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6 MP3 Audio clips from Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls (1995)

This sequel was, unusually, released within a year of its predecessor. Ace is now living in a Buddhist Ashram but is called upon to return to "active duty" to recover a rare white bat, the sacred animal of a tribe in Africa. Only six clips were identified as being suitable for an "audio-only" website but they are absolute crackers. In every way!

Timestamp: 2019-11-27 | Added: 2019-11-27
Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls

Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls

© 1995 Morgan Creek Entertainment

This sequel was, unusually, released within a year of its predecessor. Ace is now living in a Buddhist Ashram but is called upon to return to "active duty" to recover a rare white bat, the sacred animal of a tribe in Africa. Only six clips were identified as being suitable for an "audio-only" website but they are absolute crackers. In every way!




Clip 1

Fulton Greenwall seeks the elusive Ace Ventura who, since a tragic accident involving a raccoon, has taken sanctuary in an Ashram.

Download Clip 0065-01 to your PC / Mac  

Fulton Greenwall

It's extremely nice to meet you. Now... my name is Fulton Greenwall and I am looking for an Ace Ventura.

Ashram Monk

No man here carries with him a label.

Fulton Greenwall

What? Oh, yes. No names. How silly of me. Well, um, he's an American.

Ashram Monk

We are all children of the same life force.

Fulton Greenwall

Yes, of course we are. Well, uh, he bends over and he speaks from his rear.

Ashram Monk

Oh, HIM!

Clip 2

Perhaps it's the altitude. Perhaps Ace is slightly deaf. Perhaps the Stewardess didn't make herself clear. Perhaps Ace is a pervert.

Download Clip 0065-02 to your PC / Mac  




Yes, I have one right here. It's bulky but I consider it carry-on.




Ohhh, I see.


Clip 3

Ace is distracted on the flight, despite Fulton outlining the case he is to undertake in such dramatic fashion.

Download Clip 0065-03 to your PC / Mac  

Fulton Greenwall

The sacred animal was offered as dowry for the marriage. But, if it is not recovered, the result will be the merciless slaughter of the Wachatis.

[Noticing that ACE is distracted]

Uh, Mr. Ventura? Mr. Ventura!


[Doing a passable impression of Captain James T. Kirk]

There's... someone on the wing. Some... thing!

[He grabs FULTON by the collar]

I'm sorry. What were you saying?

Clip 4

This one might be handy as a ringtone. It's the moment in the movie where Ace has just rolled a Landrover into a space beside the Governor's Rolls Royce. Literally.

Download Clip 0065-04 to your PC / Mac  Download this clip in Apple M4R (ringtone) format


Like a glove!

Clip 5

Vincent Cadby is not Ace Ventura's kind of guy. He's pretentious and likes to use a crop to discipline his horse. Ace can't resist putting that crop to good use.

Download Clip 0065-05 to your PC / Mac  

[ACE takes VINCENT CADBY'S riding crop and smacks him on the ass with it]


Funny. It didn't seem that painful when you were doing it to the horse.

Clip 6

A woman descends the stairs with a dead fox around her shoulders. This is like a red rag to a bull for Ace who can't resist destroying her. Oh, and her husband looks like the Monopoly guy.

Download Clip 0065-06 to your PC / Mac  


That's quite a wrap you're wearing. Perhaps I could get you some fluffy new slippers made from the heads of innocent and defenceless baby seals?


Who is this... ghastly man?


[Extending his hand]

Ace Ventura, Pet Detective. And... YOU must be the Monopoly guy! Hey.

[Whispers in the man's ear]

Thanks for the free parking!

Pompous Woman

Another... activist, McGuire.


Activist... yeeesssss.

[Laughs pompously]


[Mocking McGUIRE]

Activist... yeeesssss.

[Also laughs pompously]

Pompous Woman

Mr. Ventura, there is nothing wrong with enjoying the fruits of nature. You should try it some time.


All righty then.

[He punches McGUIRE unconscious and drapes him over his shoulder causing the other guests to gasp in astonishment]

Do not pass go. Do not collect two hundred dollars!