Family Guy | Season 7
© 1999 20th Century Fox Television
Family Guy is one of the longest running (and arguably the funniest) cartoon shows ever to come out of the USA. It follows the dysfunctional Griffin family; Peter, Lois, Meg, Chris, Stewie and their talking dog Brian as they survive life in a small Rhode Island town. Expect filth, cursing, sick jokes and twisted animation. All the things we really love, huh?!
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Clip 1 S07 E01: "Love Blactually" |
It's Halloween. Brian and Stewie have ended up both dressing as Snoopy. Awkward. But even more awkward is the conversation between Brian and Jane, the woman Lois has tried to set him up with. |
Brian |
So, uh... that's a great costume. Wh... what are you? One of Freddy Krueger's victims? |
Jane |
I'm a victim of the Liberal agenda. I'm a murdered fetus. Did you know that Democrats murder thousands of babies every year? And sometimes babies are put back into the womb just so that they can be aborted again? |
Brian |
Have you ever had any sex that was voluntary? |
Jane |
No, I have not. |
Brian |
Yeah... have a good evening. |
[To Woodstock] |
Come on, buddy. Let's go. |
Woodstock |
[Chirps incoherently] |
Brian |
Yep. With a capital C! |
Clip 2 S07 E02: "I Dream of Jesus" |
The Griffins are at the Nifty Fifties Diner. That's really all you need to know about this clip. Except (for future reference) it's where Peter hears Surfin' Bird by The Trashmen on the jukebox. |
Peter |
Boy am I gonna enjoy this meal. Not like last night when I didn't have time to poop before the guests arrived. |
[Cut away to the Griffins' Living Room where PETER sits alone on the couch] |
Do I have time? You know what? I'm gonna go for it. |
[The doorbell sounds] |
Son of a b**ch! Looks like I'm gonna have to pile dinner on top of that - |
[He throws open the front door] |
Clip 3 S07 E02: "I Dream of Jesus" |
Jesus has been staying with the Griffins. I know, right?! Oh and remember Surfin' Bird? Well, Peter's spent the entire episode obsessed with it. And... GO! |
Peter |
Jesus is gone. |
Lois |
I sure am gonna miss him. |
Peter |
Me too. Although he did give me somethin' right before he disappeared. |
Lois |
What? |
Peter |
Somethin' very special, Lois. |
Meg |
What is it, Dad? |
Peter |
What... you haven't heard? |
Stewie |
FU*K! |
[Surfin' Bird begins to play and PETER jumps up to sing and dance along with it] |
Clip 4 S07 E03: "Road to Germany" |
Mort has ended up in occupied Poland. He's surrounded by Nazi soldiers. Only one thing a Jew can do in that situation. Escape. Disguised as a Catholic priest. |
German Soldier |
Are you sure you're a real priest? |
Stewie |
Yeah, yeah... I can vouch for him. He's real. He's molested me many, many times. |
Clip 5 S07 E03: "Road to Germany" |
Brian, Peter, Stewie and Mort have stolen a U-Boat and are trying to reach England to escape the Nazis. Brian is manning the sonar scope. |
Brian |
We're being pursued by two objects. Looks like one's another U-Boat. |
[We hear the familiar ping of a sonar scope picking up a metallic object] |
Brian |
The other appears to be Terence Trent D'Arby. |
[The ping morphs into the riff of the song Wishing Well] |
Clip 6 S07 E03: "Road to Germany" |
Brace yourselves, Funnies fans. It's the first uncensored use of the C word in Family Guy. And wouldn't you know that it's been attributed to Winston Churchill? |
Stewie |
Ah! London in war time. This is history right here, Brian. And look! There's Winston Churchill. Maybe we'll get an up-close look at his legendary wit. |
[We cut to WINSTON CHURCHILL having a discussion with BESSIE BRADDOCK MP] |
Bessie Braddock |
Urgh, Winston... drunk again I see. |
Winston Churchill |
Yeah? Well you're a c*nt! |
