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6 MP3 Audio clips from Nutty Professor II: The Klumps (2000)

Sherman Klump is facing the battle of his life. Professionally, intellectually and romantically, his evil, self-centred alter-ego Buddy Love is threatening to take him down. This comedy sequel really shows how versatile Eddie Murphy is as an actor as he plays almost the entire Klump family himself!

Timestamp: 2020-01-17 | Added: 2020-01-17
Nutty Professor II: The Klumps

Nutty Professor II: The Klumps

© 2000 Universal Pictures

Sherman Klump is facing the battle of his life. Professionally, intellectually and romantically, his evil, self-centred alter-ego Buddy Love is threatening to take him down. This comedy sequel really shows how versatile Eddie Murphy is as an actor as he plays almost the entire Klump family himself!




Clip 1

Why can the Klumps not enjoy a single meal without conflict, mainly between Papa Klump and Grandma Klump who love to hate each other.

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Papa Klump

I ain't no old man.

Grandma Klump

You is a old man!

[She rides into shot on her mobility scooter and collides both with the table and ERNIE'S foot]

Ernie Klump

Ah sh*t, Grandma! What's wrong with you?

Papa Klump

Well, if it isn't the Alzheimer's Express right on schedule!

Mama Klump

Stop that! Hi, Mama.

Ernie Klump

She drove right on my bunion.

Grandma Klump

Y'all have to excuse me for being late...

Ernie Klump

If you weren't my grandmother, boy... if you weren't my grandmother!

Grandma Klump

...Me and Isaac started getting kinda frisky in the car. Yeah. Had to give him a little appetiser.

Mama Klump

Ooh, Mama.

Papa Klump

Lillian, I just lost my damn appetite.

Mama Klump

Oh, Mama, your dress is undone. Let me zip you up.

Papa Klump

Hurry. Zip her up in the back before she starts looking like one of them Zulu hags on the cover of National Geographic.

Mama Klump

Cletus, what's wrong with you ? That's my mother.

Papa Klump

Like that movie, Shaka Zulu.

Grandma Klump

You know something, Cletus? Come on. Come on right now, Cletus! I'm gonna tell you something. I got a razor in this bag.

Papa Klump

Oh, yeah? l'll tell you what. That ain't even no bag in your hand. That's your titty.

Mama Klump

Cletus! Oh, Jesus !

Papa Klump

She's an old bag with old bag titties.

Clip 2

Sherman loves Denise. So much that he hires a Mariachi band to serenade her. Which is going just great until Buddy makes an unwelcome appearance.

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Denise? I have something that I want to ask you.

Mariachi Band


He wants to ask you...


Denise? Denise Gains?


Yes, Sherman?


Denise, will you...


Well, ask her!


Denise, will you...

Buddy Love

[Speaking inside SHERMAN'S head]

Hey Sherman. You hear me Sherman?


Denise will you... will you... let me come up there and put my beef in your taco?

Mariachi Band


Put the beef in your taco.



[BUDDY LOVE is heard laughing hysterically]


No, no, no, no. That's not what I meant to say, Denise. That was a little joke. That was a little joke. I wanted to see if you wanted to go out and get some Mexican food. That's what I said there.


Well, I am kind of hungry but...


Yeah you are, huh? Well I bet you could stand for a big old Whopper right now, huh?

Mariachi Band


A big old Whopper right now.


You're sick!


I gotta tell you, I'm a Jumbo Jack man myself, you know what I mean? And I'm loaded with secret sauce. Yeah, come on!

Clip 3

Buddy is meeting with Leanne Guilford, President of Acquisitions for Phleer Pharmaceuticals. Buddy is genetically derived from a dog. Which explains... this.

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Leanne Guildford

Leanne Guilford. President of Acquisitions.


Buddy Love, President of Love Industries.

[He begins frantically sniffing the air like a dog]

Leanne Guildford



No. Do you have a dog?

Leanne Guildford

Yes, I do. A Yorkie.



Leanne Guildford

She's driving me crazy right now.



Leanne Guildford

Excuse me?


It's a female dog that you have, and she's in heat, right?

Leanne Guildford

Yes. How did you know that?


Let's just say I have a sixth sense about those things.

[He picks up a photograph of a Yorkshire Terrier laying on it's back]

Is this her?

Leanne Guildford

Yeah, little Courtney.


[Clearly aroused]

Ooooooh. Nasty!

Clip 4

Long story short? Dean Richmond has been anally raped by a giant mutant hamster. He's not happy about it. Not happy at all. And he blames Sherman. Completely.

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Oh... Dean. I'm just trying to figure out what went wrong here. I just don't understand. It must have been some sort of contaminant or something...

Dean Richmond

You know the deal with Phleer is off? I just spoke to Leanne Guildford. But that doesn't bother me. After all, what's a hundred and fifty million dollars? Deals will come and deals will go. Wellman will always be Wellman. But I'll tell you what does bother me. On the way over here, a cute little boy pointed me and said, "Oh look, Mommy. There goes the hamster's B**CH!"

Clip 5

Sherman and Dean Richmond have arrived just in time for Sherman to re-absorb Buddy Love and regain his intelligence. Which he TRIES to explain.

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Wait! Wait! I'm sorry to interrupt, ladies and gentlemen but I cannot go on living unless I have this man inside me right now.

Dean Richmond

Steady, Sailor!

Clip 6

Buddy Love has been turned into the infant version of himself. One side-effect of this is that all of his clothes have fallen off and he's now standing on the boardroom table stark naked.

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Baby Buddy

What the hell are YOU looking at? This is an impressive package for a toddler!