After Life | Season 3
© 2019 Netflix
This heart-warming, thought-provoking and side-splittingly funny creation is the work of Ricky Gervais who not only penned and directed it but also stars as Tony, a recently widowed journalist who is struggling with both his loss and a future without Lisa, the love of his life.
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Clip 1 S03 E01 |
Tony's brother-in-law, Matt wants to socialise. It'll be good for his marriage. And good for Tony. But Tony doesn't share his optimism as I'm fairly sure he made quite clear during this conversation. |
Matt |
Eat before you come and then we'll just, you know, have some drinks, put on some tracks, have a few laughs... |
Tony |
There'll be no laughter. |
Matt |
Seven thirty? |
Tony |
I'm usually on my second bottle of wine by then. |
Matt |
Okay, perfect. You can drink it round my place. |
Tony |
Right. |
Matt |
Yeah? |
Tony |
Okay. |
Matt |
Great. |
Tony |
If Emma's up for it. |
[Sighs] |
Matt |
Thank you. |
Tony |
[As he's leaving] |
Oh, fu*king hell. |
Matt |
I can hear you. |
Tony |
I know. |
Matt |
Well just wait until you're out of the office. |
Clip 2 S03 E01 |
Irritating when you're at a zebra crossing (a cross-walk for our American visitors) and a car fails to yield. And I often feel like Tony. But, like him, I don't generally carry a brick with me. Sadly. |
[As TONY and LENNY are about to cross the road, a car ignores them and drives straight through the crossing] |
Tony |
I... I hate that. He knew we were crossing the road but he had to save that ten seconds 'cause he's got such an important job as a full-time C*NT! I always wish I had a brick to put through the fu*king window. |
Lenny |
That'd be the last piece of the jigsaw, wouldn't it? You actually carrying a brick around with you. Hovering around zebra crossings. |
Tony |
Yeah, it'd be a social service. I'd be like Batman. |
Lenny |
But mental. |
Tony |
Yeah. |
Clip 3 S03 E01 |
Brian just can't let go of his past. Or his ex-wife. It's eating him up inside. Not that you can tell from his latest joke. Funny but there's always a theme to his particular line of humour. |
Brian |
Here. Here's a new one. What's worse than finding a maggot in your apple? |
James |
Dunno. |
Brian |
Finding your ex-wife in Safeway's car park getting gang-banged by some Dutch lorry drivers. Yeah, finding a maggot in your apple's nothing after that, boy. Trust me. |
Clip 4 S03 E01 |
Nothing worse than bumping in to your ex-wife and her new beau. Especially when he's a psycho named Micky the Gypsy. Nothing worse. Probably. |
Brian |
Still together, then? |
Elizabeth |
On and off, yeah. |
Micky the Gypsy |
She was shagging Spudhead for a while. |
Elizabeth |
He caught us at it, didn't you? |
Brian |
Awkward. |
Micky the Gypsy |
It wasn't awkward. Gave me the excuse to smash the granny out 'the c*nt. Bloodbath, weren't it? |
Elizabeth |
Proper mess. |
Brian |
It turned out quite well then, really. |
Micky the Gypsy |
You know me. I like to look at things in a positive way. |
Brian |
Yeah, I know you do, mate. |
Elizabeth |
My problem is, I just wanna try to please everyone. |
Micky the Gypsy |
She's a slag, mate. |
Elizabeth |
He knows. |
Clip 5 S03 E01 |
It might be childish to adorn a snowman with a carrot for a penis but it's also very, very funny. As you're about to discover in this flashback to Lisa in her prime. |
nbsp; |
[We see LISA putting the finishing touches to a snowman in one of TONY'S videos of her] |
Lisa |
Thoughts? |
Tony |
Best snowman ever. |
Lisa |
Snowperson. |
Tony |
Oh, yeah. |
Lisa |
Yep. |
Tony |
My bad. Could be either gender. |
Lisa |
Mmm-hmm. |
[The camera angle lowers to reveal a carrot where the snowman's penis would be] |
Tony |
With a carrot for her massive c*ck. |
Lisa |
[Laughs] |
Correct! |
Tony |