[Editor's Note: I'm not sure why Winston Churchill has a Bostonian accent in this clip. Perhaps it was a bit of ad lib that made it into the final cut?] |
Clip 7 S07 E04: "Baby Not On Board" |
Having been given a year's worth of free fuel, Peter buys a scrapped space shuttle. He uses it to go into orbit. I know, I know... but it's a cartoon and anything's possible. Right? |
Peter |
I'm back from space, everybody! |
Lois |
You got lucky, Peter. |
Chris |
How was it, Dad? |
Peter |
Oh... mind-boggling, Chris. Barrelling around the Earth at five miles per second, watching the sun rise over the sea of Japan, it's indescribable. Plus I had lots of time to masturbate which, in space, is great. Except after a while it's like living in a snow-globe. |
Clip 8 S07 E04: "Baby Not On Board" |
Peter and his family are off on vacation. He's just commenced their journey when his cellphone rings. It's Quagmire. See if you can spot what's happening here! |
Peter |
All right, everybody... off we go. We are gonna have such a great time... |
[PETER'S cellphone rings and he answers it] |
Hello? |
Quagmire |
Hey, Peter! What's up? |
Peter |
Oh hey, Quagmire. Just taking the family on vacation. |
Quagmire |
Oh, that's good. Oh, hang on a second. I'm stuck behind some fat-ass driving too slow. COME ON, STUPID! MOVE IT! |
[QUAGMIRE begins sounding the horn angrily] |
Peter |
Oh hang on, Quagmire. Some jerk behind me is honking his horn. |
Quagmire |
Oh, you should totally flip him off. |
[PETER'S left arm appears out of the window, mid-digit extended towards the car behind him] |
Oh, hang on a second. Some fat-ass just flipped me off. HEY, UP YOURS YOU JERK! |
[He sounds the horn again] |
Peter |
Hang on, Quagmire. I gotta kick this guy's ass. |
Quagmire |
Yeah, I gotta kick this guy's ass. |
Peter |
Hey, I'll call you back after the fight. |
Quagmire |
Yeah, me too. |
Peter |
Good luck in yours. |
Quagmire |
Good luck in yours! |
[Predictably, both cars screech to a halt in a lay-by and PETER and QUAGMIRE start punching the sh*t out of each other] |
Clip 9 S07 E05: "The Man with Two Brians" |
Brian, trying to compete with New Brian has decided to pay Chris a visit. Because it's moments like that which matter in a family. Stopping to talk, stopping to listen... |
Brian |
Hey, buddy. |
Chris |
Uh... hey! |
Brian |
I just wanted to check in with you. You know, sometimes life happens so fast... we miss the most important part which is sharing it. |
Chris |
Uh-huh. |
Brian |
Y'see, Chris... I care about you. And if there's ever anything you ever wanna talk about, or if you just want some company, I'm here for you. So? How's it hangin'? |
Chris |
Uh... okay. |
Brian |
Hey! What you got here? Oh, Maxim. That Jessica Biel sure is a cutie... |
[BRIAN suddenly does the maths. The magazine, the box of Kleenex on the side, CHRIS with his back turned to him...] |
You were masturbating when I came in. |
Chris |
Yeah. |
Brian |
So... how's it hangin' - |
Chris |
Brian |
Got ya. |
Clip 10 S07 E05: "The Man with Two Brians" |
New Brian has out-stayed his welcome. It's time for him to leave. He's just too wholesome, too perfect and it's putting Brian's big white nose out of joint. |
Stewie |
Hey! New Brian... bad news. You've gotta leave. |
New Brian |
Huh? What are you talkin' about? This is my home. |
Stewie |
Nobody likes you here, man. |
New Brian |
Well, I disagree. I think everybody likes me. |
Stewie |
No. We don't. We don't like your cooking, your stupid karaoke nights and we especially don't like the way you hump that chair in the den. |
New Brian |
Well... Rupert seems to like my humping. |
Stewie |
What did you say? |
New Brian |
Rupert. Humped him for two hours yesterday. He just laid there and took it. |
Stewie |
Did he? |
New Brian |
