphy is gay, you won't get this joke. And we at Film Funnies don't care if he is or isn't. |
Hudson |
I'm glad I met you, Stewie. You're neat. Bye. |
Stewie |
Bye, Hudson! I like him. He's more fun than an Eddie Murphy bed. |
[Cut to STEWIE showing someone around a house. He pulls down a fold-away bed] |
Stewie |
And check this out. |
Bed |
[Laughs] |
Man |
That's cool. Is it a queen? |
Stewie |
Not sure. But people have said it is. |
Clip 7 S17 E03: "Pal Stewie" |
Hudson is Stewie's new friend. He's on a play date at the Griffin residence. He likes Lois. Stewie, on the other hand, has this to say about his own mother. |
Hudson |
Your mom seems nice. |
Stewie |
She's a slag! |
Clip 8 S17 E04: "Big Trouble in Little Quahog" |
Lois and Stewie have just returned from a birthday party. Stewie has had his face painted to look like a cat. Brian doesn't like it. Not one bit. |
Brian |
[Barks aggressively at STEWIE] |
Lois |
Whoa, whoa, easy boy... easy. It... it's just Stewie in a kitty costume. |
Stewie |
I'm a Calico and my name is Humphrey. |
Lois |
He got his face painted at a birthday party. It was the only thing this little guy could do. He was too light for the caterpillar slide, too short for the piñata and too scared to touch the animals in the petting zoo. |
Stewie |
Half of them had erections. |
Lois |
Half of them had erections. |
Stewie |
The pony was magnificent. |
Lois |
The pony was magnificent. |
Clip 9 S17 E04: "Big Trouble in Little Quahog" |
Tiny Tom Cruise. It's not his first appearance in Family Guy but it might very well be his last. Because we're nearing the end, folks. Only one more season to go. |
Stewie |
Tiny Tom Cruise? |
Tom |
Oh, hey, little guy. Forgot my sunglasses. |
Stewie |
Hey, what's with your gay character names lately? Stacee Jaxx, Jack Reacher... I mean, who you playin' next? |
Tom |
Oh, right. Try to make this sound gay... next up, I play Headmaster Bates-Mann. |
Stewie |
Anything else? |
Tom |
Actually, yes. After that I'll be taking the role of Major Dixon-Butts, then, Senator Rod Clutcher. |
Clip 10 S17 E04: "Big Trouble in Little Quahog" |
Stewie has miniaturised himself and Brian with a new machine he's invented. They've ended up being sucked into a vacuum cleaner and dumped in the trash. What now, Stewie? |
Brian |
Oh my God, we're in the trash outside. |
Stewie |
We've got to get down from here. Quick, pass me that baggie. |
[BRIAN passes STEWIE the baggie and STEWIE uses it as a parachute to glide safely to the sidewalk] |
Brian |
How am I supposed to get down? That was the only baggie. |
Stewie |
Use either the tampon strings or the discarded dental floss and repel down. |
[A few seconds later, BRIAN lands on the sidewalk with a sickening thud] |
Stewie |
Which one did you go with? |
Brian |
Neither. I was hoping to kill myself! |
Clip 11 S17 E04: "Big Trouble in Little Quahog" |
Tiny Tom Cruise has saved the day. Much as the life-size (but still diminutive) version often does. But how can the Griiffins ever repay him? |
Stewie |
Thank you, Tiny Tom Cruise! How can we ever repay you? |
Tom |
Well, you could make a sizeable donation to the Church of Spaceship Beep-Boop. |
Brian |
You mean the Church of - |
Tom |
- Yeah! Kidnapping, torture, extortion... that's the one. |
Stewie |
And we won't get in trouble because we didn't use the actual name! |
Clip 12 S17 E06: "Stand By Meg" |
The Jewish Sabbath is on a Friday and orthodox Jews can't work on the Sabbath. It's debatable, however, whether Neil Goldman is taking it a little too far. |
Brian |
[Knocks at the front door of the Goldman residence] |
Neil, can you come out? We need to talk to you. |
Neil |
[From inside the house] |
I can't open the door. It's the Sabbath. You can come around the back entrance. |
Brian / Stewie |
[Sigh in unison] |
Brian |
Why are all the lights off? |
Neil |