You hadn't thought it through. Picking me up on sexist language. |
Lisa |
It's a lovely c*ck. |
[They both laugh] |
Clip 6 S03 E02 |
Pat (the postman) is in a relationship with Roxy. Roxy is a prostitute. Even now. So whilst he's delivering the mail, she's receiving males. If you catch my very obvious drift. |
[TONY answers the door to find PAT standing on the doorstep with a letter for him] |
Pat |
There you go. |
Tony |
Cheers. |
Pat |
All right? |
Tony |
Yeah good. You? |
Pat |
Yeah, good. Yeah, yeah. How's the dog? |
Tony |
How's the dog? |
Pat |
Yeah, yeah. Chilling on the couch I'll bet. |
Tony |
Yeah, she's... good. |
Pat |
Yeah, great. Great, yeah. Oh, ask me how my girlfriend is. |
Tony |
How's your girlfriend? |
Pat |
Good. Good, yeah. Yeah, being done from behind as we speak by Andy Norris, the Bookmaker. |
Tony |
Right. |
Pat |
See ya. |
Clip 7 S03 E02 |
Walk a mile in their shoes. Isn't that what they say? But who'd want to walk a mile in Coleen's shoes? Not even Coleen, to be honest. Holy sh*t, if this doesn't make you feel better about yourself... |
Matt |
Oh, sorry, yeah. Um, uh... this is Coleen. Uh, the new intern. She's Sandy's replacement. This is Tony. |
Tony |
You all right? |
Coleen |
No, not really. I'm absolutely gutted. I'm starting at the bottom again. I worked my way up to management in my old job. |
Tony |
Where was your old job? |
Coleen |
At the Mini Mart but it went bust during the pandemic so... I've had to take anything. Even though the money's sh*t and I don't know what I'm doing. |
Tony |
Well, we're all in the same boat, then. |
Coleen |
Oh, really? Do you live with your alcoholic mum because your dad's in prison for beating up her brother who groped you? |
Clip 8 S03 E02 |
Ken is an agent. Not to the stars. Not to Hollywood royalty. But to the good people of Tambury. And when Coleen mentions that she's in need of a place of her own, he says... well, this! |
Ken |
Look, if you're homeless, I've got a flat above my office. |
Coleen |
Oh, what... it's empty? |
Ken |
Yeah, I used it to audition the young lands. Wink, wink. Or rather wa*k, wa*k! If you get what I mean. |
Tony |
I think I know what you're suggesting. |
Coleen |
Yeah, he just... just said it! |
Clip 9 S03 E02 |
As an adult, your mother walking in on you having a bath is second only to your mother walking in on you having a... you know. But for your friend to walk in, too AND look at your balls. Sheesh! |
[JAMES is in the bath when, without so much as a courtesy knock, into the bathroom walks JUNE (his mother) and BRIAN] |
James |
WHAT?! |
Brian |
All right, boy? |
James |
Mum! |
June |
What, love? |
James |
I'm having a bath. |
June |
Good boy. |
Brian |
Bloody steamy in here, innit? |
June |
Yeah, I told him he has it too hot. Bad for his testicles. Makes you sterile. |
Brian |
Do you mind? |
[As though it's the most natural thing in the world, BRIAN leans forward to look at JAMES' testicles] |
Yep, they do look red, mate. |
June |
[Also leaning forwards to peer at her son's genitals] |
Oh, yeah. Put a bit of cold on them, James. |
James |
June |
You want some cake, Brian? |
Brian |
Oh, yes please. Thank you. |
June |
James? |
James |
June |
Is that a yes or a no? |
James |
Clip 10 S03 E02 |
Ken is the landlord from hell. Coleen may be living in his bedsit and he may be lonely but that doesn't give him the right to breeze in and out as he pleases. |
[KEN approaches the door to COLEEN'S room and begins trying the handle] |
Ken |
You've got the lock on. |
Coleen |
Yeah, I'm in bed. |
Ken |
It's Ken. |
Coleen |
Yeah, I guessed that. |
Ken |
I've had an idea for a new showbiz gossip piece called Careless Whispers. |
Coleen |
Okay, tell me tomorrow. |
Ken |
Yeah, it's basically a list of all the people I know who claim they've wa*ked off George Michael. |
