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10 MP3 Audio clips from Fletch (1985)

Irwin "Fletch" Fletcher (Chevy Chase) is an investigative journalist looking into the supply of narcotics on an L.A. beach. But his snooping unveils far more than he ever considered possible and his life might very well be in danger if he persists in sticking his nose in.

Timestamp: 2020-01-05 | Added: 2020-01-05


© 1985 Universal Pictures

Irwin "Fletch" Fletcher (Chevy Chase) is an investigative journalist looking into the supply of narcotics on an L.A. beach. But his snooping unveils far more than he ever considered possible and his life might very well be in danger if he persists in sticking his nose in.




Clip 1

Alan Stanwyk has been watching Fletch. He has a proposition for him. A positively indecent proposal. But nothing sexual. No. More murderous.

Download Clip 0114-01 to your PC / Mac  

Alan Stanwyk

I'll give you a thousand dollars cash.



Alan Stanwyk

Just to come to my house and listen to the proposition. If you reject the proposition, you keep the thousand. And your mouth shut.


Does this proposition entail my dressing up as Little Bo Peep?

Clip 2

The lengths that Fletch will go to in order to gain information. He's faked renal pain just to speak to Alan Stanwyk's doctor.

Download Clip 0114-02 to your PC / Mac  

Dr. Dolan

Drop your shorts and bend over, Mr. Babar.

[He's donning latex examination gloves and applying petroleum jelly to the fingers in preparation for a prostate check]


Oh no, really, uh... we... we don't need to. I've, uh... we don't wanna do that. So, you know my kidneys feel a lot better in this position. Maybe it's just that I'm not doing any callisthenics. You know, if I did some sit-ups in the morning or bend over like this I'd probably feel a hundred percent b...

[He begins to sing]

Moon River! Phew! Thank you, Doc. You ever serve time?

Dr. Dolan

Breathe easy.



Breathe easy. You know, I was surprised that Alan was able to get that, uh... policy... as a matter of fact... AH! Uh, you using the whole fist, Doc?

Dr. Dolan

Just relax.

Clip 3

Fletch is meeting with Alan Stanwyk's unsuspecting wife at a lawn tennis club. He has to come up with a pseudonym. He's not good at that. Not good at it at all.

Download Clip 0114-03 to your PC / Mac  


John Coxtolstoy.

Gail Stanwyk


It's a beautiful name.


Well it's Scotch Romanian.

Gail Stanwyk

That's an odd combination.


Yeah, well so are my parents.

Clip 4

Fletch is having to pay alimony to his ex-wife. Her lawyer calls around to collect. He grudgingly hands over the $1000 that Stanwyk gave him.

Download Clip 0114-04 to your PC / Mac  


That's a thousand dollars. You apply the difference to next month, okay? Now scram.


'Til then.


Yeah. Keep ten for yourself. Go out and get yourself a nice piece of ass.

Clip 5

Fletch has just broken into and then escaped from a realtor's office in Utah chased by a very large Doberman dog which is now atop his car.

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[Photographing the dog through the winscreen]

C'mon, smile. Say "Flesh!" Oh!

[He points through the rear window of the car]

Defenceless babies!

[In a pure Scooby Doo moment, the dog's bark sounds strangely human]



[As the dog jumps down, FLETCH drives off]


Fell for the oldest trick in the book!

Clip 6

Fletch is ambushed in his hotel room by two cops who've lain in wait for his arrival back.

Download Clip 0114-06 to your PC / Mac  

Cop 1

Surprise! Police. Spread 'em.

[He begins to pat FLETCH down]

You got a gun, creep?


Shamu's got one. Borrow his.

Cop 1

What have we here?


It's my d*ck.

Cop 1

Oh... funny boy. What have we here?

[The COP drops a small bag of white powder on the floor at FLETCH'S feet]

Cop 2

Looks like heroin, Gene.


Hey, you just planted that.

Cop 1

What'd you say?


You fellas wanna read me my rights?

Cop 1

You have the right to remain silent. You have the right to have your face kicked in by me. You have the right to have your balls stomped by him.

Cop 2

[Pouts at Fletch]


I'll waive my rights.

Clip 7

Fletch has been taken down town and is being booked in on a trumped-up charge of Possession of Narcotics.

Download Clip 0114-07 to your PC / Mac  

Desk Sergent

What's the booking, gentlemen?

Cop 1

Possession of narcotics. And the Chief wants to talk to him.

Desk Sergeant

Oh yeah? You'll like Chief Karlin. He's a nice man.


Yeah, I heard he's mellowed out a lot since he came out of the closet.

Desk Sergeant

[To COP 1]

You'd better take his picture while he still has a face.

Clip 8

Chief Karlin needs to speak to Fletch alone. Because he's in it up to his eyeballs and he doesn't want witnesses.

Download Clip 0114-08 to your PC / Mac  

Chief Karlin

Officers, uh... could you excuse us for a few moments?


Yeah why don't you guys go down to the gym and pump each other?

Clip 9

As bad chat-up lines go, this one is right up there with "Get in the van!" and "Did it hurt when you fell from Heaven?"

Download Clip 0114-09 to your PC / Mac  


Why don't we both relax and go in there and lie down and, uh... I'll fill you in.

Clip 10

It's the old story. Boy finds girl, boy loses girl, boy gets girl back again, boy offers to take girl to a Laker game, girl isn't keen.

Download Clip 0114-10 to your PC / Mac  


That's... the sort of... see the thing is we haven't really dated formally. I always take my first dates to a Laker game.

Gail Stanwyk

I don't want to go to a Laker game. I don't like Basketball.


Well maybe that's because you don't understand Basketball. You haven't been schooled in the fundamentals. Pick and roll.

Gail Stanwyk


That sounds like a fast food chain.


Or... Reverse Stuff.

Gail Stanwyk

Now that I've done.


I'll bet you have, you little vixen!