I can't turn them on myself. It's the Sabbath. Get the lights for me, will ya? Also, can you pick up the phone and order me a pizza? I can't do it. It's... the Sabbath. |
Stewie |
Listen, Neil, we really wanted to talk about Meg. |
Neil |
That can wait. I've just looked at some porn and I need you guys to give me some assisted relief. I can't do it myself. It's the Sabbath. |
Brian |
[Leading STEWIE back out of the Goldman house some time later] |
I can't believe we did all that and he still turned us down. |
Stewie |
I know. And... and also, Brian... it's Thursday! |
Clip 13 S17 E06: "Stand By Meg" |
It's a first date. Kevin and Meg. And it's all going rather well. Until Kevin offers Meg some more appetiser and she comes back with WAY too much information. |
Kevin |
More appetiser? |
Meg |
No thanks. Cauliflower gives me the scoots. |
Clip 14 S17 E07: "The Griffin Winter Games" |
In this episode, Meg is qualifying for the Olympic Games. She's a Biathlete. And no, that doesn't mean she swings both ways. She's competing in the Biathlon! |
Lois |
Hey, Meg. Where you going? |
Meg |
Are you kidding? The Olympic Qualifiers are today. I'm competing. |
Chris |
In what? |
Meg |
I'm a bi - |
Stewie |
- Knew it! |
Meg |
- athlete. |
Stewie |
Didn't know it. |
Clip 15 S17 E07: "The Griffin Winter Games" |
It's not just Meg who has a secret talent. No. Chris is a champion, too. Only his chosen activity is unlikely to meet with widespread approval. It's onanism. Sort of. |
Lois |
I have to say, I'm very proud of Meg. Who knew she was good at something? |
Peter |
Yeah, does anyone else in the family have any secret talents we don't know about? |
Chris |
I'm the Quahog Edging champion. |
Peter |
That's great, Chris. Now, what's that? |
Chris |
It's the practice of erotic sexual denial. |
Peter |
Go wait in the car. AND NO EDGING! |
Clip 16 S17 E07: "The Griffin Winter Games" |
The New York Knicks (short for Knickerbockers) have not changed their name. Just to be clear. And if they did, I'm pretty sure they wouldn't call themselves this. |
Stewie |
Well, I have to say, you two are the best thing to happen to sport since the New York Knicks finally changed their name. |
[Cut to basketball court with thumping soundtrack and loud, excited voice-over] |
Announcer |
Ladies and gentlemen... please welcome, your 2018 New York Pieces of Dog Sh*t! |
Crowd |
[Boo disapprovingly] |
Clip 17 S17 E08: "Con Heiress" |
The set-up to this gag isn't too important. It's what the alarm clock says that tickles my funny bone every time I hear it. And no. That's not a euphemism. Honestly, what's wrong with you?! |
Stewie |
Two conmen like us, working together? We'll be set. Like a passive-aggressive alarm clock. |
Alarm Clock |
Uh, I don't know if you've noticed but the sun's been up for like an hour. No... no, no, no... you don't have to get up. Let your wife do everything. Just keep sleeping. You're a good husband. I'm sure she doesn't fantasise about your contractor who's already downstairs working on... well, I can't really figure out what he's working on. Oh... I know. Your wife! |
Clip 18 S17 E08: "Con Heiress" |
Mr. Herbert has employed Chris and Peter to mow his lawn. Thing is, Chris is doing all the work whilst Peter is... riding Mr. Herbert around the living room. Yes. Seriously. |
Chris |
It's time you did all the work and I goof off with Mister Herbert. |
Peter |
Like hell it is! |
[A violent struggle ensues in MISTER HERBERT'S living room during which PETER and CHRIS lose their shirts] |
Mr. Herbert |
Jessie... is this really happening?! |
Chris |
You're going down old man. |
Peter |
I ain't the one going down. You're going down. |
Chris |
No way. I'm gonna pound your ass. |
Peter |
You're seeming kind of cocky. And I hate cocky. Boo cocky! |
[Yes, I'm aware that "Boo cocky" sounds a lot like "Bukkake"] |
Mr. Herbert |
[Swoons] |
Chris |
Why you being such a jerk, Dad? |