Coleen |
Okay, I'm going to sleep. |
Ken |
Good idea though, i'nt it? |
Coleen |
Yeah. |
Ken |
Yeah. N-night then. |
Coleen |
Yeah, night, Ken. |
Ken |
What? |
Coleen |
Night, Ken. |
Ken |
Yeah, all right. |
Clip 11 S03 E03 |
Tony and Lenny are in a café enjoying a spot of lunch. But Tony is having to contend with an overbearing father who's doing the whole "goo-goo-gaa-gaa" thing at an adjacent table. |
Tony |
There's no honour any more. |
Father |
Have you done a poo? A big farmyard poo? |
Tony |
Oh, for fu*k's sake! |
Father |
You okay? |
Tony |
Yeah, why? |
Father |
But you just said, "for fu*k's sakes," so... |
Tony |
What, and you assumed something had annoyed me? Like... someone making unnecessary noise? |
Lenny |
Oh, sh*t! |
Father |
Well, he's a baby. |
Tony |
Yeah, but he's not the one making all the noise, is he? You are. |
Father |
Yeah, well to keep him amused because if he was crying, that would annoy people wouldn't it? |
Tony |
No, it wouldn't. 'Cause he's a baby. You making all the noise is the annoying bit. |
Father |
They're just sounds. They shouldn't concern you. You know, you're talking to your friend, I'm talking to my child. |
Tony |
Yeah but you can't hear every word I'm saying, can you? |
Father |
Oh, so what? There's noise around. That's life. |
Tony |
Okay. Good point. |
[TONY begins to playfully prod at LENNY, speaking in the same infantile manner] |
Who's a noisy pr**k? You are. You big annoying pr**k? |
Father |
Well, that's pathetic. |
Tony |
Sorry, I'm just talking to my friend. |
Father |
Well, you're saying things that others don't want to hear. |
Tony |
So were you but you don't care so... uh... |
[Resuming where he left off] |
Yeah, you're a big, loud c*ck. Yes you are! You're a hipster gnome-looking fu*king twat! You big, annoying loud c*ck in public. You are. You're a c*nt. You are. You are, you're a c*nt. I'm gonna... gonna... |
[He adds blowing raspberries to his repertoire, lifting LENNY'S shirt to blow one straight onto his belly] |
Tony |
[Sitting back down and turning to the horrified father] |
They're just sounds. |
Clip 12 S03 E03 |
Some would say that Kath is shallow. Materialistic. And I would agree. Where is she going to find a man who matches the attributes on her list? Coleen's, however... 99.9% of men could apply. |
Kath |
Made a list for my perfect bloke. How tragic is that? |
Coleen |
Oh, yeah. I've done that. What's on yours? |
Kath |
Own car, house, own business, no kids, smart, you know... proper bloke. What was on yours? |
Coleen |
Must have a face and a c*ck. |
Clip 13 S03 E03 |
Matt is driving Tony to Midlake to scatter his father's ashes. On route, Tony is enduring Matt's frankly appalling taste in music. Well, he does to a degree. But not all of the CDs make it there. |
♪ Dancing in the Moonlight by Toploader ♪ |
Tony |
[Ejecting the CD from the car's stereo] |
Nah, that's enough of that. |
Matt |
Well, put something you like on, then. |
Tony |
Yeah, there's the challenge! |
[TONY begins to peruse MATT'S selection of compact discs] |
Will Smith, Willenium? |
Matt |
Yes, as in... the Millenium. |
Tony |
Yeah, the last time anyone bought a CD. Lighthouse Family? |
Matt |
Good band. I love the Lighthouse Family. |
Tony |
Susan fu*king Boyle. |
Matt |
Yeah. What? |
Tony |
Out she goes! |
[TONY throws the CD out of the open window into the hedgerow] |
Matt |
What, eh... what... what are you doing? |
Tony |
Uh-oh. |
Matt |
Not Bublé. |
Tony |
Yes, Bublé. |
Matt |
No, no, NO! ARE YOU MAD?! |
[The Bublé CD joins Susan Boyle's CD in the English countryside] |
You could kill someone. Tony! |
Tony |
Radiohead. |
Matt |
That... that's not mine. |
Tony |
No, I know. It's good. |
Matt |
It's Jill's. Lisa got it for her. |
Tony |
Did she? Yeah, she loved them. |
Clip 14 S03 E03 |