Yah. And now every time you're sleeping with him... he's gonna be thinking of me! |
[After a short, awkward pause we cut to PETER reading out loud from a handwritten letter] |
Peter |
And that is why I killed myself, chopped myself up and put myself in the garbage. |
Clip 11 S07 E06: "Tales of a Third Grade Nothing" |
Words fail me. I mean, during the miracle of childbirth, a woman might be described as "crowning" but I've never, EVER heard that word used to describe... well... this. |
Peter |
Hi. Is this where I get the "poop pass" to use the Executive Bathroom? |
Manager |
Sit down, Mr. Griffin. We need to talk. |
Peter |
Okay, well make it fast 'cos I'm startin' to crown! |
Clip 12 S07 E07: "Ocean's 3½" |
Stewie has fallen head-over-heels in love with Suzie, the baby daughter of Joe and Bonnie Swanson. He's written her a song. A song called, predictably, Suzie. |
Brian |
What's it called? |
Stewie |
Suzie. |
Brian |
Wow! A song named after a girl. There aren't a million of those already. |
Stewie |
Name twenty. |
Brian |
Rosanna, Roxanne, Michelle, Alison, Sarah, Angie, Brandy, Mandy, Gloria, Cecilia, Maggie-May, Jessica, Nancy, Barbara-Ann, Billy-Jean, Layla, Lola, Polly, Helena, Jenny from the block. |
Stewie |
Name six more. |
Brian |
Sherry, Laura, Wendy, Maria, Peggy-Sue, Minnie the Moocher. |
Stewie |
Name five more. |
Brian |
Tracy, Jean, Jane, Mary-Ann, Eleanor Rigby. |
[STEWIE throws his guitar violently to the floor] |
Stewie |
Go fu*k yourself! |
[He storms out of the room] |
Clip 13 S07 E08: "Family Gay" |
We're back with Mr. Herbert (the local pervert) again. This time he's at the Quahog Derby where he thinks he's uncovered a goldmine of small boys. They are, in fact, diminutive jockeys. |
Mr. Herbert |
Hey there, little fella. |
Jockey |
I'm forty-eight. |
Mr. Herbert |
This whole place is a giant mind-fu*k! |
Clip 14 S07 E08: "Family Gay" |
Peter has volunteered to participate in medical experiments. He's been injected with the gay gene and he's suddenly a very different man to the one that Lois married. |
Lois |
Peter... are you... gay? |
Peter |
Guiltyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! |
Clip 15 S07 E10: "Fox-Y Lady" |
A vacancy has arisen on the Fox News team for a news anchor. Lois is being encouraged to audition. |
Lois |
Well, I did write for my college newspaper. |
Peter |
Yeah, didn't you do any interview with that fast-talking FedEx guy? |
Lois |
Yeah... I ended up dating him or three months. |
[Cut to bedroom, LOIS lays next to the FedEx guy |
FedEx Guy |
That's a beautiful shade of lipstick. I bet you enjoy the music of Men at Work. You're incredibly foxy. Take off your shirt. Take off your pants. Wow what a body! That feels good. I'll give you a call. You'd better get tested. |
Clip 16 S07 E10: "Fox-Y Lady" |
Stewie is gay. There's no denying it. Which is weird since he's just a baby. And just when you thought it couldn't get any weirder, they go and write dialogue like this. I'm speechless. |
Stewie |
Hey, Lois. Little less yackety-yack, a little more cuttin' up my banana. What am I supposed to do... stick the whole thing in my mouth? I mean - |
[He does just that] |
Ooh, hello! |
Clip 17 S07 E10: "Fox-Y Lady" |
Lois is debating whether to run an exclusive on a possible gay relationship between Michael Moore and Rush Limbaugh. |
Lois |
But you didn't want me to do the story when it was gonna embarrass Michael Moore but you want me to do the story if it's gonna embarrass Rush Limbaugh |
Stewie |
Can you picture the two of those guys poking each other in the chops? Urgh! Be like sticking your arm in a backed-up sink. Imagine that. The two of them going at it? An over-sized Armani suit and an over-sized cheap windbreaker tossed casually on the floor. Next day at work Limbaugh finds a Detroit Tigers ball-cap up in there? |