Mr. Herbert |
D-D-D-DAD? |
Chris |
Yeah. This is my Dad. |
Mr. Herbert |
[Explodes, noisily and messily] |
Chris |
Well, he often said he wanted to explode all over me. He finally did. |
Clip 19 S17 E09: "Pawtucket Pete" |
Peter is really bad at reading signals from women. Really bad at it. As you're about to find out. |
Sheila |
Hey, Peter. |
Peter |
[Sweeping everything off his desk onto the floor and beginning to undress] |
All right, Sheila. Let's do it right here on the desk while Bert watches. |
Bert |
No, Peter. That's not what this is. |
Clip 20 S17 E09: "Pawtucket Pete" |
If you're looking for a new mascot for a brewery, the best place to start is in the men's room. Apparently. |
Bert |
Griffin? |
Peter |
[From within a toilet stall] |
No. |
Sheila |
[Shoving open the door to reveal PETER sat on the toilet, his pants around his ankles] |
It is you, Peter. What are you doing? |
Peter |
Playing a game on my phone and having a beer. And, God willing, going to the bathroom. |
Bert |
Are you thinking what I'm thinking? |
Sheila |
He must be sh*tting on his shirt tail? |
Bert |
Eww, yes. But also, that's exactly the kind of customer we should be appealing to. I think we've found our new mascot. Are you in, Peter? |
Peter |
May I have a moment to talk it over with my mentor? |
Sheila |
Sure. |
[PETER shuts the cubicle door and begins to fart loudly. Finally, he opens the door again] |
Peter |
I'm in. |
[A final fart escapes] |
No. We did it! |
Clip 21 S17 E12: "Bri, Robot" |
When I first captured this audio, I thought it was funny. But now? I'm not sure. It's pretty sinister. Because it eludes to... well, you know. And that's not a laughing matter. |
Brian |
Minions 3? |
Lois |
Yeah! In this one, Gru has been replaced by Harvey Weinstein. |
[Cut to scene of the imaginary movie] |
Harvey |
Oh. You like working for bad guys? I'll show you bad guy. Now you touch it. You know what to touch. |
Minion |
[Crying] |
B... banana. |
Clip 22 S17 E13: "Trans-Fat" |
Peter has, albeit inadvertently, become a trans-gender man. Or is that a trans-gender woman? Which way around is it if a man... you know what? It doesn't matter. It's funny anyway. |
Peter |
Now that I'm livin' as a woman, I can say whatever I want to men and they can't hit me. |
[Cut to: Exterior of Quagmire's house. PETER rings the doorbell] |
Quagmire |
[Opening the door] |
Oh hey, Peter. |
Peter |
Sully could've made it to an airport. |
Quagmire |
You shut your mouth. That man is a hero. |
[QUAGMIRE draws his arm back as though to strike PETER] |
Peter |
Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah! Woman! |
Quagmire |
[Sighs] |
Well, it's definitely true that I respect the boundaries of women. Oh, hey, Sherry. Uh, just... just get in the fireplace. I'll... I'll spit down the chimney. |
Clip 23 S17 E13: "Trans-Fat" |
I'm not sure that this is a thing. I mean, women don't routinely fart around each other, do they? And certainly not in a restaurant, surely? I mean... that would be... awful, right? |
Sheila |
Now, Peter. One of the perks of being a woman is that you get to go out and have a white wine, squeak fart lunch with you friends. |
[Cut to: Restaurant interior] |
Did you hear, Diane's husband left her? |
[Farts] |
Woman #1 |
Yeah. You could tell from the wedding they were not going to last. |
[Farts] |
Woman #2 |
Oh, it's a shame. And they have two kids. |
[Farts] |
Peter |
Marriage is hard. |
[Farts] |
Those machines in the ladies' room, don't vend pants, do they? |
Clip 24 S17 E14: "Family Guy Lite" |
If you don't get this reference, you need to look up James Franco. He's a famous actor, sure. But his morals are allegedly seriously askew. |
Peter |
I've been here all day and I can't move. I've got it. I'll do what James Franco did in 127 Hours. |
[He makes a phone call] |
Operator |
UCLA Admissions Office. |
Peter |