This is an awkward anecdote. Brian, filming his then wife down on all fours being done from behind by Roly Carter. His words. Not mine. Quite a vision though, huh? Would you excuse... I feel sick. |
Brian |
So she's on all fours and he's round the back door... doing her doggy-style. And I'm capturing the whole damn thing. She was absolutely fu*king loving it. I could see it in her eyes. And then Roly looks at me. Out of the blue, straight down the lens. And shakes his head. As if to say, "This is absolutely fu*king awful." I didn't know whether he meant the quality of the production or the rough carpet on his knees. Turns out he meant the smell of her growler. |
Clip 15 S03 E04 |
Tony has just kicked Matt's ass on the tennis court. Not literally, of course. He beat him. God-only-knows by how many sets. They've returned to the office. Matt is defeated. Completely. |
Lenny |
Who won? |
Matt |
Well, he did, but - |
Lenny |
Really?! |
Tony |
Yeah. |
Matt |
Yeah. But obviously I can never go back there again. I mean, the language was appalling. You should have heard him effing and jeffing all over the place. He'd have been disqualified from Wimbledon. |
Tony |
Fu*king Wimbledon! |
Matt |
See what I mean? |
Lenny |
That's nothing. He was shouting at a bloke with a baby in the café the other day. Everyone looking. Calling him a c*nt. |
Tony |
For very good reason. |
Kath |
Why? |
Tony |
He was a c*nt! |
Clip 16 S03 E05 |
Matt's quest to triumph over Tony at sport has led to a mild myocardial infarction on the squash court. He's in hospital, receiving comforting words from his brother-in-law. Well, sort of! |
Tony |
I'm just glad we're only related by marriage because I'd be embarrassed to share actual genetic material with such a mutant weakling. |
Matt |
Yeah, lovely. This is helping. |
Tony |
We've got to build you up. |
Matt |
Yep. |
Tony |
D'you know what I mean? |
Matt |
Hmm-mmm. |
Tony |
But slowly and carefully. Squash is way too dangerous for someone that modern medicine refers to as puny. Let's start on something like flower-arranging and work our way up to Hopscotch. Will you keep the dress afterwards? |
Matt |
It's not a dress. |
Tony |
Well, it is a dress. |
Matt |
It's a gown. |
Tony |
A gown is a dress. It's a little lady's dress. And they put you in something they thought you'd like to wear. |
Matt |
Do you want me to have another heart-attack? |
Tony |
No. Because they weren't sure, they - |
Matt |
If you keep doing this - |
Tony |
They said - |
Matt |
It will be murder, you know that? |
Tony |
They didn't know. They said, "Well, it's a lady isn't it? Hold on, check the genitals. Still no clue. Put it in a dress." Did they give you a smear test? They might as well. While they're here. They need to test... everything. |
Matt |
Can you - |
Tony |
Because you're - |
Matt |
I've just had a heart-attack. Stop making me stressed. |
Tony |
Calm down. |
Matt |
Will you please - |
Tony |
Calm down. |
Matt |
If I have another one, it'll be your fault. |
Tony |
How dare you, madam! |
Matt |
Have you not got somewhere else you need to be? |
Tony |
I have, actually! |
Clip 17 S03 E06 |
How did you meet your partner? At a club? On a blind date? Introduced by friends? Or did he tell you an inappropriate joke that you didn't find funny? Do let us know. |
Tony |
How did you meet Stan? |
Anne |
I was on holiday with my mum. |
Tony |
Mmm. |
Anne |
It was a caravan park. And we met in the Club Room at a dance and... and then we went for dinner and he told me a rude joke. And I didn't laugh. And it made him feel bad. Fifty years later it still eats me up that I didn't laugh. |
Tony |
What was the joke? |
Anne |
What's the difference between a Rolls Royce and a dead prostitute? |
Tony |
Dunno. |
Anne |
I haven't got a Rolls Royce in my garage. |
Tony |
[Laughs] |
Oh, good old Stan! |