Desperate for money for rent, Dewey Finn assumes the name of his friend, Ned Schneebly to land a job as a supply teacher at an exclusive school. Problem is, he knows nothing about the sciences or humanities. All he knows is rock music. And so he decides to hone the children's already considerable musical talents and enter his class into the Battle of the Bands.
Desperate for money for rent, Dewey Finn assumes the name of his friend, Ned Schneebly to land a job as a supply teacher at an exclusive school. Problem is, he knows nothing about the sciences or humanities. All he knows is rock music. And so he decides to hone the children's already considerable musical talents and enter his class into the Battle of the Bands.
It's Dewey's first day on the job and the principal, Rosalie Mullins is walking him to his class.
You know what? You don't have to worry about me because I'm a hard ass. And if a kid gets out of line I got no problem smacking him in the head.
No. No, no... we don't use corporal punishment here.
Okay, so just... verbal abuse?
Mr. Schneebly, if you have any problems with any of your students, you just send them to me. I will do the disciplining.
Clip 2
Summer has been grilling Dewey on his plans for the syllabus and timetable. He's not having any of it. He has plans of his own. Basically, to do as little as possible.
Miss Dumb Bum ain't your teacher today. I am. And I got a headache. And the runs. So I say... time for recess.
Clip 3
Dewey has snuck the class out of school to register for Battle of the Bands. And he's told the judges that the children are terminally ill to get them a place. Yeah. Not good.
We're on the bill.
Cut it out! You're dying. Remember?
[Start to feign coughs and weakness]
Clip 4
Rosalie Mullins knows that music has been played in the classroom. Dewey, thinking on his feet, tells her that he uses music to enliven boring subjects. He then has to demonstrate.
And fifty-four is-a forty-five more than what is the answer, Marta?
No, it's eight.
No, it's nine!
Clip 5
It has to be said that Parents' Evening isn't going so well. The parents want answers and Dewey isn't able to provide them without giving the game away.
Excuse me. Ever since you started teaching here all my son can talk about is music. He says when he grows up, he wants to be a musician. Is this your influence?
Summer's Mother
Yeah, well... Mr. Schneebly, why has my daughter become obsessed with David Geffen?
Lawrence's Father
[Holding up a CD]
How is this homework?
Okay, see... I would like to tell you about what we've been doing in here but there's such a thing as teacher student confidentiality. And I don't wanna be in breach of educational law. 'Cos I could be dismembered by the teacher's union. So...
You expect us to believe this garbage?
Clip 6
Exposed as an impostor, Dewey tries to make things right. What he means is that he has been a positive influence on the children. But it all comes out wrong. VERY wrong.
My name is Dewey Finn. And no, I'm not a licensed teacher. But I have been touched by your kids. And I'm pretty sure I've touched them.
[The reaction isn't quite what DEWEY was expecting]
Clip 7
The Principal's office is full of concerned parents asking how Dewey came to be working at the school. Not the best time for the children to run away to participate in Battle of the Bands!
I've just been informed that all of your children are missing!