Yes, I'd like to enrol in a couple of classes so I can have sex with girls not old enough to get into bars. |
Clip 25 S17 E14: "Family Guy Lite" |
This is hilarious. It's always best, if you're telling people something private in public, to ensure that the ambient sound will drown out your words to all but the intended recipients. |
Peter |
Oh, man... this means I'm the work fatty! I haven't been this embarrassed since I forgot about the silent part in George Michael's Faith. |
[Cut to INT: Drunken Clam - PETER and friends sat at their usual table] |
George Michael |
♪ |
Well, I need someone to hold me but I'll wait for somethin' more. |
♪ |
Peter |
I've started using these pills called "Stiff for Hours" from the gas station. |
George Michael |
♪ |
Yes, I gotta' have faith. |
Ooh, I've gotta' have faith. |
♪ |
Clip 26 S17 E15: "No Giggity, No Doubt" |
This is a funked-up version of the closing title music. Perfect for a ringtone, I feel. Go on, treat yourself! |
[Funky version of Family Guy closing title music] |
Clip 27 S17 E17: "Island Adventure" |
Imagine being a dog. How confusing must it be to take a dump and have a human immediately scramble to pick it up? Must feel like they're royalty, huh? |
Brian |
Boy, I tell ya. No better way to start your day than a morning dump in a neighbour's yard. |
Quagmire |
Brian |
It was a soft steamer. Almost impossible to pick up. |
Clip 28 S17 E17: "Island Adventure" |
Oh, Stewie. He loves his Big Wheel. It's of great sentimental value. For reasons that are about to become very, graphically clear. |
Stewie |
I've got to get that Big Wheel back. Will you drive me to the town dump? |
Brian |
Really? Can't we just... maybe.... buy you a new one? |
Stewie |
No, Brian. It has to be that Big Wheel. It's very special to me. I lost my V-Card on that thing. |
Brian |
You what? |
Stewie |
Yep. Went over a speedbump really fast and broke my hymen. |
Brian |
Stewie, you don't have a hymen. |
Stewie |
Yeah, not any more! |
Brian |
No. You're a boy. |
Stewie |
I have to correct you there, Brian. I'm a man. 'Cos... you know... broken hymen. |
Brian |
Boys don't have hymens. |
Stewie |
Okay... then I may have just ripped my taint. Either way, I love that bike! |
Clip 29 S17 E17: "Island Adventure" |
Oh, God. That poor kid. Rescued from a world of silence by a BAHA, his father switches on the device and THIS is what he says to his child? Really? Jeez. |
Quagmire |
Will you teach me the ways of the middle-aged woman? |
Lois |
All right. I'm a sucker for romance. |
Quagmire |
Thanks, Lois. This could open up a whole new world for me. Like one of those kids who gets a device that allows them to hear for the first time. |
Father |
[Powering up his son's BAHA for the first time] |
Billy? Can you hear? |
Billy |
Yes! |
Father |
Amazing! This is amazing! Your mom and I are going to get a divorce. I'm in love with someone else and I didn't want to say it with the silly hands. |
Clip 30 S17 E18: "Throw It Away" |
Stewie. For someone so well-spoken, so educated, so intelligent and so eloquent, he can be a real douche at times. |
Lois |
I just read Tricia Takanawa's book and it was really inspiring. She says that when you de-clutter your house, you de-clutter your mind and clear a path to true happiness. |
Stewie |
How 'bout a clear path to dinner, b**ch?! |
Clip 31 S17 E19: "Girl, Internetted" |
There are some things that no father wants to know about his own daughter. And in this scene, Peter is about to find out TWO of them. |
Peter |
All right, Meg... now that you're an internet personality, we've gotta build your brand. Is there anything you can do? |
Meg |
Uh, yeah, actually... I can [CENSOR BLEEPS] |
Peter |
Is... is there anything you can do in front of your Dad? |
Meg |
I can shuffle a deck of cards. |
Peter |
Oh, good. |
Meg |
Peter |
All right, we're taking your bedroom door off the hinges. |