Brian |
Stewie, shut up! |
Stewie |
What? It's just a weird image. |
Clip 18 S07 E12: "Episode 420" |
By popular demand, here is a carefully edited version of the Bag o' Weed song which, obviously, parodies Me ol' Bamboo from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. |
♪ |
Stewie |
Now everybody gather round and listen if you would, |
when I tell you every person needs a way of feeling good. |
Every kitty needs a ball of string and every dog a stick, |
Ensemble |
but all you need is a bag o' weed to really get a kick! |
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8! |
A bag o' weed, a bag o' weed, |
oh, everything is better with a bag o' weed. |
It's the only hope that you'll ever need, |
because everything is better with a bag o' weed. |
Stewie |
There you go, you're all getting it now! |
Ensemble |
When Texas people wanna feel good, |
Stewie |
they go assault a queer. |
Ensemble |
When stupid people need a thrill, |
Stewie |
they rent The Rocketeer. |
Ensemble |
When Michael Jackson needs a rush, |
Stewie |
he humps a guy like me. |
Ensemble |
But all we need is a bag o' weed to keep us worry-free! |
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 |
A bag o' weed, a bag o' weed, |
oh, everything is better with a bag o' weed. |
No, you don't need meth and you don't need speed, |
'cos everything is better with a bag o' weed. |
Stewie |
Have a go, Brian. |
Brian |
As Mr. H. L. Mencken said, "The common man's a fool". |
Stewie |
And just like Helen Keller said, "Doof doo gee dee poh bool." |
Brian |
But try and use your heads and don't buy into all the fear, |
Ensemble |
HEY! |
'cos all we need is a bag o' weed to make us want to cheer. |
1 - 2... a bag of weed, a bag o' weed, |
oh, everything is better with a bag o' weed. |
You can try and fight, but we're all agreed, |
Because everything is better with a bag o' weed. |
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8, |
And a 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 and a 5 and a 6 and a 7, oh! |
A bag o' weed, a bag o' weed, |
oh, everything is better with a bag o' weed. |
You're a happy guy when you plant the seed, |
Because everything is better with a bag o' weed! Oh, everything is better with a bag o' weed! |
Clip 19 S07 E13: "Stew-Roids" |
Spike TV. Full of stuff men like. |
V/O |
Spike TV... full of stuff men like. |
[We hear car tyres screeching during a burn-out, punches being exchanged during a fight, a toilet being flushed, a fart, a gun shot and a woman reaching orgasm] |
Yeah! That stuff! |
Clip 20 S07 E14: "We Love You Conrad" |
Gillian's fiancé is a real douche. He can speak French, catch dropped glasses before they hit the floor and heal injuries. Brian just hopes that he is hung like an elf. |
Derek |
Excuse me, I'm just gonna use the restroom really quick. |
Brian |
I... I'll go with you. |
Stewie |
Oh my God... gay! |
Brian |
Shut up, he's obviously some sort of super man... I just... I just need to know if he has any short-comings. It'll make me feel better. |
Stewie |
You are not even... you're going in there to look at... that's even gayer! |
[BRIAN follows DEREK into the restroom and there's a short pause whilst, presumably, he takes up position at an adjacent urinal] |
Brian |
Clip 21 S07 E15: "Three Kings" |
It's like Magnum, P.I. but it's called Magnum, B.M. which I now realise stands for "Bowel Movement". This is going to be a very different kind of show. |
V/O |
We now return to Magnum, B.M. |
[Cut to cartoon version of the famous show where THOMAS MAGNUM is approached by HIGGINS] |
Higgins |
Magnum, I've found a fingerprint smudge at the crime scene. Do you have poo on your hands? |
[MAGNUM examines his hand briefly] |
Magnum |
A little. |
[The Magnum, P.I. theme plays] |